I thought it might be of interest to Australian readers, and maybe others that one of the two Melbourne Victoria newspapers "The Age" today, 7th June published a half page photo on their front page of a 17 year old trans-girl Mia who has started to attend school wearing a girl's uniform. The accompanying article is quite balanced and reports that she is supported by her mother and also school staff members. She first wore a dress on a 'casual dress' day and there were some negative comments, but when the teachers learned that she is transgender they all wanted to know how they could help. The school celebrates International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia each year and they organised education for the students and staff about what it means to be transgender.
It was good to see a non-sensational article on this topic and I think there some progress in the general population's understanding of transgender and the difference between it and transvestism, drag queens and shemales. When one thinks of the change in attitudes towards gay people over the last twenty years or so, there is hope that by 2034 transgendered persons might become equally acceptable.
Bronwen Welsh
Ah yes I saw that article
Ah yes I saw that article online and was very encouraged. I love seeing positive coverage of trans issues and I am especially glad seeing someone so young brave enough to come out so publicly.
Was there a picture that you intended to share?
I looked for a picture on line, but no.
here is a link to the article, there is a pic
Teresa L.
Teresa L.
I went to an all boys high school, though it was as bad for me, it was still a trial.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
So Young Yet So Brave
When I read this several thing went through my mind, I really admire someone so young to take the step she did.
How I wished I hadn't repressed my feelings and admitted that I was transgendered years ago, but when I grew up
thing's were not as tolerant then as they are now, it took me 35 years before I became the person I knew I should be.
AND the teachers and staff at the school should be applauded for their stance on such a 'controversial' subject as this
especially in a perceived 'macho' country as Australia.
And of douse the newspaper, who could have sensationalised the story, but chose to write it in a compassionate manner.
I wish Mia all the very best for the future and sincerely hope her life is a great one, I know mine could not be better now I
am the person I know I should be, how I rue those 35 years.
Yo, somebody get that girl a makeover !
Yallah !!! There are lots of posiblities, but she needs help. :)
Maybe she is happy as she is...
Why perpetuate the stereo-type of artificial "beautifying" make-up and perfectly coifed hair? She must have known that picture would be published and maybe she felt that was her true self?
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Thanks everyone for your comments. This may be the first time I've posted to a forum as I can't remember doing it before, but I thought it was worthwhile. I've read so many sensational and generally inaccurate articles about transgender issues and it was good to see this one so sensitively handled. Regarding giving Mia a makeover, I'm sure she'd love one, maybe even has had one, but for this article I think it was good that she was presented just as she is, especially as she was in her school uniform. Bronwen.
News article
I wonder how a Rupert Murdoch paper would handle it ? Nice to see how that was handled. Mia goes to a school that is especially sensitive to tgs. Back in the dark ages, when I was in High School(1966 to 1969) (15 to 17yrs) we had a couple of boys that were very girlish (gay?) but they weren't given a very hard time. And this was in a blue collar city school.