There's a story over at Nifty that has for years been one of my favorites, maybe because it was one of the first TG stories i ever read. It's epic in length totaling at 3,421 KB, a monster story far as size goes. I go back about once every 2 years or so and spend about 3-4 days re-reading it. But for all these years...I've been trying to contact the author so that i can get permission to re-write/edit and repost the tale. I've of course e-mailed him, no dice... and i've tried tracking him down to no avail. It's sad, it's such a great story, even though it needs a massive overhaul to cut out a lot of repetitive sex scenes (very repetitive, at points you'd swear even the author got board of em) but despite the over abundance of freaky sex the base story is worth the reading. One of my biggest worries is that Nifty goes down and looses this story, because it's the only place that it's even been posted to my knowledge. Since i cant seem to contact the author im not sure what i can do. Any idea's?
You could tell us the author's name and/or story?
Also, another author here seems to have run into a similar problem with wanting to continue another author's story and Erin provided a solution.
well the story is 'The prize' by Ken Blackwood...
and did she? got a link?