Just a heads-up.
It appears that my episode #17 has gone AWOL since the February foul-up. I shall contact Erin and her Elves to see if I should just repost, or if they would rather it was recovered from their archives.
Please be patient.
(I also posted a blog entry earlier, thanking them for their work, but that also seems to have gone AWOL - I'm sure I saved it, 'cos it asked me to enter an Audience Rating, which I had skipped over somehow)
Cheers for now
It's there
At least, I can see it. If no one else can, someone tell me.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
It's there
It's there, alright. but with qualifications. now has something different ie: “Oh Maker! Haka, Haka – quick. I need to talk to you.â€.
jem 108
jem 108 has the same problem
see 98 seems OK
It's there
It's there, alright. but with qualifications. now has something different ie: “Oh Maker! Haka, Haka – quick. I need to talk to you.â€.
I see missing #17 - B U T ....
... in the right hand column of the site, #17 appears TWICE.
And there are some funny characters appearing in several of the stories.
But a great recovery job, all of you! Thanks for the sweat and hard work.