From time to time I ask myself which character I created is my favorite. Often I enter this quite, internal debate with a preconceived notion already in mind, one that is quickly dismissed as the logic gives way to the same emotions and feelings I opened myself to when I created each and everyone of my fictional children.
I can safely say there will always be a special place in my heart for Amanda Newly, for she was not only the first, the image that came to mind when I named her conjured up, and still does, an old memory of another time and place so very different than where the path I followed led to. But I cannot say that she is my favorite, for Jordan Wallace is a very unique character, one who started out her fictional life in a lighthearted vain but quickly found herself having to deal with a world that was full of contradictions and deceit.
The world Pauline Valery is a sad, war torn world. And yet she remains innocent and, in her own unique way, pure, making her very special and endearing to me. Set during the same time and just a few kilometers to the west, Diane Lambert deals with the same world she shares with Pauline in a very different way.
In ‘God Save the Queen,’ a character who is not the lead characters captured my imagination and became, for me, the most endearing member of that cast. Bugler Hayes, who began as Crewman Number Six, morphed into so much more, for me at least.
And so it goes on. Each of my characters have their own unique charm and attraction. Even Hanna in ‘The Other Side of the Wire,’ holds a special place in my heart, for she represents innocents led astray.
So, it’s not necessary to ask who my favorite character of all times is. They all are, even the ones who have yet had their names put to paper.
Any who, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. So until next time, stay safe and sane.
HW Coyle
I couldn't say which of mine is up there, but I haver between Annie Price, Sarah Hall and her uncle Arwel Powell. All three of them share elements of vulnerability that I found moving to write.
The hardest character to write was Sophie Laplace, because of the different language base for a start but also because she had to compete with her brother, who is definitely a widescreen personality.
The hardest passages to write were certain events concerning Stevie Jones and Chantelle Pickstock. If you've read the books, you will know what I mean. The passage I felt the most deeply was Melanie Stevens in Bosnia.
The most fun to write is dear Ginny, because I simply had to throw all traces of sanity aside in order to get to her soul. F....lip, yeah!
A big tie
It's a big tie with me. Since most of my characters are extensions of myself, it's kind of like asking what part of me do I like the best. Do I go with Jenny? She really showed some heart in Finding Jenny and all the other books in the series revolve around her. What about Chase? Ideal father perhaps. Then there is Andrew/Desiree from Unreachable, a fighter looking and hoping to be loved but afraid to lay down her defenses. There is no secret that Tiny from Wrestling Against Myself is me, but so is Courtney.
So it is difficult to choose. And my characters seem all so real that they might exist in a lot of people so to pick one might offend others. So I will say yes, all my character's are favorite, every zit and every flaw. They each make the world they are in function (even the evil ones, and damn, I would have a hard time with who I hated the most).
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
My girl....
...Linda Piontak speaks for me. But Randalynn's Becca from No Obligation helped me understand how I feel about myself and your Diane helped me accept just who I've been all along. Thank you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Youngest of my babies
My favorite character is usually the one I've written about the most recently, or even just the one I've been thinking about writing.
Angela Rasch
I like Angela Rasch so much as the main character of Hair Soup that I adopted her name.
My first ten stories were written under the name Jill M I.
That would make Angela the Fairest of Them All. (Was that a mirror cracking?)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I'm not going to pick a favorite of my characters. I don't want them to fight...