It's 28 years ago today that I officially started my transition and went into work in a grey two piece. In some ways it feels much less than that and in others, it seems centuries ago. During that time I've lost some good friends and also my mother and my aunt, who were both supportive of my decision. There have been other ups and downs, including being made redundant - which hurt much more than the loss of income, the apparent decision this year by my son, not to have anything more to do with me, plus the more enjoyable discovery of dormouse surveying and the re-acquaintance of my posterior with bicycle saddles.
On the legal side of things, I tied up the loose ends regarding my status as female - the one thing I'm grateful to Tony Blair for which meant I could retire at - no I couldn't, they moved the goal posts, so I have another 354 days to go, but I'm not counting - okay, 353 and two hours. I shall only semi retire to do a few of the things I want to do, more dormouse surveying, cycling, reading and I hope writing. I plan to publish Snafu and Bonkers for money because I'll have time to edit them to the required standard. I also have quite a bit of decorating to do and there's always something to do in the garden.
Whizz celebrated my anniversary by leaving three lots of sick in different parts of the house - how I haven't murdered her shows I do have some restraint. I also paid the outstanding on my tax bill - so all in all a day to forget.

Translated to Yankee Speak ...
You have been cut off your job? That sucks. So you have reduced or no income until you retire?
I was fortunate. Everything eventually just slotted up. My Doctor said I could work until retirement and be in a wheel chair, or he'd write me off and I could fight for disability. I chose the latter and almost starved for a few years.
Fortunately, to be GID in America in those days, meant you were crazy, and eventually the system ground to a halt and took me on. The Veterans Admin is very protective of me for reasons I can not comprehend.
I'm still working
but only for another 353 days plus 1 hour. Then I shall work for myself 3 days a week and the rest of the time doing my own thing.
That's not the way it works
When you retire, expect to have less time to do everything - that's how it works.
I managed to cheat the system and "retire" when my company pension kicked in at 62. In practice I'd been off work since giving up the driving in September 2006. I still haven't reached state retirement age and that sucks.
Getting a bus pass was weird. Because they are fiddling the retirement ages for women I couldn't get mine at 60; I had to wait another 16 months. The calculations are what you expect out of Whitehall - long, complicated and completely unnecessary.
At least the meds are now free, and boy do I need a lot of meds, though less than I once took. I suppose there some compensations to passing certain age threshholds (I refuse to use the O word).
Time Flyes
Sorry You lost Family over your Change. I could never give up my kids if one or more said they were changing Gender for what ever reason their still my kids and would always be apopart of me in some waay. Always!
Only my son
probably because of pressure from his wife, though they do have my only grandchild. My daughter is still on board and so is her husband.
Little tiny stopwatches...
... how flies time!
Congratulations on your 28th anniversary, Angharad, and on surviving all the ups and downs in the intervening years. May your retirement be all you hope for.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Time seems to go
Time seems to go so much faster these days...
Retirement? I may have to wait as long after transition as you did... Considering my youngest has another year before she will be starting college... And, her sister (26 plus), is still living at home (health issues)... Someone's gotta pay the bills.
Glad you got everything straightened out. I got a pile of paper from CA in the mail on Saturday. I'll have to fill it out, get a letter and copies/originals of a bunch of other bits of paper and mail it back to straighten out one more government document... (Oh, and they want money, too...)
Glad you'll have time to do some of what you want in another year... (We can hope.)
Reflections from Beyond (retirement)
Time is the great illusion; time beyond retirement doubly so. I was one of the last UK women able to collect my pension at 60 but can understand your frustration at the recently moving age goalposts. It is only money though Angharad which without time to spend it means nothing. Part-time work is a legal phrase for jobs whose hours can expand out of all recognition. If you have no family at home to look after, no tendency to take sick days and show willingness to work those days others take holidays it is easy to end up working 50, 60 or even more hours a week (albeit with little employment protection or holiday pay).
Family time is precious, but often only in our own minds. They are keen on sharing that time when it suits them but not often because we are wonderful company. Your first thought might be to share extra time with friends but they become scattered over years and can unexpectedly turn "odd" as a result of experiences either not shared or shared beyond all tolerance. Without noticing memory becomes unclear about what we did yesterday with last week and last year becoming interchangeable
The solution? Beyond retirement new time with new memories needs to be created. Lay claim to it with a will. Ride your bicycle to new places, meet new people and, I sincerely hope, finally start publishing in the larger world
Rhona McCloud
How time flies indeed
One frog to another:
Fun times when you're having flies.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Being made redundant.....
Would be what we would refer to here as being RIF'd - for Reduction In Force, or more simply laid off. Although quite often lay offs are more in response to the employer being in poor financial health and needing to cut manpower.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I Do So Admire You
The courage it took to transition 28 years ago is a decision nothing short of heroi(ni)c. Also you have endured the loss of some so-called friends and relatives yet found the love of others who accepted your decision. Losing contact with your grandchildren must be the most hurtful consequence....not of your own choice but because of the prejudices of others. I know how that would hurt me.
I wonder if you would have written all your wonderful stories had you not chosen the path that you took. For that, if nothing else, all your readers and fans at BC and elsewhere will be eternally grateful. No-one has contributed as much pleasure here as you,