How does it work?

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How does this rating system work? I don't want to short change any of the authors.



erin's picture

We are experimenting with a replacement for Kudos since there is no D7 version of the module. We installed a couple of replacement modules to play around with but neither of them is ready to go live yet, so we just turned them off. When we do find a good replacement for Kudos, we will attempt to move all the kudos data over to the new module, if possible. It looks possible.

The new system will probably have a different name, we're favoring Hearts at the moment. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I like

I like the idea of stars 1-5 if you will. Yes its out there but if we could have it where its rated overall and by the reader that would give us an indication. Don't know if it would work with the software version.

I really dislike FB's Likes. Why because if you look at it there is no Dislikes and it skewers the system. Not being mean just an opinion.

5 Star vs Kudos/Likes

Piper's picture

The problem is that disliking and multiple unit based ratings allows a user to go through and potentially skewer the system against an author. Amazon and similar large sites hire people to police the ratings systems because of this and we just do not have such resources. We are basically just looking to replace Kudos since on our next upgrade there is no code for kudos.


"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks


I understand. There really is no perfect system. The kudo's work here because as a member we are required to sign in in order to give one. I was still thinking along the same lines. Only those that sign in are allowed to rate but I also understand the necessary resources those other sites are able to commandeer and then there is the fact that a star system would be tied to that persons name an so on.

I don't envy your task, for as any programmer will tell you, it's the finer details that make or break a project.

It isn't just a potential

erin's picture

People were deliberately using the system to loball authors. They were even creating extra accounts so they could vote low more than once against EVERY story by an author or sub-genre of story they did not like. I would not put that system back in place for less than $10,000 dollars, it ain't worth the headache and time it would take me to police it. Ask around, there were people who were operating a lobal cabal to try to drive certain authors off of the site and one of them got a temporary ban from the site just to send a message from me to them. Malicious sock-puppetry is the height of unfriendliness.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Admit the truth, woman

I have nearly 30k in kudos. You just want to stop me getting there, blast you!

[shakes fist unimpressively]

All it needs is a good massage

Piper's picture

We've looked at the database differences between Kudos and the new system. They are minor enough that we should be able to massage the data and covert it to the new ratings system.

Our goal is for the New system to almost act as a drop in replacement while being maintainable and viable for future upgrades.

So while you may not make 30K kudos, you should have nonissue reaching 30K Hearts, Likes, Loves, ThumbsUp or what ever we decide to call it.


"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

We've had stars before

And they upset a lot of people back when, if I recall correctly. I prefer them myself, but I can understand why a lot of people don't feel they fit with the "keep it friendly" vibe of the site.

Melanie E.