MAU: Robot in Disguise - Chapter 7

MAU: Robot in Disguise

by Sleethr


Mr. Rogers is given a demo of a MAU and Sadie deals with the results.




Author's Note: Totally new stuff here...



Chapter Seven


Kurt glanced back to Sadie. She stood next to an attractive Japanese woman who was the aide to Mr. Takahashi, the founder and CEO of Takahashi Electronics. Neither woman looked happy with Mr. Zhào’s offer and neither was he, but he could understand the man’s desire to limit exposure to possible trade secrets.  Of course, if Mr. Zhào was worried about trade secrets getting out, he would’ve have invited all the CEO’s to visit the factory in the first place.

Following Mr. Zhào out of the break room, Kurt and the remaining four CEOs were led into a section of the factory they hadn’t seen yet. It was filled with very complex looking robots assembling tiny electronic parts. The robots alone told him that his competitor had made some amazing advances in the robotic technology field.

The group was taken to another small lounge area, where each CEO was taken, one at a time into a secure clean room. Jake Spurgeon, a fellow American CEO, went first and he returned a few minutes later looking very impressed and thanking Mr. Zhào for showing him the device.  

Curiosity in overdrive, Kurt approached his fellow American. “So, Jake, what was it?”

“Oh, Rogers xiānshēng, it was amazing. A real game changer and I’m looking forward to licensing the technology for my corporation!” Jake enthusiastically espoused, his face and body language much more animated than Kurt had ever seen from the normally grumpy man.  He wasn’t sure what to make of Jake’s enthusiasm, but he became even more curious when Mr. Takahashi returned with a large smile on his normally dour face.  

“Rogers xiānshēng, are you ready to see the future!?” Mr. Zhào enthusiastically slapped Kurt on his back, unpleasantly reminding him of a used car salesman.

“Sure, show me what ya got Zhào xiānshēng!” Kurt faked his enthusiasm.

Zhào chuckled and acted hurt. “Please Kurt, I think at this stage we are beyond formal titles. Please, call me Bang.”

Kurt was led into a small hallway where a second set of armored, locked doors waited. Zhào pressed his hand into a glossy black palm reader. The doors automatically opened with a hiss that reminded Kurt of a sci-fi spaceship’s airlock.  Beyond the doors was a plain, extremely well lit, white room, about twenty by twenty meters square.

Entering, he was struck by the size of the room.  It was like entering an aircraft hanger crossed with a computer cleanroom.  The floor and walls were painted gleaming white and the ceiling rose all the way up to the roof of the factory, twenty or so meters tall with bright, halogen lights beaming light into the space from every angle, eliminating shadows.

Two exits were on the far side of the room. Another armored personal sized door like the one they entered through and a large, armored garage door sized exit that looked big enough to drive a semi-truck through with room left over.

Otherwise, the room was bare except for a rectangular box in the middle of the floor. The box was about the same size as an old pay phone booth, something he missed seeing due to all the damn cell phones taking over.  He was not impressed, but he held his tongue because his new ‘friend’ Bang seemed overly proud of the thing.

“Confused Kurt?”

Kurt noncommittally shrugged his shoulders. “A little. What is it?”

“That my friend is the future!” Mr.  Zhào stepped up to the device, motioning Kurt to follow. Reaching the booth, he placed his hand on a red, three fingered claw like touch pad and instantly, a realistic hologram of someone who looked like Kurt appeared.

“You’ve developed holographic projectors?” Despite himself, he was impressed by the display.

Mr. Zhào turned back to him with a predatory grin. “Oh, it’s more than that my friend, watch.”

Without making any visible adjustments to the unit, the image of Kurt morphed into a pretty, young teenage girl with large, anime style eyes, long, bright red hair, huge breasts, fox ears and a fluffy red fox tail. The poor child wore a dog collar around her neck and nothing else. The image made Kurt feel uncomfortable and a little irritated with his host because it seemed rather juvenile to think he would be impressed with holographic and borderline pedofile images.

Keeping his poker face intact, Kurt gestured to the machine. “Impressive, but your holographic projector seems a little too large to bring to market and the image size too small. Can either factors be scaled?”

Mr. Zhào shark like grin unsettled Kurt more than he was willing to show. “That is not all this machine can do.” He touched a small purple crystal on the side, causing a door appear, revealing an empty interior with another glowing purple crystal.

Kurt expected more electronic components. Seeing the device empty of anything resembling circuit boards, cooling fans and projector technology left him feeling a little disappointed, but at the same time intrigued. He took a step forward and peered inside the empty booth. The lack of equipment inside, meant that the holographic projector didn’t have to be phone booth sized. If only Sadie was here, she would know what to make of this dog and pony show. “Okay, so I guess the projector doesn’t have to be this big?”

Mr. Zhào laughed. “Oh no, the ‘projector’ is just a small taste of what this device can do.” He motioned for Kurt to step inside. “Go ahead, look inside and touch the purple crystal. I think you’ll be surprised by what you learn.”

Despite his concerns, he stepped inside the device. If this is what Mr. Zhào showed the other CEO’s then had little to worry about since he saw the first two exit the demo looking pretty happy.  Glancing over his shoulder at Mr. Zhào, Kurt touched the crystal. The doorway instantly vanished and before he had time to think about what was happening, he was bathed in a bright red light that caused him to blink his eyes.  A blink was all it took.

The red light vanished and the doorway instantly reappeared.

He stumbled out into the now too bright room, blinking his eyes against the painful glare and wincing as his suddenly bare feet touched the cold, concrete floor. His chest bounced as he stumbled, his body and sense of balance completely different. He wondered if the bright flash in the booth somehow interfered with his equilibrium. If so, there could be military applications for this technology.  His mind ever on business, he was unprepared to feel a hand catch his arm and prevent him from tripping over his own two feet.

Kurt looked across, and seeing only a man’s midsection, his gaze traveled up to reveal  Mr. Zhào with a triumphant grin on his face.  “What do you think now, ‘Kurt’!?” He sneered down at Kurt.

“Wha-” Kurt gasped as a painful shock traveled through his body, preventing him from completing his question and if it wasn’t for Mr. Zhào’s grasp on his arm, he would’ve fallen to his knees.

“Ahh, I’m sorry,” Mr. Zhào said, now sounding at all apologetic, “I forgot to warn you about the hush collar. It’s very sensitive. Any speech louder than a whisper will cause it to activate. The louder you try to speak, the greater the shock. I’m afraid a scream might kill you.”

“Wha-” Another shock coursed through Kurt’s body, painfully reminding him of the bastard’s warning. He tried again as Mr. Zhào smugly looked down at him. “What did you do to me?” He whispered, feeling a slight warning tingle from his collar.

“Much better. And they claim American’s can’t be trained.  You learned far faster than your previous two colleagues.” Mr. Zhào released his arm and took a step back, gesturing toward a full size mirror.

Standing next to Mr. Zhào, Kurt saw the same young, pint size fox girl with the oversized breasts that had been displayed on the holographic projector looking back at him. Based on where the girl came up to on Mr. Zhào, he estimated she stood maybe four foot six, if that. She looked every bit as innocent and shocked to see him as he was to see her. He forgot about the shock collar when he realized he was the girl on the mirror.

“Wh-” He started to yell but the collar caused him to fall to the floor, writhing in agony.

Eventually, the pain subsided, leaving him softly whimpering on the floor and feeling ashamed for displaying weakness in front of the smug bastard. He wanted nothing less than to rip the man’s cold heart out of his chest just to see if he had one.  Kurt stilled his breathing and fixed his patented cold glare on the man. His glare was renowned to put the fear in anyone foolish enough to try double crossing him.

Mr. Zhào crouched down and softly tisked with mock disappointment. “I guess you still have some habits that need work, but we still have a demo to finish.” Ignoring any threat Kurt might present, he stood, turned his back on Kurt, walked back over to the impossible device and placed his hand on the red, three claw sensor.

Kurt didn’t know how the machine did it, but since it somehow turned him into a teenage fox girl, it had to be able to turn him back. He felt a glimmer of hope form when he saw Mr. Zhào bring up a naked image of his male self, but it didn’t exactly match.

Mr. Zhào turned back to Kurt and pointed to the image. “Yes, my friend, we can turn you back, but for that, you need to do it. Simply touch the red pad and think of your own body.”

Unsure if this was a trick, Kurt raised himself off the floor. His balance felt off and he didn’t like how Mr. Zhào was looking at him. He self-consciously covered his ample, gravity defying breasts with his hands before realizing what it looked like. He decided to cross his arms over his chest instead. He felt his fluffy fox tail unconsciously curl between the airy gap between legs, partially hiding the part of his new body he refused to acknowledge as real.

“There you go girl, just touch it…” Mr. Zhào chuckled as he used the patronizing tone of voice people used to encourage their pets.

Desperate to end his humiliation, Kurt touched the device and thought of his own body in all it’s solid, male glory.  He may have imagined his tackle a little larger, but no man wants to admit they feel a little lacking in that department.  Ashamed to see himself naked, he quickly imagined himself wearing his clothes and was relieved to see the image of himself exactly as he looked before he entered the damn machine appear.

He realized that he wasn’t paying close enough attention to his megalomaniac host when he heard and felt a solid click on his collar, followed by a sharp tug that choked him as he was pulled away from the machine. “Now, now, now. Can’t have you accidently touching the wrong button, can we?” Mr. Zhào mocked Kurt as he easily pulled him away from the machine.

“No!” Kurt managed to yell before his world turned white with pain, causing him to collapse to the floor and lose control of his muscles.

As his senses started to return, the first thing he felt was the rapidly cooling liquid running down his legs, pooling beneath his body. His sense of smell seemed sharper, but it only led to further shame and embarrassment when he identified the liquid as his own urine. He had wet himself.

“You bastard…” Kurt whispered as he looked up at the smug and gloating bastard, Mr. Zhào. “You won’t get away with this. Sadie will miss me and call the police.”

Mr. Zhào laughed, holding his sides to contain his amusement. “Will she?” He moved to the side and gestured back toward the machine as an Asian man touched the purple crystal, stepped inside and a few seconds later stepped out looking exactly like Kurt.

“What do you think Zhào-xiānshēng?” The fake Kurt asked, sounding exactly like himself.

Kurt’s fox ears drooped with disappointment as he felt his hopes fade. He didn’t have the energy to resist as his leash was handed to a leering security guard and he was roughly pulled to his feet. He struggled not to cry out as the collar choked him. He was led out the rear door, down a hall lined with cages.  

Each cage contained between five and six anamorphic girls with no two exactly the same. There were a large number of cat girls, but mixed in were girls with dog, bird , squirrel, mouse, cow, horse, raccoon and panda features. He estimated there were approximately thirty other people stuck in the same position he was.  Who were these people before they were changed by Zhào? Were they all like him, business leaders or were there some government officials in the group?  It sounded crazy to consider, but was the man planning on taking over the world by turning all his competitors into sexy animal girls while a clone controlled by him ran the company?

Over two thirds of the animal girls looked like they were in shock. They simply laid on the floor, curled into a fetal position or sitting on their butt, rocking back and forth staring at something only they could see.  The rest of the girls cowered, cringing as he was led past their cage by the man holding her leash.  There were only two or three who looked like they were mad enough to try standing up for themselves.

What in the hell was the bastard planning on doing and why would he transform men into young animal girls?  Kurt could only think of one thing and his mind refused to focus on the obvious; it was too barbaric to consider.  His thoughts of the future were put on hold when he was forced to stop in front of a cage containing two anthropomorphic, anime girls.

One was a sexy cat girl with medium length, bubblegum pink hair, black cat ears, black cat tail and breasts equal to his own. The other girl was a big breasted bunny girl, complete with a fluffy, cotton ball tail and large white bunny ears poking out of her long platinum blond hair. They both looked as lost and beaten as he felt himself starting to feel, but he had a good idea who they were.

The guard cruelly laughed as he unhooked his leash and easily shoved his diminutive girl body into the cage with the other, former male CEO’s. His collar beeped twice as he passed through the cage door. He stumbled a little, his breasts uncomfortably jiggling, as the door slammed closed behind him, but refused to submit to the hopeless feeling that threatened to overwhelm his sense of self. He was Kurtis Rogers, CEO of Rogers International. A company he built with his own two hands and he was damned if he was going to let the bastard, Zhào, get away with this.

If it was the last thing he did, he would bring the man down. He didn’t know how the machine did it, but he was still alive and where there was life, there was hope. He was going to break out of this cage and get his body back.

He stood tall and ignoring the unsettling bobble from his chest, he placed his hands on his hips and whispered, “Which one of you is Jake?”


Mr. Rogers and the other CEOs had been gone for five minutes and instead of decreasing, the alarm bells inside her head only grew louder.  She glanced over to the calm and serene Ms. Yoshida with envy. How could the woman remain so calm? Her example only made her feel like she was being irrational and as a result, it made her cranky. She was a Auto/Decepti-bot and Transformers aren’t supposed to be emotional and irrational. Something stunk about this scenario and now she worried that her ‘feelings’ was some hidden low level program from her deceitful Decepticon side.

Another long and agonizing five minutes passed with no sign of her boss. She couldn’t take it anymore. Sadie turned to Ms. Yoshida.  She started to speak, but Ms. Yoshida’s calm mask of serenity made her pause.  She turned away from the woman and paced the room. She thought about trying to talk to one of the male aides, but they all looked bored and not at all worried.  Two of the men were even calmly smoking cigarettes, something that would never happen in the U.S.

After fifteen minutes, she returned to her spot closer to Ms. Yoshida and was surprised when the woman turned and addressed her with a slight, respectful bow. “Pardon me for intruding, Williamson-san, you seem agitated. Is something wrong?”

Surprisingly, the woman’s calm, measured and polite question helped calm Sadie down. She bowed in response. “I’m sorry Yoshida-san, I hope I used the term correctly, but I’m just worried about my boss and I don’t know why.”

“Surely Rogers-sama is safe.” Yoshida glanced around the room, her gaze momentarily stopping at the security guards. “Zhào-san would not be so foolish as to risk the safety of his honored guests.”

Sadie noticed that Yoshida didn’t use the inferior to superior suffix for Mr. Zhào. Was it intentional and her way of showing her own distrust for the man?  Sadie nodded and decided to try speaking Japanese with the woman. She somehow felt like she could trust her and that she might even like the woman if they weren’t in such a formal setting.

“~Thank you for your wise words. I agree. Zhào-san would be very foolish to harm our superiors.~” She noticed the surprise in Yoshida’s eyes and took a bit of pleasure for that, but she also remembered that her Japanese might be very bad and maybe it wasn’t surprise she saw in the woman’s eyes. “~Sorry if I am butchering your language. I’m still a student.~”

“~No, you did very well and I apologize for my failure to mask my surprise. It was rude of me to assume you lacked any skill with my language.~” Yoshida reached into her small purse, pulled out an ornate business card case and presented Sadie with her card. “~Please accept this as my apology for my behavior so that we may converse in the future.~”

“Arigatō” Sadie gave Yoshida a quick bow before taking the offered card with both hands.

She carefully held the card by the top two corners and respectfully examined it as she scanned the data into her memory. Now she felt bad. She didn’t have a business card of her own to give to Yoshida-san. All she had were Mr. Rogers’ cards, but since she handled all his calls, it was really her number on his card.

Very carefully, she placed the card in her purse and pulled out one if Mr. Rogers’ cards. “~I’m sorry that I cannot return the favor. I do not have a card of my own. Would you be willing to accept Rogers-sama card instead? His number is really my number.~” She apologetically smiled.  “~If so, would it be acceptable if I wrote my name and private number on the back?~”

Yoshida’s mask briefly broke as a mischievously grinned escaped. “Un!” She bowed and graciously accepted Sadie’s modified business card.

The distraction was good for one thing, it briefly kept her from worrying about her boss. Sadie was about to try asking Yoshida some more questions when the door banged open and Mr. Zhào strode confidently through with the other CEOs and her boss in tow.

Sadie felt relieved at the sight of her smiling boss and the other CEO’s. They all seemed very friendly with Mr. Zhào, openingly laughing and joking with him, causing her a little concern.  She knew Mr. Rogers didn’t like Mr. Zhào, at all. So, his demeanor was a little out of character for him, but she knew Mr. Rogers was a good actor and would use every advantage at his disposal to get ahead in a business negotiation.

During the limo ride back to their hotel, Mr. Rogers patted the seat next to him, motioned for her to sit beside him. It was a minor change to his normal behavior because he liked to look into her eyes when he spoke to her. With all the bugs, maybe he wanted to whisper something in her ear.  She cautiously sat beside him, causing him to smile appreciatively at her as she adjusted her skirt to cover her legs.  “Sadie, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”

His eyes moved up from her legs to her breasts, stopping there. Sadie had no idea where Mr. Rogers was going with his unusual observation. “Umm, yes, but I know you well enough to know that you don’t need to tell me that. ”

Mr. Rogers seemed to realize he was making her feel uncomfortable. “Yes, of course, of course. This is neither the time or place.” He coughed and shifted a little in his seat.

The rest of the ride was in silence, Sadie was brimming with curiosity about the tour, but was reluctant to bring it up. His behavior seemed a little off, but maybe he was distracted by analyzing Mr. Zhào’s secret business gadget. She was confident that when Mr. Rogers was ready, he would tell her about what he saw and ask her opinion, just like he always did.

The pair was alone when they entered their hotel’s elevator. After Mr. Rogers failed to press the button to their floor, Sadie stepped forward and pressed it. Using the reflection of the polished stainless steel elevator doors, she noticed him staring at her butt with a anticipatory leer on his face.  Maybe Mr. Zhào gave him some Scotch laced with a roofie or something during the private part of the tour.  

“Sir, is something wrong?” Sadie asked, stepping back to his side as the elevator began its rapid ascent.

“What? Not a thing. I was just enjoying the view babe.” Mr. Rogers smirked unrepentantly.

Sadie glanced over her shoulder and studied him for a second. His eyes looked normal. His pupils were not dilated and her olfactory sensors did not detect any noticeable levels of alcoholic chemicals in his breath. “Umm, okaaay sir. Did Mr. Zhào give you anything to drink or eat during the private part the tour?”

Mr. Rogers shook his head. “No Sadie,” his eyes narrowed with suspicion, “why do you ask?”

Sadie pondered his response for a few nanoseconds. Something was wrong with her boss because Mr. Rogers had never called her a ‘babe’ before and he never would have. The word wasn’t in his vocabulary. She was spared from answering by the elevator stopping on their floor and the doors opening with a faint chime sound. At the door to their suite, the mystery deepened when Mr. Rogers waited expectantly for Sadie to open the door for him instead of him taking the lead.  She covered her confusion, whipped out her card key and opened the door for her boss. “Sorry sir, it took me a few seconds to find the key in my purse.”

Mr. Rogers chuckled. “Not a problem Sadie. Your organizational skills aren’t why I hired you anyway.”

Sadie was stunned. She never expected to hear her boss say something so suggestive and demeaning to her.  He had to be under the influence of something and when she found out what it was that Mr. Zhào slipped him, he was going to pay. She absently noted the door closing and locking behind her as Mr. Rogers flipped the door bar in place.

“There we go babe.” Mr. Rogers loosened his tie and he leered suggestively at her. “I like how you teased me in the car and I’ve been waiting to get you alone since we left Zhào-géxià’s factory.”

Sadie’s core was in overdrive mode as she struggled to understand what was wrong with her boss.  Aside from his horn-dog behavior, he addressed Mr. Zhào using the Mandarin Chinese suffix denoting that he saw Mr. Zhào as being far above himself. Again, Mr. Rogers hated the man and for him to use that suffix was almost as out of character as was his current behavior.  

Mr. Rogers pulled her body close to his and began kissing her neck as his hands reached behind and squeezed her butt. “Oh yeah, you know how I like it…”

Sadie let him push her body toward the couch while she maximized her anti-gravity compensators to prevent her boss from realizing she was actually six to seven hundred pounds heavier than he was. She normally ran them at a level to simulate a normal human woman’s weight, but with Mr. Rogers acting weird on her, she lowered her apparent weight a little extra to keep him from hurting himself. After all, the man was in his upper fifties.

“~You’re such a sexy bitch, I can’t believe my good fortune!~” Mr. Rogers spoke in perfect Mandarin Chinese, panting with desire while kissing her neck with one arm holding himself up as his other hand roamed its way up her inner thigh.

When did the Mr. Rogers learn Chinese?  

Whatever was wrong with her boss, she was pretty sure he wouldn’t want the unknown listeners to know about it and she had had enough of his groping of her. She heard a few tiny electronic wheezes when she shot out a signal that overloaded the listening devices in the room. With the bugs disabled, she  pushed him off of her, forcing him to fall back and onto his butt as she stood. “Mr Rogers, what’s wrong with you?!?”

He leered unrepentantly up at her as he smoothly rose to his feet. The leer turned a little more malicious as he  surprised her with backhanded slap to her face. “Know your place biǎo zi!”

Sadie dropped back down, sitting on the couch, more from shock than anything else. Mr. Rogers had hit her with a significant amount of force. If she had been human, the slap would’ve stunned and possibly knocked her out. She held her hand over her cheek to hide the lack of any mark. “Mr. Rogers?” She looked up at him, thinking the situation was far worse than a simple spiked drink.

Mr. Rogers unbuckled his pants and stepped closer to him, placing his crotch close to her face. “Sadie, I’m sorry,” his eyes glinted malevolently, “but I will have to fire you unless you perform your duty.” He glanced suggestively to the large bulge in his pants.

Despite how impossible it seemed to be, the evidence in front of her eyes told her differently. In less than half an hour, Mr. Rogers had somehow been taught Chinese and brainwashed into thinking she was his slutty mistress. It wasn’t possible, was it?

Sadie began to stand, but was momentarily stopped by his hands on her shoulders. She looked up and into his eyes and saw nothing of the man she knew. If anything, she saw Mr. Zhào and his sexists attitudes being reflected back at her.  She stood, surprising him and forcing Mr. Rogers back a step.

“What did that bastard do to you?” Sadie growled, barely keeping her human facade in place, very close to dropping into her Alice Decepticon mode.

Mr. Rogers laughed, seemingly unconcerned. “Zhào-géxià gave me a gift. The gift of power and you’re just a perk of that power. Now, get undressed before I lose my patience with you.”

When Sadie failed to immediately respond to his demands, Mr. Rogers surprised her by moving far faster than she expected. He grabbed her hand and quickly spun her back towards the couch, twisting her arm behind her body into a painful armbar. As she minimally struggled to free herself, like a normal woman would, he spoke softly and with measured tones into her ear.  “Having a woman as beautiful as you in my bedroom was a perk I looked forward to enjoying, but it appears we will have to replace you.”

The man applied some additional torque to her arm. For a normal woman, the force would have been very painful and possibly even dislocated her shoulder, but for Sadie, it was nothing. She pretended to be in pain as the man counted on her pain to free his other hand and reach into his suit coat for a pen.

“~Say goodnight bitch~” The man pushed the pen against the side of her throat.  It hissed as it attempted to inject something into her body.

Sadie stiffened with shock before feigning unconsciousness and relaxing in the man’s arms. She hoped that was what he was expecting from her. It seemed to be the right choice when the man casually reached down and picked her up like she was a small child.  The man definitely had enhanced strength because there was no way the real Mr. Rogers could’ve done it as easily, if at all.

He carried her into Mr. Rogers’ room, dropped her unceremoniously on the bed and sighed with regret. “~Such a shame, but I’m sure your replacement will be much more willing.~”

The man pulled a device that looked like a cell phone and after a few seconds delay spoke into it. “~Hello? Yes, I’m in, but there was a problem.~”

Sadie could only hear his side of the conversation,  a concern for her since she there hadn’t been a cell phone she couldn’t immediately hack into.  

“~Yes, Williamson-xiăojiě was not as dumb as I expected. We need to replace her.~”

“~20 minutes? Yes, I’ll wait.~”

Sadie heard the fake Mr. Rogers close his cell phone device and leave the room, muttering in Chinese filled with a liberal dose of obscenities about how disappointed he was about not being able to have sex with a real red headed American woman.

In this case, two plus two equals five. The math suddenly added up. As impossible as it sounded, the only possible answer was that Mr. Zhào had a MAU and had used it on her boss.  Sadie recalled Mr. Zhào’s seemingly innocent statement back at the factory about today being the fourth and final day, adding more evidence to support her hypothesis.

The man currently pretending to be Mr. Rogers had to be a MAU enhanced human --how enhanced she didn’t know-- and the real Mr. Rogers was probably being held prisoner back at the factory.  If he had been altered by the machine, she had to find the real Mr. Rogers and get him to the MAU before the timer ran out!  

Sadie’s biggest question now was how to handle the current situation.  She could take the fake down and probably fairly easily. The fake was obviously stronger than Mr. Rogers and probably even had some training, but Mr. Zhào didn’t seem like he kind of man who would trust his underlings to have more power than himself.

If she knocked out or killed the fake, would that alert Mr. Zhào?  The fake asked about something taking 20 minutes. Is Mr. Zhào sending a duplicate of her over and their ETA is 20 minutes? If so, what were they planning on doing with her?

She could do a lot in 20 minutes. She could take out the fake Mr. Rogers and fly to the factory in less than time than that. Maybe even make it back with the real Mr. Rogers. Of course, that would completely blow her cover and expose her secret to her boss, but at this point, he probably was very aware of what a MAU was.  

Sadie wanted some backup. Thankfully, Jenna was still in town, but due to fly back to the states in a few hours.  It could be tricky reaching her friend sometimes, but she decided to try.

“Hey Sadie! Qué pasa?” Jenna cheerfully answered after only a couple of rings.

Sadie heard the sounds of other people loudly talking. Jenna appeared to be in a crowd someplace, but that was also normal.

Jenna’s voice became distant, like she turned her face away from the receiver. “Mike! Shhhh,” she giggled, “ it’s Sadie. I’m trying to talk.”

After a few seconds, the background noise became a little more tolerable. “Sorry, We’re doing some last minute promo stuff before we head back to L.A. What’s going on with you?”

Just to see how her friend would react, Sadie decided to take the casual approach to a possible messy death. “Oh, nothing much. I’m just pretending to be knocked out and laying on my boss’s bed bed after finding out that somehow, someone switched out the real Mr. Rogers with a fake. I suspect a MAU. I might have less than 20 minutes to live or make a decision about what to do about it, but other than that, nada.”

“WHAT!?!? Hijo de puta! You better not be joking...” Jenna’s tone grew deadly serious.

“Sorry, not at all. I’m just beyond pissed right now because I don’t know what happened to my boss and the asshole who is pretending to be him tried to make me to give him a blow job like I was some kind of cheap whore or something. Other than that, I’m just peachy!” The more Sadie thought about it, the madder she became.

“Jenna? Is something wrong?” Mike’s voice could be heard.

Sadie’s sensors detected the fake Mr. Rogers come back to the side of the bed. “~Such a fine piece of ass. I’ve got twenty minutes. No sense in letting the time go to waste.~”  He placed his hand on her leg and began to slide it under her skirt.

“Whoa there chica. I-”

Sadie interrupted her friend. “Sorry Jenna, but it’s looking like the bastard is going to try raping me and that’s not going to happen.”

“I’m on my way!” Jenna yelled and disconnected the call.

Sadie would’ve told her not to bother, but Jenna wasn’t known for waiting around before taking action.  She felt the man’s hand pull her skirt up and over her hips as his breathing grew ragged with desire.

“~oohhh, yeah~”  The man hoarsely whispered as he pulled a hand away and began to fumble with his pants.


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