December 2013 Three Wise Men Story Contest Pre-Voting Blog

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December 2013
Three Wise Men
Story Contest Pre-Voting


Image Credits: Pictures 6403426 purchased and licensed for publishing from ~Sephrena

Gangsters Illustration Copyright © Martin Rebas at . Please visit his site and check out his Illustrations for sale! Amazing stuff! ^^

Character Credits: The Three Wise Guys from Randalynn's The Nick of Time.


gangsters - T.jpg "Okay all. I have to confess... This was the Christmas that almost wasn't! The lady of the house fled. The dame had good reason too. I couldn't just leave things like that. I had to act!" Nick professed.

After fidgeting with flipping an ancient looking gold coin a couple of times in the air and catching it again, he continued.

"I had to pull some magic and adjust reality some to make this work. It isn't perfect! So I am trying to make this contest up to you. I got the dame back, the site owner calmed down and seeing things in a new way. The only thing I couldn't do was fully affect as many people as I would have needed to to have made this contest a success. It was breaking my heart."

"So if any of you's were trying to enter your work between December 9 - 30, 2013, please, PM the dame... Sephrena. Send her the message your story was entered, and it will be tagged appropriately and included in the voting and judging. I know some of you's did not tag your story because you heard she had fled. You have two days to PM and make sure your entry is included! I want you's to win!!! It's the Spirit of Christmas."

He grinned. "I'm a softie too. So make sure if you wrote and submitted a Christmas piece for the contest but it was not tagged and is not seen on the entry list below, PM the dame for help!"

"I'll be seeing you's all for the Winner's Announcement after the contest. After all, I have to let the dame do her work."

"And... I have a couple of knuckleheads that work for me that need some supervision. Gino! Paulie! Get in here."


The current stories listed for the 2013 Three Wise Men Contest:


  1. Strange Magi, Strange Gifts by Elrod
  2. Three Men and a Christmas Spirit by Tanya Allan
  3. Come back soon…Part 1 - 8 by Bailey Summers
  4. The Three Wise Punks by Jennifer Sue
  5. A Christmas Gift to Me by Jessica C
  6. It's In The Book! by Susan Jean Charles
  7. Dottie's Christmas dinner - A Jaci and Dottie story by Dorothy Colleen
  8. Gifts for Julie by Katherine Day
  9. Naughty or Ice by Amethyst
  10. Church One and Church Two by Kaleigh Way
  11. Three Wise Men & Maggie - Chapter 1 by Julie D Cole
  12. The Adventures of Captain T - Episode 25,490 by Melanie Brown
  13. The New Doctor? by SamanthaMD
  14. No Room at the Repair Shop by Drea DiMaggio



Andrea Lena's picture



To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

The dame

Amethyst's picture

It's good to see you's back.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3