MAU: Robot in Disguise - Chapter 5

MAU: Robot in Disguise

by Sleethr


Sadie pretends to be Jenna and surprisingly, that leads to some complications.




Author's Note: It's been awhile for this story, but Grover's MAU story kinda kicked my muse. Whisper made it into Whateley canon, so there will probably be a delay before anything new comes out there. I need to make a few revisions to the first book and probably start over with the second. Not sure yet... Thanks to my beta/proof readers and djkauf for his magical edits.



Chapter Five


The two months leading up to the Hector and Natalie’s big day were extremely busy for Sadie.  In order to learn Jenna’s body language, she took a day off of work and followed Jenna around for a day pretending to be her personal assistant, which became her second job once Jenna realized how good her friend was at managing schedules and handling calls.   Being a robot was an advantage since she didn’t need to sleep and could easily multitask because working a full day at the office managing Mr. Roberts’ busy schedule along with Jenna’s chaotic schedule was a lot of work.

Truth told, Sadie didn’t mind because it gave her the chance to help her friend and occasionally meet a movie star or two. It did take a little work to juggle her physical appearances between Jenna and her real job, but Jenna’s chaotic schedule actually helped make it work.  Mr. Roger’s was pretty predictable a nine to five schedule, while Jenna’s tended to be a late afternoon and late evening affair.

Of course, once Natalie found out that Sadie was going to pretend to be Jenna at the wedding, Jenna was drafted to be a bridesmaid.  Which, meant that Sadie had to be Jenna for more than just one day.  Hector was right, Jenna had a way of taking over, but Sadie didn’t mind. It was actually kind of fun fooling everyone. She really felt like she was living up to the Transformers, “Robots in disguise!” catch phrase.

While Hector was having his bachelor party, Sadie, as “Jenna”, took part in Natalie’s bachelorette party. Missing out on Hector’s bachelor party was another blow to what was left of her male ego, but Natalie’s party was a lot of fun. Hot women running from bar to bar earned the bridesmaids group a lot of attention and free drinks, but being recognized as a movie star raised the crazy factor to another level.

Thankfully, Natalie’s healing factor kept her out of trouble and Jenna, the Decepticon,  also suffered no ill effects, but the other bridesmaids and friends, not so lucky. It was very fortunate that Natalie scheduled the bachlorette party to be two days before the wedding, else none of the other bridesmaids would’ve made it.  The only thing Sadie felt was guilt for having to flush down the toilet all the free booze as it passed right through her fake digestive system.  Her human mind considered it to be alcohol abuse.

Now it was the big day for her two friends and it was time to be Jenna for one more day.  She, the bridesmaids and Natalie were all scheduled at a local beauty salon to have their hair and makeup done before the wedding.  It was going to take hours and she wistfully longed to be a man again. The groomsmen only had to put on their damn rented tuxedos and they would be good to go, but the women had to spend hours getting ready.

Yes, she could’ve simply activated her Jenna template complete with makeup, hair, dress and everything else, but doing so would’ve made everyone ask questions. Instead, she found herself at Hector and Natalie’s house at 7AM to get ready for a 1PM wedding. She was at Hector’s house because Jenna’s cover story was that she was renting Greg’s old room.

The sight of her old room brought back some pretty fond memories of how good her life as Greg was, but overall, she decided that her life was better now. She was married to the woman she loved, had two wonderful twin babies, a boy and a girl, a job she loved, friends she cared about and aside from the downsides of being a robot, really cool super powers.  

“Sadie, are you ready to go?” Natalie poked her head into the room.

“Umm, almost. Sorry, was just thinking about my old room and it reminded me how much everything has changed.” Sadie found her optics starting to lubricate.

Natalie gave Sadie a hug and sighed heavily. “I know. It’s changed a lot for me, but I can’t imagine how difficult it’s been for you and I just want to thank you for being such a good friend to me and especially to Hector.” She smiled and peered into Sadie’s eyes, her own eyes glistening with emotion.  “He might not say it, but I know he looks up to you.”

“Humphh…” Sadie dismissively snorted. Hector slash Jenna was the one who was living the dream.

“It’s true!” Natalie exclaimed. “You’re the one he goes to for help because he knows you will have an answer.”

“If you say so, but umm, shouldn’t we get going?” Sadie felt a little uncomfortable over the undeserved praise.

Natalie smirked and nodded. “Yep, but aren’t you forgetting something, Jenna?”

“Oh yeah…” Sadie activated her Jenna template. The entire process took less than a second as the room filled with a soft, yet distinctive Transformers sound effect as her skin fragmented into millions of tiny two centimeter hexagons. Initially, her body took only Jenna’s basic shape and skin tone. Her eyes flashed red and for a fraction of a second, she looked every inch the intimidating Decepticon robot before the two centimeter hexagons split into six smaller parts with each of those splitting as her skin became more and more refined until a perfect duplication of Jenna remained standing in Sadie’s place.

A naked Jenna.

Natalie gasped. “Wow, that’s simply incredible to watch…”

Sadie smiled over her shoulder at Natalie as she pulled Jenna’s dress off the hanger. “Yeah, I have to admit it is pretty cool.”

With a start, Natalie blushed and stopped herself from staring at Sadie/Jenna. “Well, umm, I need to finish getting ready myself. Meet you in the living room?”

“Yep, will just take me a few minutes here.” Sadie walked over to the bed and grabbed Jenna’s panties. She was a little miffed at having to wear real clothes and another woman’s underwear, but Jenna spent a fair amount of money on the dress and Sadie didn’t think it would be right to let it go to waste.

Dressed and standing in front of the mirror, Sadie marveled at her Jenna reflection. Hector had exceptionally good taste in women and Jenna’s beauty was proof.  Sadie was a looker herself, but there was just something about Jenna’s hispanic heritage that raised the bar from being a perfect ten to an eleven.  

Natalie and Jenna arrived at the salon first.

“Jenna?” Jill looked surprised to see Jenna. “But, I thought…”

Sadie thought about lying to Jill and pretending to be Jenna, but Jill knew Jenna’s secret and the situation would only get more risky as the day went on and she saw Hector and Jenna together. “Nope, I’m just a friend of Hector’s who is pretending to be Jenna for the wedding.”

“What tha-what?!” Jill stepped back in shock for a second before her professional curiosity took over and she stepped forward and inspected ‘Jenna’.

Sadie stood still as Jill looked for any imperfection with her disguise. Finally, after almost a minute, Jill took a step back. “I don’t see any traces of makeup or prosthetics, how did you do it? Jenna doesn’t have a twin does she?”  

“No, it’s from the machine Jenna told you about.” Sadie paused as she debated what to tell Jenna’s friend.

“But, she said the machine was gone.”

Sadie nodded with agreement. “It is, but I was his roommate. We both played with the machine.”

“Oh, so you wanted to be a shapeshifter?” Jill relaxed and cocked her head sideways with curiosity.

“No, not exactly, but now I can look like any woman I want.” Sadie ended with a note of frustration since her life would’ve been so much easier if she could’ve made herself look like Greg.

Jill was silent for a few seconds as she looked back and forth between Natalie and the woman who looked like Jenna. “Is this the truth?” She asked, looking at Natalie.

“Yep.” Natalie nodded solemnly.

Jill’s eyes lit up with excitement. “This is so cool! How does it work and who are you really?”

Just in case someone walked in on them, Sadie pulled Jill to a secluded part of the salon. Once she was sure there were no cameras or hidden watchers, she re-activated her Sadie template. “I’m Sadie and unlike Hector, I wanted to be a Transformer.”


Looking in the mirror, Sadie had to admit that Jill was an amazing makeup artist. She grumbled a little bit about Sadie’s fake skin not matching real human skin and how it made things difficult, but she made it work.  Now, she was worried that Jenna might out show the bride.

“You look amazing!” Natalie gushed from behind.

Sadie turned to her best friend’s bride and her fake breath caught in her throat at the sight of Natalie in her wedding gown. She felt a bit of lubricant form in her optics. Her concern was made moot. “Wow, you’re beyond stunning Natalie!  My cousin is a lucky man and I’m so glad the two of you met, even if it was under, umm, strange circumstances.”

Natalie gave Sadie an affectionate hug and stepped back with a solemn look in her eyes. “Yes, I’m very glad his best friend Sadie was there to help me when I needed it and I’m sad she couldn’t be here today, but I’m sure she’s here in spirit.”

Sadie giggled. “Yep, poor Sadie, she’s the best Personal Assistant I’ve ever had, heck she’s the only, but now, the poor dear is stuck working for her real boss on such an important day in her friend’s life. Oh well…”

Sadie knew Natalie wasn’t fooled for a second, but the rest of the bridesmaids had no clue.

“Yes, poor Sadie.” One of the other girls nodded with agreement.

The limo ride from the beauty salon to the church was filled with laughter was the women recounted their bachelorette party stories. A few of them swore off all alcohol for the rest of the year.

As the group exited the limo, Sadie felt a touch of nerves at the sight of Jenna’s co-star, the one and only, Mr. Mike Powers. He wore an expensive looking, custom fitted tuxedo and was surrounded by wedding guests asking him for his autograph or to have their picture taken with them.

Sadie paused and turned to Natalie. “I’ll meet you inside. It looks like I need to have a talk with ‘my’ co-star.”

Sadie shifted into full Jenna mimic mode as she approached him. “¡Ay, Dios mío!, it doesn’t matter where you go, you always have to be the center of attention!”

Mike raised his arms in surrender. “Hey babe, looking good,” he whistled with appreciation, “and it’s not my fault, I was only being nice.” He smiled and nodded apologetically to the guests as they made themselves scarce under Jenna’s glare.

“Did Jill do your makeup?” Mike asked, seemingly immune to Jenna’s gaze.

Sadie forced herself to maintain her glare, but inside she was laughing at his attempt to redirect her. “Don’t try changing the subject mister! You agreed to try and blend in. This is Natalie’s wedding, not a publicity opportunity.”

“But Jenna, babe, I did try. It’s not my fault I’m so awesome.” Mike smirked and expectantly offered her his arm.

Sadie could see why Jenna found the man so frustrating, but she had to admit, he was handsome and he genuinely seemed to like his fans. If only his public, action star persona wasn’t such a male chauvinist.

“Don’t ‘babe’ me, buster!” Jenna smiled, growling through her teeth as took the offered arm. “Turn off the act. We’re at a church for heaven’s sake.”

“You’re right. Sorry Jenna, but you really do look nice.” Mike leaned over and softly spoke into her ear just in time for multiple camera flashes from the hidden paparazzi to catch the ‘couple’ engaging in a tender moment. The picture would’ve been fine if it was the person Natalie hired to capture their wedding, but the bottom feeding scumbag paparazzi knew no limits.

Sadie forgot about how much Jenna said she hated the annoying paparazzi, but invading Natalie’s wedding was a new low.  Instead of getting mad, she decided to get even. It was fairly trivial to add a flash detection to her sensors and synchronize her holographic emitters to create an out of focus effect over her body and cover anyone standing next to her.   She made a mental note to only activate the effect for unauthorized pictures. After all, Natalie would want some pictures for her wedding album.

Just before the pair entered the doors of the church, Jenna paused, purposely leaned over and affectionately kissed Mr. Powers on the cheek just to bait the paparazzi. She wasn’t disappointed. Nor was she disappointed to hear a few of the scumbags complain about the photos being out focus as Mike lead her into the church and safely away from the pests.

“What was that for?” Mike glanced over and whispered.

Jenna giggled. “Oh, just messing with the paparazzi.”

Gabriel, the young teenage usher was clearly a fan of Mr. Powers. The poor boy gulped at the sight of Mike and had no idea how to handle the double wattage Jenna added to the mix. He had seen Jenna during the wedding rehearsal, but she had been casually dressed and decidedly low key. It probably didn’t help that Jenna was supposed to be in the wedding party in the back of the church.

“Umm…” Gabriel helplessly glanced between the two of them as he tried to figure out how to handle the situation.

She shifted over to Spanish. “It’s okay Gabriel. He’s on the groom’s side, probably close to mama and papa Vasquez.”

The polite reminder jolted the teen into action. “Si, This way sir.” He turned to led Mike toward the pews in front of the church.

Mike momentarily paused when Jenna didn’t follow him, causing her to smirk with amusement. “Don’t even think it. There’s no way I’m going to be seen walking down the aisle with you.”

Mike mimed being shot in the heart before allowing himself to be lead away.

Pleased with fooling Mr. Powers, Sadie took the long way around to reach the rear of the church so she could continue helping Natalie get ready. She spotted Michelle looking exceptionally ravishing in a form fitting shimmery, metallic black dress. With her Black Widow and Catwoman genetic rebuild, it only took Michelle a couple of days to bounce back and regain her trim figure after giving birth to the twins. In an effort to avoid pissing off the women at her office, she purposely hid her figure for a few months and the wedding was the first time since the birth that she allowed herself to be seen in something a little more daring. It took all of Sadie’s willpower to not rush over and give her wife a kiss, but doing so would’ve been out of character for Jenna.  

Sadie, as Jenna, was fourth in line to walk down the aisle at the start of the ceremony. At her arm was Hector’s younger brother, Julio. She could see the resemblance to Hector and judging by the looks he was getting from the younger ladies in the crowd, he probably had the same luck with the ladies as Hector.  He seemed particularly proud to have Jenna on his arm, but he remained the perfect gentleman. It was probably because Mike was present and everyone thought the two were dating.

Behind her was Julie, Natalie’s best friend from school as the Maid of Honor. She was matched with the Best Man, Ratchet. Sadie wasn’t sure, but she thought she detected some sparks between the pair. Ratchet was a super nice guy and she hoped things worked out between the pair since she also thought Julie was cool.  She had to admit that Ratchet cleaned up well and she was surprised he was able to find a tuxedo that fit. The man looked like he was capable of going Hulk and bursting out of his clothes any second.

Behind Julie and Ratchet came two of the most adorable flower girls Sadie had ever seen, but behind the pair was the cause of most of her stress and concern, Wheelie. He rolled behind the flower girls decked out with a surprisingly tasteful, formal black paint scheme. A pillow with the ring was nestled securely in the truck bed and even better, he seemed to be taking his responsibility seriously.

{“Sadie Prime! Sadie Prime! How am I doing? Am I going too slow or too fast?”} Wheelie sounded uncharastically anxious over their communications link.

{“Doing great Wheelie. I like the new paint job on you and thanks for doing this for us.  The wedding wouldn’t have been the same without you!”} Sadie heaped the praise on a little thick, but she wanted to make sure he stayed positively encouraged.

She decided to ignore the strange looks Wheelie was getting as he rolled down the aisle in his original mini-monster truck body.  A toy R/C truck as part of the wedding ceremony was not normal, but the little guy pulled it off, she was proud of him and even better, it kept him occupied and out of trouble.

Sadie watched with nervous anticipation when the wedding march sounded and Natalie entered the church. She looked positively radiant on her father’s arm and the ceremony brought lubricant to Sadie’s optics. It was the picture perfect, storybook wedding she imagined, but she couldn’t help stealing glances out to the audience to see how Michelle was doing. This was the kind of wedding she wished she could’ve given to her wife, but since gay marriage was still a little ‘non-traditional’ the pair had to make do with a small ceremony with only a few guests in attendance.  Michelle caught Sadie’s gaze and slyly winked before returning her attention to Natalie.

Even though Natalie didn’t think to ask, Sadie made sure to record everything. She instructed Wheelie to do the same because when the pair combined their feeds, she felt confident in her ability to provide a 360 degree holographic replay of the entire ceremony. While Natalie had a video being shot of the ceremony, she was pretty confident Natalie would be blown away with what she could do to help her recapture the moment, plus it was just damn cool.  Her holographic emitters put R2D2’s puny, “Help me Obi Wan Kenobi!” message to shame.

At the reception, she made sure Julie caught the bouquet. As Sadie, a married woman, she probably would’ve been allowed to pass on the traditional bouquet toss, but as Jenna, a single woman, she was expected to enthusiastically participate. It was trivial for her to plot the bouquet’s trajectory and pull Julie back and to the right just enough to allow her to catch it while at the same time making it look like she had been going for the flowers of prophecy herself.   

The reception was the stressful part for Sadie. Since it was expected of her, she stayed at Mr. Powers side most of the time.  The funniest part of the evening was when ‘Jenna’ introduced Mr. Powers to Hector, Natalie and Michelle.  Of course, Hector knew Mike very well as Jenna, but he had to act like this was the first time meeting him. He had been a huge fan of Mr. Powers, but spending six months filming a movie with the man, being a woman and being on the receiving end of Mr. Powers ego; His regard had cooled.

Sadie smirked as her friend enthusiastically grinned and shook Mike’s hand. “Oh man, Mr. Powers, thank you so much for coming to our wedding. I’m a huge fan and when Jenna told me you wanted to come, what could I say?”

Sadie giggled at his remark because she knew exactly how irritated he was with himself for not saying no.  Hector’s acting skills were definitely good now.

“Mike, just call me Mike. This is your day, not mine.” Mike glanced over to Jenna and grinned. “I’m just glad Jenna invited me because it’s not every day that I get to witness two people, who clearly love each other, being joined together and if there’s anything I’ve learned over the last ten years in the movie business; It’s that finding your soulmate isn’t easy.”  He pulled Jenna to him and gave her a slightly possessive hug as if to say he might have found the one. “Your cousin is a very lucky man, don’t you agree Jenna?”

About twenty different possible responses rapidly appeared for Sadie to choose from. Michelle’s sparkling eyes betrayed her amusement with the situation and a simple Yes or No didn’t seem to fit Jenna’s personality, especially since Mr. Powers seemed to be trying to imply that he was interested in Jenna. “Yes, Natalie’s a very lucky woman because my cousin Hector is an honorable and hard working man,” she quirked an eyebrow at Mike, “unlike some men I know.”

“Ouch…” Hector grinned, clearly amused before he coughed to get his emotions under control.  “Mr., umm, Mike, sorry about my cousin. She can be a little headstrong at times. Something mi tía complained about all the time.”

Sadie huffed, pretending to be annoyed by her cousin bringing up her past while Natalie and Michelle’s eyes danced with barely contained laughter.

Mike chuckled and affectionately pulled Jenna even closer to him. “Oh, I know! She’s a spitfire for sure, but that’s why we all love her and why her fans are going to love her even more once they see her in action.” He paused for a second. “You know what? I’ll have to see about getting you some advance screening passes so you can be one of the first to see your cousin on the big screen.”

Hector looked surprised. “Really!? That would be-”

Sadie interrupted Hector. “No, no it wouldn’t.” She checked Jenna’s schedule. “The showing is in two months and at the same time you’re,” she pointed at Hector, “going to be out of town working on expanding the I-5  up near Sacramento, remember?”

There was no way that Sadie wanted to be Jenna for another night. She had already been her for twice as many days as she was supposed to be. Hector was right. Jenna was a menace.

“Oh yeah, sorry forgot about that project. It’s kind of a big one…” Hector apologetically grinned at Mike.

“No problem man. Since Jenna’s sometimes a little hard to reach, I’ll make sure her PA, Sadie, gets a few passes. You know, just in case.” Mike smiled and shook Hector’s hand before turning his attention to Natalie and Michelle.  “It’s been a pleasure meeting both of you,” one at a time, he gallantly kissed the back of their hands, “Jenna spoke about the two of you all the time when we were filming, but her descriptions didn’t do either of you ladies justice.”  He slyly glanced back at Jenna and smirked at the fire dancing in her eyes.

Sadie found his antics very amusing and Michelle’s lazy, mischievous grin told her how much she was enjoying the complex interplay, but she caught Hector’s almost imperceptible flash of irritation before he got his emotions under control. Sadie used his momentary tell to decide how Jenna was going to react.

Sadie laughed at Mike’s attempt to make Jenna jealous. “Hector, Natalie, Michelle, I’m soooo glad,” her voice dripped with sarcasm, “I was able to introduce you all to my ‘lovable’ co-star, but he ‘really’ needs to be going now. It’s getting late,” she turned to Mike, “and Mr. Powers has a big party up in L.A. that he simply can’t miss, right dear?”

Mike chuckled. “Oh that, yeah, but it’s not starting for another few hours.”

She pulled Mike away and growled softly, her voice pitched for only him to hear. “Don’t you even think about it cabrón!”

“What?! I was only being nice to her.” Mike halfheartedly tried to defend himself, but his self-satisfied smirk gave him away.

“You’re impossible!” Jenna huffed and turned her face away from the man before her eyes could betray her amusement.

“Thank you,” Mike chuckled, “but I have to say, your friends are all like you, a little dangerous.”

Stunned, Jenna stopped in her tracks. “What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, it’s just something a real martial artist like myself can see.” Mike gestured nonchalantly back towards her friends. “Hector, Sadie and Michelle, they all have this calm assurance about them and the way they move, they’ve all had some training. Are they all spies like you?” He grinned, like he had just discovered a secret.

“What!?!” Sadie was relieved by how far away from the truth his guess was, but at the same time, surprised he noticed anything about them considering the short amount of time he had in their presence. “No, they are not spies ‘like me’. Geez, they’re just friends who have had some training. Hector was in the Army, Sadie, I’m not sure, Natalie is almost a doctor and Michelle was a gymnast and cheerleader in college.” She giggled. “See, not spies!”

“Okay, but what about the big dude over there? You can’t tell me he’s not here to provide security for you.”  He gestured with his eyes toward where Ratchet was talking with Julie.

“Ratchet?!?!” Jenna laughed. “No, he’s a heavy machinery mechanic. He works with Hector, but he was in the Army too.”

“Hmmpphh,” Mike skeptically rubbed his jaw in thought, “I don’t know if I can believe you, but now I know who to talk to about finding extras for our next movie.”

Sadie was feeling a little overwhelmed, but at the same time flattered. Mr. Powers thought she and Michelle could be in a movie. Now she knew how Hector felt; The movie industry was the devil, but before she could say anything Mike interrupted her train of thought.

“Oh hey, you’re right. It is getting late and it’s almost a three hour drive. I need to jet.” Mike briefly hugged Jenna and turned to depart. “It was nice meeting your friends and,” he glanced back over his shoulder, “Oh yeah, the two of us have a late night show gig next week. Must attend and all that. I know better than to try calling you. So, I’ll call Sadie with the details. Be there.”

Sadie’s jaw dropped as Mike walked away. “What?”

She was only supposed to be Jenna for one day, but Hector was going to be in Hawaii all next week. She could always fly out, pick him up and fly him back, but that would interrupt his honeymoon. “The bastard is so going to owe me…”


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