New error

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I got a new error trying to access

XML Parsing Error: unexpected parser state Location: jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/browser/omni.ja!/chrome/browser/content/browser/aboutneterror/netError.xhtml Line Number 305, Column 54:



Again, I'm running windows 7 home premium and using the latest Firefox browser.

Can anyone decode this for me?


error report

Basically, Storysite didn't respond with data within Firefox's internal time limit. Try a "hard" refresh [hold "shift" which clicking on the refresh symbol (three quarter circle with arrow on one end of the arc).]

I got in all right

Angharad's picture

As there appears to be no direct link from here, I went via FM links and got in first time, using Windows 7 Professional and IE.


It works for me...

erica jane's picture

I tried the Crystal's Storysite link that is the first link under the Hosted by Us button in the link bar. Went right through for me.

~And so it goes...

Same Here...

...worked fine for me using the Hosted by Us bar and Firefox/Windows Vista.

Problem with my machine

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I've been having this problem for a while. I'm convinced that it's internal with my machine. It makes no difference how I try to get there, the error pops up. However if I turn on Wi-Fi on my Nook and go to the web, it has no trouble accessing Storysite. The internet connection is the same. The only difference is that my desks top computer is bypassed.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Have you tried it on that PC

Have you tried it on that PC using a different browser, IE, Chrome, whatever? If you have success with another browser, try reinstalling Firefox.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

If it is blocked in firefox ...

You'll probably have to completely remove firefox, and all it's directories too, for a reload to clear that. That happened to me with a site I used to use a lot. I can access it from any machine in the house, except that one system. I've "upgraded" firefox multiple times with no improvement. I'll be building a new (Win7) system disk for it soon, anyway, so we'll see if it finally stops the problem.