Etiquette on leaving message on old or finished stories

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wonder what it is, i know a lot of people get snarky for bringing up old work on forums but this is a posting site not a forum....that also seems to have a forum that people post stories extra in...

but would writers still enjoy a little message as i read along each chap, even on 10 year old work? like "i think this is going to happen, i hope this other thing dose not.' or just get to the end like a book.

i would still like to avoid the queen nazi, there is always someone who cant control there ocd on a site like this


My opinion ...

Rules One and Two seem to cover this quite nicely. :) (See the Announcements section if you are unfamiliar with them.)

From what I can tell, writers love any comment they can get; it's their "pay" for posting the story here.

Comment away

Unlike your typical forum where adding to something old makes it leapfrog newer postings, the only thing that changes when you comment on an old story is the comment count (well duh), most authors want to know that their stories are still generating interest so feel free to comment.

As for queen nazis this is a friendly site so usually that kind of behaviour gets caught before it goes to far.


You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.

Not quite true.

There are some functions that "leap frog" posts. You can search old stories based on new comments, like here. It's a very useful feature for finding awesome stories you might've missed. In that case, I heartily encourage comments. Though the function can be broken by commenting on every part of a longer series. I wasn't able to use it for a long time when someone commented on every episode of Bike for weeks on end. It just filled page upon page of the same story.

leaving a comment

On an old story I will go directly to "send author a message" and tell them how much I enjoyed the story. The will write you back and it is so very nice to let them know that their stories are still being read. Rule # 1 be nice , if only everybody followed that rule in life Hugs to you Doodle :-) Richie2

Comments on old stories....

I frequently browse 'My Stories' in case a comment shows up, even though the stories are old (relatively speaking). Whether comments are made directly via PM or left as comments with the particular story, I do try to respond whenever they're drawn to my attention.


As I can only speak for

As I can only speak for myself, comments are always appreciated. I don't care how old the story is it is nice to know that it is still being read.

Kudos are nice as well

I always find it strange that people reading older stories are less inclined to give a kudos. I can't think why? The kudos points continue to thank the author for posting the work.

If you want to send a written message, then I certainly prefer a "send author a message", which is immediately flagged to my notice as soon as I log on, than a public comment, which it may take me some time to realise is there.

Hope that's useful

When reading stories......

Not currently "works in progress" I tend to just read through to where ever they left off or concluded. Then I almost always will leave a comment at the end. Sometimes I'll go back and leave one at the beginning as well. "Works in progress" I'll generally leave comments for each chapter because sometimes they help the writer progress forward and maybe sometimes provide ideas for future chapters. Loving Hugs Talia

I just send a PM

If a story is a month past publishing, I just send a PM to increase the likelyhood that they get it.


Loveeeeeeeeeee It

I keep hoping that people would leave a comment on a story that they read, any time. I keep a file on them both for educational value and for the often needed tiramisu for the soul when I am down and need a shot of encouragement letting me know I am doing something right. So PLEASE LEAVE ME A COMMENT ANY TIME DAY OR NIGHT. My tiny ego thanks you for it.



With those with open eyes the world reads like a book



I find stories I might not have seen otherwise, because somebody thought to comment about it even though it was an "old" story. Even if you send a PM to the author, you should still leave a public comment. That comment might bring another reader to appreciate a fine older story.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

So far it is unanimous

Wendy Jean's picture

So far it is unanimous, it is never too late to comment.

Follow up PMs are nice too.

read, enjoy, comment

Teek's picture

As one who has been reading some older stories lately, I have been leaving some comments on the last chapter/installment, but I don't read chapter by chapter. I tend to go to the title page, click on Printer friendly version, and read from there. It gives me the whole story, and my screen reading software is happier.

As an author, I want comments and kudos if you liked the story. I don't care if the story was just posted or if it was posted 3 years ago. With the older stories you don't really notice when someone just does a kudos, unless you remember that you had a certain number of kudos for a particular story. As the author, you do however have a few ways to know when someone leaves a comment. This is why leaving a comment will let the author know better (with old stories) that people are still reading and enjoying their work more than just the Kudos. Both are good, and one or the other is much better than none. I have had comments on an older story, and it always brings a smile to my face.

Read, enjoy, and comment/kudos.

Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling, Keep Writing

Much as I hate to give credit...

... to used car dealers, the term "New To You" has merit. :-)

When I first discovered this site, EVERYTHING was new to me, and I was like a kid in a candy store.

I was so taken by much of the stuff I read, that I just HAD to thank the authors.

I'd really hate to think I was pestering them over "Yesterday's Jam" (nod to Graham Linehan).

I really hope that, if in a while from now, someone has something nice to say about something I wrote so long ago that I barely remember it, I will be gracious and grateful that someone took the time to comment on it.

...Even if I'm as personally embarrassed by it as I am by an old yearbook photo. ;-)

I haven't published anything here, but a few pieces else where

To me, any kind of response, just a simple "I read it. I liked it", is like watering plants in the dessert. I gets soaked up, and brings nourishment to continue striving is this vast desert, where the muses only sprinkle to occasional droplet of water. :-)

Hymn sheet

I will keep to the same hymn sheet as the others here: comment away. It tells us, among other things, that we have new readers and not just revisitors.