Hot news for Good Friday in UK is of a nurse who nearly died from anaphylactic shock caused by a new pair of panties. For more details see:
Could be scary. How many other people could be affected?
Breath control panties... who knew?
Paris Hilton now has an excuse
"I'm allergic to my panties!"
Simply incredible!
Karen J.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Gives new meaning
to getting one's knickers twisted.
Manufactures starch
I never wear any panties or bras or tank tops before I wash them. I break out in Hives so bad that I look like an alien. The Doc says that many people develop an allergy to the chemicals used in manufacturing the garments.
Many Blessings
The stuff they put into garments to keep them looking spiffy for sale is called "size" or "sizing". It's a mix of starch and kaolin (transparent clay), sometimes with perfumes. The perfumes can be allergens. There are various cleaning solvents used in manufacture that may leave residues but these are usually just irritants, not allergens. Some man-made fabrics also outgas a bit and these gases can form toxic chemicals when combined with the chemicals of the packaging, or the packaging itself can be the whole problem.
But the lady in the story had a reaction that sounds exactly like an aggravated latex allergy. Control underwear frequently contains rubber, natural or synthetic.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I can't say if I am Alergic to Latex or not, but I do know that I can no longer use Latex gloves. The Nitrile gloves are KK. Lots of Nurses get what is said to be an aquired alergy from simple over exposure to something,
When I was working, we regularly washed our hands in Trichlorethelene (an industrial solvent, and very close chemically to certain refrigerants) and breathed the fumes. Latex gloves were no problem at all.
I spent my whole working life in Industry. The big boys in those places have an interesting way of rationalizing that it was OK for us to have those sorts of exposure. I have the heart of a Mule, Kiddneys and Liver are robust. It is my lungs and immune system that are shot. Pneumonia is always a threat.
We used to have that stuff at a printing facility where I worked, I remember it being really harsh on the skin. Very few of us took any precautions when using it to clean equipment and whatever.
Then one day, a private hazmat company came in and bagged the partly-used barrel, then placed it in a second hazmat container and hauled it out. Seems it was determined it was pretty nasty stuff. In the last ten years the industry has really tightened up on enforcing precautionary and protective measures. For a lot of us, its definately a case of closing the barn door much too late.
Karen J.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Just A Note Of Caution
The source WAS The Sun. Do you believe everything you read in that paper?
No, I don't
No, I don't nelieve anything much from that particular source of “Murdochianaâ€, but the story was confirmed several times on BBC Radio News, a fairly reliable source.
There was bit of a hoo hah here recently about textiles from China having a huge measure of fomaldehyde, way beyond safety measures. Blankets and clothing being big ones. Apparently large doses of Formaldehyde allows cotton to have that soft and luxurious feel, rather than stiff and tight. As everything we buy now is made in China... Oh, anaphylaxis... isn't that usually a peanut allergy. Surely our nurse isn't a.....
Peanuts ar one cause of Anaphylactic Shock, but ...
... not even the most common cause.
The following is from Wikipedia
Anaphylaxis is an acute systemic (multi-system) and severe Type I Hypersensitivity allergic reaction in humans and other mammals. The term comes from the Greek words ana (against) andphylaxis (protection).
[1] Anaphylaxis occurs when a person or animal is exposed to a trigger substance, called an allergen, to which they have already become sensitized. Minute amounts of allergens may cause a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction. Anaphylaxis may occur after ingestion, skin contact, injection of an allergen or, in rare cases, inhalation.
Anaphylactic Shock, the most severe type of anaphylaxis, occurs when an allergic response triggers a quick release from mast cells of large quantities of immunological mediators (histamines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes) leading to systemic vasodilation (associated with a sudden drop in blood pressure) and edema of bronchial mucosa (resulting in bronchoconstriction and difficulty breathing).
Anaphylactic shock can lead to death in a matter of minutes if left untreated.
An estimated 1.24% to 16.8% of the population of the United States is considered "at risk" for having an anaphylactic reaction if they are exposed to one or more allergens, especially penicillin and insect stings.
Most of these people successfully avoid their allergens and will never experience anaphylaxis. Of those people who actually experience anaphylaxis, up to 1% may die as a result
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
anaphilactic shock from wearing nickers
I recall reading somewhere that failing to remove a tampon for a relatively long time can cause this.
Your news is interesting especially because i have a friend who was doing a course while working for a pharmacist in which she learned the history behind witches "riding" broomsticks. Warlocks can't! By smearing the end of the handle with magic mushroom material, and inserting it in a very female part. They get an extra high, rapidly, due to the absorbance of that skin in that area, rather like under the tongue for heart pills? I wonder if her inner labia became effected by something in the material? All those handsome doctors? Hee hee.
I think i got something like this from a new tent i bought from germany which caused these symptoms as i slept, i woke and escaped from it immediately, to recover fairly quickly. It was one of those new types that you just pull up like a kind of spider/umbrella. I felt cold, and my throat was closing up, and i felt very weird/frail in my body. It is said that nobody else had this reaction.
From what is said here, i now see the logic of washing new stuff before using or wearing it!
Dear Gabby,
I really wish you would continue this wonderful yarn?