Renewal and love are in the air in spring.
Call or visit someone you haven't seen or heard from in a long time.
Forgive an old injury.
Remember the sweetness of life, for all its frustration and pain.
Joy to you and all of yours on Easter Morning.
To All
Who celebrate the holiday happy Easter! Everyone enjoy the spring! Yay Winter is gone! (Well mostly not counting the snow in Chicago and regions North but what the hey!) :)
Big Spring time hugs!
Thank You!
Joy to all today!
Joy for the rebirth that is Spring.
Joy for the rebirth represented by the Holiday.
Joy for the shared Love that we wish on all our fellow humans, whatever their religion, denomination, sect, or lack thereof. For, if we believe that All have been granted that Love by their Creator, it should not matter to us whether those we share it with also believe. There should be no litmus test for unconditional love.