It Happened Again!

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So, there I was, reading and contributing comments on my favourite website when - I get hit with an attack of the shakes, and pins and needles in my hands and feet.

Five hours later I was in hospital again. What just happened?

This was last Wednesday 19th March. In the morning I got up as usual, did the usual things, sat down at the workstation to begin a productive day's writing. I've reached a critical and complex part of SEE and it demands full attention so I wanted to get everything else out the way first.

Late morning, uncontrollable shaking and the aforementioned pins and needles. OK, I thought, I've been sitting here too long and my circulation is off. Time for a break. Went and heated a can of soup for lunch and that warmed me up nicely. Had a nap (customary), went back to the computer and resumed where I'd left off.

Two hours after the first session it happens again. Now, I'm already thinking "blood poisoning" and because of my impaired immune system I have to take such events seriously, so I reluctantly shut down and begin the process of getting some help.

It takes time. The NHS system is labyrinthine although it does seem to get there in the end. I'll not detail the process except to say it involves a lot of phone calls, a lot of repeating myself and a lot of waiting. I was finally admitted at about 22:30 that Wednesday evening.

Thursday comes. There are lots and lots of tests (and repeating my story to everyone I met) since they had to find out what it was I had. I had taken my file of notes from the Vasculitus episode so that everyone understood what drugs I was on and that I was immune-suppressed. Went to the bathroom about 17:00 and was met by two nurses wearing masks, pushing my bed with all my stuff piled on top. "Put this on," they said, handing me a mask, "We're moving you to a side room."

As they were unloading me into the side room one of them muttered "Swine Flu". "Wonderful!" I thought. Not.

Friday I'm not allowed out of the room and have to wear a mask whenever anyone comes in. Clearly they think I'm contagious. I have to use bottles and a commode. The cleaning staff and the canteen staff ignore all these restrictions, as do the continual line of doctors who come to inspect me.

Finally a doctor comes who confirms that I do have flu. "Swine flu?" I ask. "No, just ordinary Influenza type A," he replies, puzzled. "Wherever did you get that idea?" I roll my eyes. "Ask the nursing staff."

I'm still not allowed out of the room but restrictions begin to ease. There are still one or two who think I'm a plague carrier and use a mask but most are ignoring that by Saturday afternoon. I'm still not allowed to set foot outside the room though. Eventually, after another set of blood tests I'm cleared to leave on Sunday morning, but it takes the whole day to process me out. I arrived home just before 18:00 Sunday.

I wasn't bored while I was in there. To begin with I mostly slept, although as usual the nights in a hospital ward are problematic. I had a lot of time to think so I put it to good use. The only drawback was that my departure was so sudden that I'd forgotten to pack many things, including anything to write on. I did have my ereader but until the last day didn't feel like reading.

So now I'm home again and I have a lot of catching up to do while I finish recovery. I'm on antibiotics and antivirals until Friday and expect to be more tired than usual during the day. Meanwhile SEE goes on and I should make good progress now that I am back.

Given my condition it would appear that episodes like this are likely to crop up from time to time throughout the rest of my life. Instructions have or will be left with certain parties in that eventuality. The next time, it might not be flu but something more deadly so I'll have to be on my guard in the future.


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