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So lastnight we went to a friends house for the 4th. Well some other ppl showed up aswell, they where pretty cool except this one brunette woman who was like 37 with 2 kids wearing the tightest and tiniest skirt I've ever seen, its wasn't flattering. So after a few hours everybody is properly intoxicated (except me). Well she was getting very touchy feely and constantly patting me on the butt and making vulgar refrences. At one point my transition came up since we where practialy with family.. well she grabs my breasts and says " feel real to me!" I was absolutly blown away that she had done that and nobody said anything...
not cool !
while the chances are good that she will feel embarrassed by what she did (assuming she even remembers), I'd be careful around her in future. In the meantime, have a huggle, they never grab bits without asking first ...
huggle ?
You want me to hug her? that's crazy, ill probably never see her again anyways. But I'm gonna bring it up to our family friend and hope she says a few words to this woman.

no, the huggle is from me.
my huggles always behave themselves and only give out the finest snuggly-hugs.
Big huggle from me to
Sorry you have that happening to you.
Has for "nobody react", may be they got stun by the action as you where.?
Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Tender Hugs tmf
no they weren't stunned
I was just the only sober adult there...

It was more than rude... might want to mention to any of the folks who stood idly by while you were molested and ask them why they didn't intervene. Intoxication is no excuse, and her behavior went way beyond rude. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.
Love, Andrea Lena
Yeah, if you're that old you
Yeah, if you're that old you should know when to stop drinking. Especially if you lose control like that.
Crappy people
sounds like that dirty old woman needed you to knock some sense into her... With you being a minor just knocks me over that someone (adult) didnt read her the riot act but good. What ever comes of it just remember that it wasn't your fault that an asshole like her acted as she did. Hold your head up & smile you are much better than her.
I'm not a minor anymore, papa. I'm an adult lol. and I'm not like scarred for life or anything, I know it wasn't sexual, hopefuly, and im not really worried, I was just shocked that she was so brash.

not funny
if that was me she done that to I would of gave her a slap in the face.
No practically at all
By definition, you WERE physically molested enough that Assault charges could be filed.
OMG. Some people are their own worst enemy.
This woman sounds tragic.
If not yet, soon.
Sorry you had to cross paths.
Consider the source, and try to let it go.
And say a prayer for her. Things don't bode well.
I'm passionphobic, a result of living in a passionless family for my whole life. So I dislike being touched, except from people who genuinely and sincerely care for me. There was a girl like this in my life, she would always hugged me everytime we met, but without any feeling of lust or disdain. Too bad she moved to a state on the other side of the country about a year ago. I also dislike men hugging me for any reason.
If I was in Chii's position, I would break into cold shivers. I won't even have time to feel offended, because my mind would've shut down. Therefore, I can sympathize with your plight, Chii.
Her behaviour was disgraceful
by any standard, no one has the right to molest you like that, and the others should have protected you from such things. You would certainly have grounds to complain because it wouldn't have been done to a cis-gendered woman, so you shouldn't have been seen or treated as different.
I have very little tolerance of drunks.