Bridal Shop Story in the News

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This caught my eye on the BBC news website: a bridal shop in Japan has discovered a demand for bridal photo shoots - for men. I thought, hey, that looks like the germ of a good story, should anyone want it!

Here's the link:



I remember

Reading a blog about 20 years ago, via Sydney Mermairds iirc, by someone who had rented a wedding gown and hired a photographer to do some wedding portraits.

Then again my wife and I had plans of hitting asydney Mardi Gras one year to renew our wdding vows, me in a gown and her in a morning suit. :)

It appears

Angharad's picture

there are some quite unusual people living in Japan. Mind you, I couldn't see the average bridal shop in the UK allowing it.



But then, this sounds like an unusual shop!

Here, I accompanied two friends who were just starting transition while they tried on and eventually purchased ball gowns in a bridal/formal shop. (I bought one, too. Wore it once - hideous thing ;-)

I'd called around to various shops to find one that would accommodate us and found not just one, but *two* who were open to after-hours fittings. We didn't do pictures, but a photographer is easy to find. (I know two). So it can happen.


Do overs?

BarbieLee's picture

I don't think I can fit into my wedding gown any longer. Age has a nasty trick of shifting body dimensions. Maybe a corset to push things back into place?
Oh well, the past always looks better the farther away from it we travel.
Wonder if any couples would be interested in a do over wedding? Please do NOT ask me. Yes I'm qualified but it was a brain lapse just for a teaser. And I can't think of any church in my part of the world that would go along with it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Posing for bridal shoot

shiinaai's picture

Oh I've done that in my younger days. Granted, it wasn't a glamour shoot, more like a cosplay shoot but I did wore a white wedding gown back then. I looked so adorable. Ahh, to be young again.