I hope I'm not being tiresome in reposting interesting tidbits I find elsewhere on the 'net every once in awhile.
This story is about an FTM man, legally married to a woman, who opted to carry their child when she couldn't.
For me, the most interesting part is the behavior of the medical staff where they live, putting their own petty attitudes above the health and welfare of their patient.
Expectant FtM
Awesome article, except it was way too short. There was so much it barely touched on. If Thomas Beatie ever writes a book about this whole experience I'd love to read it...... And yeah, I'm naive enough to be shocked whenever medical professionals act this way, I mean the dude's pregnant, what's the big deal? Best of luck to the proud parents!
~~~hugs, Laika.
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
A Story Of True Love
Very touching in respect of his devotion to his wife. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at the reactions of others, but I really would have thought the medical fraternity would be more understanding. I wonder whatever happened to the Hippocratic Oath?
I just saw the WORST news item on this couple on ABC News. Their angle was that this "pregnant man" could be a hoax, incredulous neighbors were interviewed in little snippets, and the narrator's voice had the most sneering, eye-rolling tone to it, the way words like "transgender" and Mr. Kincaid's old name were pronounced. I wish I could link this news item to here, or maybe it's better for our collective blood pressure at BCTS that I don't know how. IT WAS AWFUL! A real P.T. Barnum freak show presentation. And this was ABC News, not Bill O'Reilly or whoever. Maybe the couple is prepared for something like this, being out in a national publication like the Advocate, but I'm sure the tabloids are now rushing toward their home in Oregon (if they aren't already a big tabloid curiousity), and it's all going to get very sleazy & misinformed, bringing the kooks out of the woodwork, and I pray their life won't be disrupted too terribly...
~~~hugs, Laika
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
OMFG is Right
I don't really want to watch it myself. I've been fed up with "mainstream" newsmedia for, like, forever now. But, here is a link to the web page article, which looks like it has a video link, too.
A quick glance at the text article doesn't make it seem too awful, but I'm sure the video more than makes up for that.
Whatever happens from here out, ABC is guilty of either incitement, or attempted incitement -- purposely dramatizing this story to an audience that they KNOW contains a lot of people who are conservative, judgemental, and easily angered by "non-normative" sexuality.
I've been reading through the comments. It's the usual mix, pretty much. A few more "live and let live" comments than I'd expect, and a few supportive ones. This one caught my attention, especially the last line; I think it's a valid observation.
Not that bad
I saw the clip also and have to ask, just what did you expect? Warm gushing about how wonderful the whole thing is? They presented the idea from both viewpoints: could be a fake, could be possible. What they didn't have was any moralising about it, no dueling ministers, no ACLU vs. Westboro Baptist Church reps, nothing like that. I was frankly surprised there wasn't more possible hoax talk.
Karen J.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
o.k. maybe not
Watching it a second time it didn't seem so bad. Okay, so I'm a nut. Maybe I just don't like the narrator. I don't like most newscasters, I've never gotten used to that strange phony stylized intonation they use (I was counting off the days until Tom Brokaw would retire, but they went and CLONED him- the new guy was exactly like him!). But the first time thru it seemed so laden with insinuation: "Isn't this the strangest thing you ever heard of??"; and by so doing telling the folks at home what they should feel about this too. There is a middle ground between "warm gushing" and this. Reading instead of leading. Like the laid-back diffident droning of good old Jim Lehrer...
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Not a nut, no
That style is very common on the morning talk shows, where they seek to "engage" the viewer instead of giving them the facts. It's what sells, and they've got all sorts of research to back them up. There has always been an attitude by the media, shaped to the bias of the target audience. In the mornings this would be the stay at home mommies who have just packed off their husbands and kids for the day. To many of them, this would be the strangest thing they've heard of.
Look on the bright side, had this been in May they would have had Ann Coulter vs. some militant GLBT national spokesperson debating it, with lots of "This is disgusting" vs. "No, your attitude is disgusting" soundbites.
It was just coincidence that I saw the story at all, I'd flipped on the TV for the half hour news and weather summary from the local station and was just getting ready to shut it off when they flashed the picture on the screen. Otherwise I have no interest in the morning shows; two to three hours of fecal matter, IMHO.
Karen J.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb