Happy Birthday Erin Halfelven

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Today, the queen of Big Closet turns 428 in Elven years (It's up to her if she wants to reveal the human counterpart). I hope you have a blessed day and wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your efforts in keeping the site going and the fact that you have been such a great friend through some really bad times. Only blue skies ahead.

So everyone give three cheers to Erin and if you can, flood the hatbox.

HIP, HIP, HOORAY (and at her age, she needs all the hips she can get).


Cake Day for Erin!

Happy Birthday! As a matter of fact I think Erin is very hip! After all she puts up with all of us!

Big Huggles!

Happy Birthday Erin!

Today is a very special day because it's our own, Erin Halfelven's, Birthday. A perfect day and time to wish all the very best for someone who means so much to all of us. Her sacrifices and dedication have made Top Shelf a wonderful, welcoming place for those like us to feel welcome in.

She has done SO much for all of us and, in the process, has created the LARGEST, BEST archive of TG Fiction on the internet, bar none! She has also provided us with advice, information, guidance, love, and sometimes, Motherly discipline when it's been needed.

Riding herd on us unruly bunch has got to be harder than herding cats, but she does it with admirable aplomb and an even hand, favoring no one, but loving us all, with all our faults.

God Bless you Erin, for all you do, for all you've done, for all you've sacrificed and above all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY from one of your errant daughters. CARPE CAKUM!!!

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday Erin, enjoy.


If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:


Happy Birthday Erin

A Cake is very difficult to send over the internet, so i compromised and sent a donation to Janglewood.

Have a wonderful day and thanks for every thing you do.

Happy Birthday

Leigh Veritas's picture

Happy Birthday

You are a gift to every person here. I wish you are granted a very Happy Birthday.

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
Mark Twain.

Leigh Veritas

Age off

I do believe our half elf is over four thousand years old making the dragons look young.

Happy Elfday

Angharad's picture

May it be filled with joy and fulfilment, instead of the whingeing you usually get from the users of this website.


Best wishes!

Best wishes on his your birthday! May you have both a GREAT day, and many more! HUGS!

Happy Birthday!


May your birthdays be counted, not by your age but by how you spend your days between.

And you spend yours very, very, well!


Happy Birfday, Erin!

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Congaratz & best wishes!

*sends huggles with Pixie dust along with the best wishes*
~Hypatia >i< ..:::

Happy B-Day

tmf's picture

and to many others

A lots of health, Happiness, and Hugs.

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Huggles tmf

And yet another...

Happy Birthday, Erin! Thank you for all you do.

Or should that be:


At our age, some of us need to ask people to SPEAK UP!



{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Better late than never

bobbie-c's picture

Happy birthday, Erin!


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Happy Birthday!

erica jane's picture

I hope your birthday was great! I hope you have many many more!

Thank you so much for all you do for us here!

~And so it goes...

Happy Birthday

Daniela Wolfe's picture

Happy Birthday, hope it's a great one.

Have delightfully devious day,


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Yes, indeed. May you have a blessed day. You, your minions, and this site have blessed me and many, many others.

So, Happy Birthday and may you have many more.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Thanks everyone

erin's picture

Thanks for the birthday wishes. :) I've had a super day so far and Daniel and I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy. It was great. :)

Hugs to all,

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.