May be offline about a week

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I just wanted to let my readers know...

Yesterday, my smartphone was stolen & it will take about a week for me to replace it. Unfortunately, except for what I've written longhand, almost all of my current work was stored in the memory chip on that smartphone. Even though I have insurance on it, I still have to pay $150 deductible. My current model was no longer available & I must purchase the more expensive upgrade.

Stories afffected by the theft include the next chapters of Debriefings, To See Through a Glass Darkly, O My Son, My Daughter Absolom!, & Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? Also lost were partially completed sequels to my short story "The Birthday Party," & others in the series Hearing Danielle's Voice, including a sequel to The Voice Backstage from just over a year ago. The largest was a nearly completed novella, If for Any Reason..., which I must also reconstruct.

A few of you have read incompleted drafts of these stories & when I get back online with my new smartphone, I'll ask you to forward those drafts back to me if you still have them. But please wait until I'm ready for them, because I don't yet know how my new smartphone will be configured.

Peace & blessings!

The Rev. Anam Chara+


Stolen Cellphone

...But shouldn't you be able to get your original cellphone back if it can be traced and the thief apprehended? Hope that happens.

I am so sorry to hear that.

I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you can reconstruct the stories. I enjoy them so much. I wish you luck in that.


Daniela Wolfe's picture

We store so much personal information on our phones these days that it really hurts when it's lost or stolen... Well, besides the monetary sting. Of course, in your case it's much much worse because you've lost hours and hours of work that you've put your heart and soul into.

I do hope you're able to reconstruct your stories. I'm sure it won't be an easy task.

Have delightfully devious day,

SmartPhone or DumbPhone?

I have a smartPhone but I store nothing on it apart from my contacts/phonebook. No banking apps, no Facebook, No Twitter.
To me a Phone is something for making phone calls. Ok, it sends Text messages and yes I have one Airline App on it but that is it.

I'm paranoid about my information security because I once had my Identity Stolen and the thief ran up a bill close to £10K at Harrods before he was apprehended.

As for my phone, I stopped using phone company contracts years and years ago. My phone is unlocked. It came that way. I pay £10.00 a month for 300minutes 1000 texts and 1Gb of data. This is a rolling one month contract so no lock in there either. When I travel on business, I buy a local sim card and slot it in and I'm away. No obscene roaming charges either.

I know the Cell comanies in the US are living in the stone age but you can get better deals than a 24 month or longer contract that includes a phone at an inflated cost (over the length of the contract).

finally, I spent £120.00 on my phone. Sure it isn't the latest and greatest fondleslab or megaphone (6in ones) but it works and if I lose it so what.... My home contents insurance will cover its loss.

Think outide the box ladies. Until you do, you won't realise how far over that barrel the Cell companies have you.

Phone costs

Daniela Wolfe's picture

I don't store much on my phone, but those apps I that I do have personal information require a password unlock to get into.

As far as being over the barrel with big cell. That's why I'm with a little heard of company called Republic Wireless. I pay $22.50 before taxes (I'm a beta member so I get a %10 discount) and I get unlimited talk, text and data with a 5gb throttle. There are some drawbacks since the services uses hybrid wifi/cell handoff technology, but considering I'm spending a fraction of what most people do I can live with the quirks. The $300 upfront for the phone was painful, but it's well worth the price. Unfortunately, since the phone requires a special software work with the service the phone is locked to the carrier.

Have delightfully devious day,