It's that time of year again.
150 Hartlepool United fans make the 950 mile round trip to Plymouth for a 4th tier football match with absolutely nothing at stake, and just about every single one of them is decked out in a Thunderbirds uniform.
This is my home town. This is what they do.
It's only two years since this happened.
Mmm, I can hear you saying, this explains a lot.
I have a question
Could you please identify for us which one of those fans was our own special Nicki Benson?
Sanity is way over-rated, crazy is much more fun. (The important thing is to be SURE one's own craziness is not harmful to others. Oh, and to get out of the away when someone else's craziness threatens to unleash general mayhem.)
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
You have to wonder how odd my childhood was
since I identified with a female marionette...
Love, Andrea Lena
Oh the things we forget!
Thunderbirds was on Every weekday at 3:30 followed by "Dialing for Dollars."
I'd watch Thunderbirds and practice dialing so I could win. The one time I got through I was disqualified because I was too young.
Are you ........
...... Jeff Stelling in disguise?
Nice madness.
It's many years since I took
It's many years since I took football seriously enough to pay money for the privilege of watching it.
I went to the same school as Jeff Stelling, but he was two years above me. And Jeff is his middle name, which he didn't use when he was a teenager.
It has been......
way too long sense I last saw a true football fan. However it does explain a lot about the human race when the crazies have taken over the Pyshic wards of the world. As for the Thunderbirds lets just say that they transend all generations. My own childern have found them on Neion Ally. now they cant get enough of them and their in their late teens.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
you can get thunderbirds
by buying the series on iTunes for less than $30.00
U Call THAT Singing ?
Sorry Nicky, but that noise is not singing, not in the musical sense.
Regarding "Thunderbirds" used to watch that with the kids, way back when. Really loved the theme and the marionettes. Still have a Thunderbirds Mug in my crockery cabinet, it has survived so many moves and is still intact.
They made really super programmes for the Telly back then.
Maybe Not. This, On The Other Hand...
They're Poolies, what did you expect?
Maybe this will impress you more. It features the legendary Chick Henderson, born and bred in Hartlepool, and sold over a million copies. No other UK vocalist achieved this during the 1930s.