Due to what was likely a brain fart, I neglected to include chapter breaks in part of the story that I edited for Barbie. I have since corrected that error and I hope the story will be easier to read for everyone now. There are also a couple of spelling errors that snuck in under my radar. They were pointed out to me by a kind reader, but I have left them alone. They are very minor and do not really affect the telling of the story at all.
Again, I apologize to Barbie and any readers who might have experienced difficulties in trying to figure out just who is saying what and who is doing what. Hey, I'm getting older, 67 next month, and sometimes my eyes get ahead of my brain. LOL
I notice a significant number of reads on the story, but very few comments and kudoes. Is there a reason for this, or am I expecting too much? Barbie is an excellant writer and the story is a real barn burner, in my own humble opinion, so the dearth of comments and kudoes puzzles me. For everyone else who reads the story, PLEASE comment or at least click the little kudo button? Thanks everyone.
I had no problem.....
With the formatting, but I believe I read it after your fix was in. Between the author and the editor, an outstanding addition to the story line!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus