Thanks to my Authors and Readers!

First and foremost, I want to thank the community for supporting all the authors who’s ventured into the published ebook field, even myself!
I thought I would take this time to let you know which books are out there, currently there are eight ( 8 )

The Oracle of New Delphi #1: Book One by Hypatia
It falls to a brave few to rebuild the world, after civilization collapses! Follow the unlikely heroes that have to put it all back together. It makes it harder when you are not even in your own bodies when it all falls apart. Book One of Two
Page Count : Amazon: 473 pages Calibre: 722 Word: 320

The Oracle of New Delphi: Book Two by Hypatia
Page Count : Amazon: 432 pages Calibre: 611 Word: 295

Signal 335 by Lorraine Bank
In a family with generations of firemen as it's lineage, your profession was a destiny, not a choice – Robert (Robbie) O'Shea of Engine 01 never questioned what his life would be, that is until he fell into that vat of chemicals.
Now his life was nothing but questions.
Page Count : Amazon: 158 pages Calibre: 214

The Dragon's Staff of the Master Druid by Lorraine Bank
Did Merlin the Master Magician really live? Did Merlin consider himself a Druid God? Was King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table real? Was Merlin really imprisoned in France by the Lady Nimue? Is Merlin trying or tried to enslave all Humankind? That's what the Preston Foundation want to know and so does the archeological team, which are changed forever by a Primus Scroll. Because of the Primus many are changed in many ways from their sex to their ages. The search is on to find Draclyon the true name of the "Dragon's Heart" the source of Merlin's Power of Magick.
Page Count : Amazon: 265 pages Calibre: 337

G11 Colony ( Revised ): Book 3 by Sarah Bayen
As Steve's destiny draws closer, and the future of the colony hangs in the balance, personal happiness seems to be further away then ever.
Can he finally accept his fate, and find the strength within himself to fulfill the role expected of him by the planet? Will he and Karen ever get together? What will his parent's reaction be to what their son has become?

Page Count : Amazon: 351 pages Calibre: 450

G11 Planetfall: Book 2 by Sarah Bayen
In "G11 Mistaken Identity " Steve was designated a girl.
But when the ship and machine find what might be a suitable planet to colonize, Steve is forced to adapt more to his new status.
Will he change willingly or fight the system?
Page Count : Amazon: 330 pages Calibre: 451 Word: 154

G11 Mistaken Idenity: Book 1 by Sarah Bayen
All the adults are in status; the Machine is in charge. Boys and Girls assigned to new dormitories. But a mistake is made.
Steve is designated a Girl!
Read how he learns to cope and struggles to be reassigned as a boy.
Was this really a mistake of not?
Page Count : Amazon: 311 pages Calibre: 426 Word: 175

Tails by Sapphire Stevens , Rachel Carpenter, & Lhynn Cooper
It's terrible when the spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum is a fledgling witch with a mermaid doll ! Terry seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!
Page Count : Amazon: 376 pages Calibre: 544

More books are on the way!


note: I included the Page counts because it seems to differ which software I use! The Amazon number is what their site estimates, Calibre is a full featured ( and free ! ) ebook management software, and also the page count from MS Word. As you can see, they vary wildly.

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