Good news everyone.
I don't have to fix the exhaust leak in my car....
Because the engine started knocking and I need to buy a new car...
and I'm in the middle of moving to my new apartment...
and my backup car overheats unless it's moving forward because the radiator fan is broken...
and I'm still paying off several K of medical expenses...
and my new apartment is more expensive than my old...
and I have no idea how to buy a car since I've never done it before...
and I'm so in over my head right now...
But yeah, everything else is good... so far
#########Update as of 6/1/2014 9:30am EST############
I have decided on a game plan.
1. Get ride to my backup car
2. Have broken car towed to new residence
3. Empty out broken car.
4. Donate broken car to Purple Heart
5. Acquire 'newer' car in future.
6. Pray my backup car keeps on going
#########Update as of 6/1/2014 10:45am EST############
Scratch previous plan. Backup car is inoperable. This is going to be fun.
#########Update as of 6/1/2014 1:30pm EST############
My Grandmother is in hospital with a blood clot and infection in the same leg. :(
Unrelated except by blood, My brother got smashed drunk and fell down the side of a mountain a few hundred feet. No broken bones. My brother is an idiot.
#########Update as of 6/1/2014 5:45pm EST############
My cars are both at my new apartment. Found a prospective buy for my old pickup. I just need to find the title which is at my old apartment. Going to donate the other car.
What am I going to do?
Rent a car to get buy the next day or two. Find a used car, and acquire said used car.
You need some music. Have a
You need some music. Have a lucky day in hell...
At first I was like
This music video looks familiar...
Then I saw the silhouette on the hilltop of the cape flaring from the guy on horse
And I was like... VAMPIRE HUNTER D!!!!!
Internet High Fives All Around
( •_•)>⌐■-■
My Deviantart
Been there
I just hate it when life does that to me. I am sending all of the positive energy I can your way to smooth the turbulence around you out. Stay as positive as you can and look for the good things in your life and focus on them. It is the new age version of taking a swig of whiskey and biting on a bullet, but it has worked for me and a lot of people.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Thank you.
Internet High Fives All Around
( •_•)>⌐■-■
My Deviantart
Before you buy a new car, have you tried putting higher octane gas in it?
I have not
It still has a quarter tank full of gas in it. The knock is really bad. If you look at the oil dip, the bottom centimeter of oil is full of black particulate while the rest of the oil is clean.
It's over 150k miles and I've already replaced the transmission in it. I had an accident where the front left quarter was smashed in. Insurance covered repair but they had wanted to total it and write a check.
I know I could get a used block for it and have it installed. This would be significantly less expensive than a new car, but when will the next thing go wrong on it? The car is reaching the end of its life.
Internet High Fives All Around
( •_•)>⌐■-■
My Deviantart
Use to sell autoparts and dad subscribes to Consumer Reports
A car is not worth what you can sell it for but more what the cost of the transportation it provides.
IE s the cost of critical repairs and the time cost of it's unreliability less than what you would pay if you scrapped/sold it and bought a newer car with the money from the sale and what you would have expected to pay in repairs to keep the old bomb running?
Also are the brakes reliable, the exhaust free of leaks and the front end running gear/linkages trustworthy? IE is it SAFE?
Good luck.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Happy Happy Joy Joy
John in Wauwatosa