Reading Recommendations

Alright, this never seems to work out well for me, but I'm gonna try this again....

I'm looking for something to read.

I've asked this before, but it always seems to end up being a wash for one reason or another. So, here is what I'm looking for:

1) Male to female
2) Between the ages of 12 and 35
3) Non-forced-femme
4) Gender-straight romance (as in the main character is in the female role with a male love interest.)
5) Set in the eighties or later, or sci fi or fantasy.

Here is what I'm NOT looking for:

1) A weak, wishy-washy main character with no personality or will
2) Tons of pointless drama and punishment of characters just because you can
3) Lesbian romance, or stories where the character cheats on their significant other
4) Sex (at least not moreso than is seen in a typical romance novel)
5) Multiple transformations (I tend to hate stories where every other character is TG or transformed in some way)

And lastly, here are things I am indifferent to:

1) Anthros (MORFs is neat, but that's about the extent to which it appeals to me)
2) Transformation type (Magic, sci fi, IS, hormones, it really doesn't matter)
3) Length
4) Fanfiction (caveat: this only works for me with characters where the change makes sense, which most fanfic doesn't ever bother with. I'm looking at YOU, Harry Potter fanfics.)
5) Mary Sues

Alright, peeps, y'all should all know me pretty well by now, and if you don't, then the above list should tell you kinda what I like. I prefer the Nora Roberts-style romance over the Danielle Steele, I like stuff with happy endings and solid romance where the good guys win. I can even read a story without romance at all if it's well-presented; I just want stories where I can identify with and empathize with the main character, hence my preferences above. Good writing, interesting characters with personalities and voices! No ciphers, no weak-willed victims.

Anyway, let's see if this works out better than the last coupla times I asked for recommendations. I usually get a few good ones, but people tend to miss the fact that I don't want erotica and just can't get into lesbian stories easily. So, show me whatcha got!

Melanie E.

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