Teaching Saudi English

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Don't ask me how I get into these things? I was just thinking of a music video made by some Saudi youth. "Good Girls die young, bad girls do it well." Who says girls can't do things in Saudi Arabia?

Years ago, I put my name in at a volunteer site, offering to teach English to foreign nationals. So a couple weeks ago I got an email from a Saudi man to help him with his English.

Upon meeting the fellow, my God, I need protection from myself !!! Yikes !!! A couple people here have seen how I react to certain guys. Mmmmmm. :) I just want to jump up on the table and do licentious things !

"Good girls die young, bad girls ...


Be Casreful

If he is that good looking you may want to make love. According to Jewish law having sex makes you married, even without a ring, contract or vow (the other three ways to make a couple married). It may also be true with Islamic law. Please check before you get involved, unless you wish to be his bride.

I think Shalimar is correct

While in Turkey, I was told that by having sex with someone meant you had asked to marry them and they had said yes. However, that usually only applied to the very observant Muslim, and an very observant Muslim would not be alone with a female not related to him. That doesn’t mean all Muslims follow those rules though.

Jeri Elaine

Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.

Uh, I am Muslim :)

However, Islam is as fragmented as Christianity, or Judaism. And like I say, lately I am not sure who owns the drum they all march to.



Unfortunately, Islam is

Unfortunately, Islam is allowing the fanatics to become the world voice. The moderates basically won't do anything to stop the fanatics - not even show up on the media to contradict. Probably out of fear for their lives, as the fanatics have already showed (repeatedly) that they don't care what happens to themselves as long as they kill the "infidel".

It's truly sad. The Jews outgrew that habit 2000+ years ago. The mainstream Christians outgrew it (with some exceptions) by the 1600's. Mormons took less than 50 years to figure out it was a bad idea. Islam? 700+ years, and they're still using violence as their only real 'voice'. If they don't stop, it'll probably end up in a war of religious extermination.

(Buddhists, Zorastrians, and others often didn't really even have a martial tradition in their religions. Their home locations found other reasons to commit war)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

The radicals will age out in 20 years.

I have abandoned Christianity finally and with certainty. They all say they march to the same drummer, but I am not sure that drummer is the right one.

So, at the young age of 67, I have found the love of my life. I love to tutor Muslims in English. The ones less than 40 seem to be quite moderate.

For me, Christians have been untrustworthy. So, in returning to Islam, I will practice the most sincere worship of God that I have seen.

Looking back at history

Looking back at history (recent), they're not aging out. They're getting more and more radicalized. At least the Ottomans had the excuse of syphilis for a lot of their behaviour. Keep in mind these are the same groups of people that have been going bananas since WW-II. They're just spreading their poison further afield.

As for christians - there are just as many, if not more, idiots and fools there. It's just that the other christian groups tend to be willing to stand up to them. That's where the problem lies with Islam. The fear of the fanatics is stopping the moderates from actually doing anything.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Unfortunatly, We Did Not

We have a radical group in Israel, called the Heradi (transliteration may be wrong). They have used violence against "less orthodox" Jews in Israel, including (amazingly) "Modern Orthodox," and Sephardi Orthodox. Yet, until recently they were exempt from the military (now, universal requirement for all Jews, including women). They did protest this change.


The question there becomes:

The question there becomes: "Do the moderates work hard to restrain the radicals?" If the answer is yes, then Judaism has learned.

It's like the Westboro morons. They made lots of noise and fury and ended up in the news a lot. The people that did their best to stop them _also_ ended up in the news a lot.

The Mormon splinter sects end up in the news down here - but there's also a lot of the main Mormon branches and churches that are on record to actively disavow any acceptance of their practices.

(Quite frankly, I don't see what business it is of the government to get involved in marriage - polygamy or not - other than as a contractual squabble. If you agree to be monogamous, it's a contract violation. If you don't, then who cares? Marriage should be religious only - all the government should need is signed contracts to know how to handle the group)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I know a similar feel

I work with one Saudi National, and OMG is he pleasing to the eye.

To bad I'm in that awkward part of transitioning where I'm half-transitioned, and my HFA is always a drawback... :(

But one can dream right.


Internet High Fives All Around

( •_•)>⌐■-■

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