Over all appearance makes the first impression. Different people rate different things first in appearance. Clean fresh look of course is important. Makeup tricks so the "wow" appeal is visual impact. Clothes are up there at the top of first appearance. How many don't pay attention to their crowning glory, their hair? Sure they brushed it but did they style it and make sure the color is theirs?
How many can afford a trip to the beauty parlor to get that "every hair in place" natural look? Maybe there is an alternative? Me? I live with with what I got. Yeah here come the excuses. Constant fifteen to thirty mph windy days. Most every day is hair wash day before bed to get the dirt out. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
If any of you give this one a try let me know. I'm sure thinking about it myself. http://beauty.faboverfifty.com/salon-owners/
Talking Bout My Generation
My hair curls up at the bottom, as if it's frightened of brushing my shoulders. It plays tricks on me too - it looks light brown in the mirror each morning, but every time someone takes a photo of me it turns grey.
I don't really care. Mine was the last generation to prefer substance over style. We didn't have much choice; brushed denim loons, grandad vests, cropped denim jackets, bush hats and desert boots were just stuff that was in the shops.
Fifty is the new thirty-five. Which makes me forty-three. Which still sounds old to the cohort that got stranded between Woodstock and punk.
These are my underpants, and I'm sticking to them.
Do the Stanley. You know you want to.
hair has a mind of it's own?
Nicki, I know the feeling too well. I usually wash mine every night and wait to see what style it is going to decide to be by the time it dries. Is it going to be long and wavy? Maybe tonight it wants to look like a cat caught in the drier? You've seen the cartoons where the cat looks like a fluff ball? The Albert Einstein look? Or is it going to be tight little curls?
Doesn't help to try and brush it into a style. It rebels to prove it has a mind of it's own and can't be tamed. Some days friends will say, "You cut your hair." No, it decided to hang short today not even reaching my shoulders. Yesterday it was feeling long and hung down to my shoulder blades. My friend commented on how pretty my blonde hair was after I had tinted it. I didn't tint it nor dye it. It decided to be a blonde day, or a white day, or a gray day.
I'm possessed! What can I say? Arggg, who ever said curly hair was beautiful never had to put up with its moods from day to day. Today was frizz day. I looked like the cat caught in the dryer. So I plopped my big ol straw sombrero down on my head which made me look like a dandelion wearing a hat.
Gotta have a sense of humor to poke fun at life or it will eat you alive.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Hair color
Of course my hair color is nice. I paid a lot for it!
One thing I didn't expect was that the medications I'm on have such an effect on my hair. I've always been able to get it to go where I wanted it to, but since the new drugs it acts up constantly.
I've had to play about with different conditioners and whether to blow it dry, hot or cold, or just leave it dry naturally in the warm weather and each time it does something different. At least it is a decent length now, I had it cut to a shorter style when I went to the US to make it 'easy care'. Like that worked!
Like gardening, I suspect hair is one of those jobs that is never finished and for much the same reason. At least I don't have weeds growing in mine.