Crystalhall is down

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Does anyone know why crystalhall is down?
Just used a URL IP finder and that didn't give me anything. Does that mean crystalhall no longer has a URL? Or did that not work just because the servers down? Can anyone tell me crystalhalls IP address if the formers the case?


The domain expired

A quick WHOIS shows the domain has expired as of today, which is why the name does not resolve. The server itself (at appears to still be functioning, but as the server hosts multiple websites, it will not serve crystalhall without being passed that hostname. Whoever was responsible for the domain registration needs to renew it ASAP.

Or maybe your ISP hadn't

Or maybe your ISP hadn't updated their DNS registries and it simply still existed in the mapping for you. I'm getting website unavailable message.

Domain not expired

erin's picture

Bob owned that domain and we renewed it until 2015 last year, so I don't know why or where you are getting info that it is not renewed. Piper is working on the problem, some sort of DNS glitch.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


erin's picture

May take as much as a day or two for the new DNS server to get propagated to everyone.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.