Gender changes slowly coming

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Over the past sixty years the concepts and perceptions about those who do NOT fit the gender identity they were tagged with at birth is slowly changing. Sadly, Harry Benyamin's Gender Dysphoria is still hung onto all boy-girls caught up in the gender blender. In other words, if one doesn't accept their birth sex designation then they are crazy.

I don't know of any clinic still practicing electric shock and or lobotomy to correct this mental defect. Although as hard as it will be for some to believe, it was common practice at one time. I corresponded with some of those girls who made it out of those sadistic torture chambers. By God's grace they were still sane.

If one is a Thailand national they can walk into a doctor's office and say, I want to be a girl (boy). The doc will tell them to lay down take a deep breath of this and don't blame me when you wake up and don't like what you asked for. Actually there is a tad more than that but not much. Foreigners are required to have two letters from respective doctors. From what I have been told seldom do the clinics ask for the papers. If one is "crazy" enough to want a change all it takes is $6000 dollars US or more for the highly publicized clinics.

Personally I've read some real horror stories about the cheap shots. "Pssst buddy, want a sex change? Step into my clinic. I offer good work for cheap prices." I don't think so. I mean come on. That's something I will live with the rest of my life. I want to think I'm getting a Rolls Royce service for something that important.

Anyway, I digress. The following link was what brought all this to mind. Courage girls and boys, TG are slowly being accepted as human.


*TW* ECT etc

There was a point where involuntary ECT was given for many forms of mental health issue, mostly these days it has become a choice. I can't quite understand why anyone would choose to undergo it but there it is.

Also from what little I know of Harry Benjamin it seems a trifle unfair to suggest that he is responsible for poor treatment of trans people when evidence suggests he was one of the few people of the time prepared to help.

You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.

I went to Thailand

In 2007, I went to Dr Kamol in Bangkok. I spent around $12,000 US then and that included Motel, meals and the operation. For my height, I had to weigh less than 160lbs. They detected Atrial Fibrillation in my heart, and years later I find that the drug Celexa was likely the cause. I no longer take any Psych meds.

So, the operation went really well. I asked them not to use Morphine but to use Versed and Phenlbarb. They were surprised but agreed, so I had no sickness and vomiting post op.

The only hitch was that when I got ready to go home, they were surprised and told me that they had not done the outer labial lips yet. To me, this was a bait and switch, and I was out of money so what ever the consequences, I headed back to the US.

Bluntly, When I stand with my legs closed, I look normal. However if I spread my legs widely, the vaginal area opens up like a huge clam shell, exposing all the soft tissue normally protected by the outer labial lips.

I don't know what the additional cost would be to have had them to finish it up. I suppose another 2 or 3 thousand dollars. I wish I could have found a way to do it.

At the time, in Thailand, if you showed up wanting an op, and did not have the letters, for another $200 they sent you to a Mental Health person and he wrote them for you.

In my opinion, those doing gender change counseling and surgery in America are cutting a fat hog, getting rich on people who can least afford it. They are victimizers of the lowest order. And, I also think that anyone wanting SRS should be off psych meds for 6 months before having the operation.

I have stopped protesting that the drugs made me vulnerable to having the operation, since my life since has been extremely happy, save for the family and certain religious bigots. Saying "to hell with religion" in my case will not work because I am a deeply faith driven Muslim and can not change that. That many of the faithful in all faiths are complete jackasses, I will not dispute however.

Ma Salaam

Khadijah Gwen

There are no good answers

BarbieLee's picture

I tell all the boys and girls to research the doctors before they make that decision. The list is constantly changing. If one can't find references outside of what the clinics are posting then something is wrong.

The TGGroup on Yahoo closed up shop about three years ago. They had lots of girls who had been and recommended or didn't recommend doctors in US, Canada, Thailand, Japan, India, etc. The past year a doctor in Japan has been coming up in the news time and time again. He is so good many of the girls are having trouble returning home. Customs don't recognize the person holding the passport. This of course is facial and vaginal correction.

Never ever take years old data as still being reliable. People change. That includes doctors. This is the rest of one's life we are talking about here. Lots of diligent research.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


shiinaai's picture

I wonder, can you tell me the name of this doctor in Japan? It's nice to have options for when I finally scrammed from this country. I've been in contact with the surgeons in Bangkok. They had excellent customer service, but as for the quality, I still can only rely on their word.

I had the wrong nation, right doctor

BarbieLee's picture

I apologize for not having the original article. There is so much data I try and keep track of besides TG issues. I didn't plow into any of these sites to see if they listed this doctor as Sex change along with facial. The original article out of did.

If after looking at the articles you don't find what you want contact me. I'll dig for the original news along with before and after pictures.

May you find that which you seek and find peace within your heart and soul. Life is meant to be lived not worn until it is worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

For your sake

BarbieLee's picture

Research the "HELL" out of any clinic or doctor you contact. Do NOT take their word they are qualified. Some of the more well known clinics make people think Doctor "Well Known" is the surgeon. Some of the girls told me they were operated on by trainees. The real doctor wasn't even present.

Google and Yahoo your own research using tags such as "review" "clients" "patients" "standards" etc. Sites such as "Susans Place" lists doctors around the world. I noticed her list is kind of static. So don't place too much trust in doctor lists posted by others online.

Diligent research and research some more, and more.

Boys and girls this is a life changing event. Don't let some butcher get a hold of you because you found someone inexpensive with a beautiful web page and neon flashing lights in front.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I find it sad

Angharad's picture

that the only people commenting on the article are trolls. As a European, not having visited the US, tell me are most of the population ignorant rednecks, or just the sort who comment on internet articles?


Not just the US

Comment trolls are everywhere. I can confirm that the percentage of ignorant rednecks and their like is roughly the same in the US as it is in the UK.

You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.

Trolls Love to Post! & Post & Post etc!

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Trolls post, their only pleasure is in trying to make other miserable, or in convincing them selves that others are more miserable then they are. It is part of the Troll make up. The average person rarely does, especially if their opinion is some where in the middle or unformed. And those who do have a personal stake in any issue, have their own issues and lives to deal with.

No matter the issue, squeaky wheels, complainers & trouble makers are who post the most in most open public venues.


Ugh that article... the format and the picture. Complete troll bait and the tone... sorry sweetie but I really don't like eit. Ty for the pick me up though the article is obviously against us.

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D


Athena N's picture

Keep in mind, though, that this article was in Russia Today – that is, a news service affiliated with a country that has chosen to classify pretty much all their LGBT organisations as "foreign agents" and forbids just about any support activity under the "gay propaganda" law. It is, in other words, a part of an ongoing propaganda campaign that aims to brand us (that is, the LGBT community, the Western countries, and a lot of human rights activity in general) as an antithesis of traditional values. The format and the picture are well in line with some Russian top politicians talking about the Gayropean Union.

Sorry about talking international politics... :P