Absolutely unbelievable young girl singing opera

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Channel monitors, if I'm out of line with this post please let me know. It has nothing to do with TG or GLBT.

This young lady is nine years old. She sings opera. Absolutely unbelievable voice. For all you who have thought about or are struggling to find your place in the world..., Anything is possible. All you need is faith. Believe in yourself. Others will believe with you if you show them you have what it takes to be you.

hugs to all those who have shown us the way and all those who are following their destiny.

Now, that unbelievable young lady.




erin's picture

The amazing thing is the power of her voice. Lots of kids have good voices but not many have the strength to project like that. I know she had a mike but it was not all of what was going on there. The second amazing thing is that she apparently taught herself to project like that, just from listening to opera! I had two young cousins who could have done something similar, perhaps. They had amazing voices with power, range and expression at the ages of 4 and 7. So it happens. Let's hope Amira enjoys the life that opens up to her with her ability to perform.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Andrea Lena's picture

...simply amazing!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Shame On Me

Call me cynical, but the first thing I did when I heard her sing was to check the comments and make sure this wasn't a hoax. Her voice is that good.

Shame on me.

By way of recompense, let me introduce you to the wonderful Rachel Flowers. Blind since birth, and talented beyond belief.


A word of warning: if you were ever into ELP, clicking on the link below may cause you to develop an addiction you find hard to throw off.


Ban nothing. Question everything.

You can't sell blind people short.

I know a beautiful, charming woman from Ethiopia, and she is blind. She is a delight, and constantly amazes me what she can accomplish with no sight. She does some things better than I ever could.

We are great friends and we often chatter on, and laugh about everyday things.

One benefit about her is I know that she will not look at me and see a man.



I'm not an opera fan but I am of German lied (art songs) and of the arias and music in opera. It's just the silly and contrived plots that irritate me. One thing that does put me off is a singer that can't hold a note without excessive tremolo or, as I like to think of it frequency modulation. This nine year old has a wonderfully mature voice now and holds the notes beautifully. I just hope it doesn't get spoiled by a teacher. Though I suppose she'll need training to avoid strain.

It's not only her voice but she's so self assured. Few adults, let alone children would be so calm before such a big audience.

Sadly, much as I love singing like this I have a voice like a frog in agony. I was asked to keep quiet at school and my dread on the very rare occasions I go into a church (weddings and funerals) is the dreary interminable hymns :) I just keep quiet.

Thanks for high-lighting this gifted girl.


Our whole family sang but not professionally

BarbieLee's picture

My mother was a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice. Every time we got in the car it was song time. She taught my bother and me how to harmonize and blend our voices. I grew up singing to the cows, dogs, cats, whatever was around to hear me. The dogs would join in on certain songs. I'm sure it was because their ears hurt. Yodeling like singing takes practice and I found I have lost both after so many years.

Mom played the harmonica also and could play any song she ever heard after hearing it one time.

If one doesn't have a musical sound stage on their computer the next best thing is an elec fan. Get up close in front of it and start singing. It will reverberate the sound back to you. You'll think you are back in the forties listening to the radio with bad reception. For more fun sing into a three inch pipe that is about six ft long. The harmonics will fry your brain.

Have fun with life. It's too short to take it seriously.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Just bought her CD


Reminds a bit of Charlotte Church but I think Amira has the better range and hits the highs better and the power is there also whereas Charlotte sometimes lacked. With luck she does not become a teen gone wild like Charlotte did.


I've followed Amira Willighagen since she appeared on Holland's Got Talent. She's something of a raw prodigy, but I haven't heard anyone who can touch Jackie Evancho, the singer who inspired Amira. Wikipedia lists three singers who, by the age of 12, could compare with the top adults: Beverly Sills, Julie Andrews, and Jackie Evancho. Youtube is filled with her stuff, but I recommend three: Dark Waltz, Lovers, and O Mio Babbino Caro (the version she sung in Japan -- search under "Jackie Evancho in Japan") All of that was done when she was 10 or had just turned 11.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

Mahatma Gandhi

Jakie has an increadably beautiful voice

BarbieLee's picture

She sings in a different pitch than Amira and a different style. For those who aren't into such nuances think in terms of country and western singers and who can sing your favorite song closest to what one perceives as best.

Or, can we imagine anyone but the Eagles singing Hotel California?

Of course jealousy rears it's ugly head and I'm insanely jealous of anyone and everyone who can hit and maintain such amazing high notes in soprano. I never acquired a sense of self inflicting pain where I could appreciate Heavy Metal, Hip Hop, or Rap. None of which is music but just bad sounds. I can get all that I want when a bearing is going out of a piece of equipment.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

She is delightful

I've been on YouTube and watched not only this video but also the two subsequent videos of Amira's performances in the semi-finals and finals, and yes, she is amazing. As one of the judges commented, she seems to be an 'old soul'.

Robi, the danger as I see it is not that she will be spoiled by a teacher - if her parents are properly advised and send her to the right places that shouldn't happen - but that the commercial system will take her up, chew her up, and spit her out again. I sincerely hope and pray that that doesn't happen! But Amira herself seems to have a delightful unaffected self-confidence; I hope the impression that she has a sensible head on her young shoulders is true.

Thank you, Barbie, for bringing this young artist to our attention!
