Like the song goes, happiness is whatever you want it to be. I'm learning, however, to be content as well in all circumstances. It's been a very rough few years, and things didn't get any easier with the mini-stroke (Wankel Rotary Engine?). I'm pleased to report that my vision is nearly back to normal, but I still feel doubly blessed in knowing all of you! So....
They say happiness is a thing you can't see
A thing you can't touch
I disagree
Happiness is standing beside me
I can see her
She can see me
Happiness is whatever you want it to be
Happiness is a high hill
Will I find it?
Yes, I will
Happiness is a tall tree
Can I climb it?
Watch and see
They say happiness is the folly of fools
Pity poor me
One of the fools
Happiness is smiling upon me
Walking my way
Sharing my day
Happiness is whatever you want it to be
Happiness is a bright star
Are we happy?
Yes, we are
Happiness is a clear sky
Give me wings and let me fly
Let me fly
For happiness is whatever you want it to be
Yes, happiness is whatever you want it to be
from the Movie Scrooge
Words and Music by
Leslie Bricusse
as sung by Suzanne Neve
And my happiness includes having you in my life
you make things just a little better ...
This is one I remember from many years ago. The video is more modern though.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.