It's been about a month and my book, "Heroes of Justice" available on Amazon Kindle has reached my estimate in sales. About 25 have been sold. Of course I hoped for more, but that was my realistic expectation.
I'm trying to get my next Kindle project, 'Once the Hero' cleaned up to be posted now, but if you have purchased a copy of HOJ please leave a review! Each one helps seperate my work from all the others in that popular genre.
Thanks to everyone who brought one! If you don't have yours yet here is the link that will credit BCTS.
I look forward to more books
Grover, I did buy HoJ and will definitely write a review :) I have really enjoyed your stories and wait not so patiently for more ~giggles~
Thanks Ushie!
Like ai said I am working on cleaning up Once the Hero. However, it is not a short book! When I'll get finished, I have no idea. At least I don't have any deadlines to freakout over! :) Just the old being broke until I get it finished. :)
You asked for it,
you got it. My review just went up. HUgs and congrats, my dear friend.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I got it!
Thanks Cathy! If I have anyone in the whole world to thank it is you!
Big hugs back!
The book!
I bought this book when it was first advertised and fell in love with it! i found the character development to be great and the plot was fantastic. What really made the story enjoyable though was that anything written that had good support was closed in the book. No loose ends always a plus!
Congrats Grover on reaching your goal. Hope i get to read a sequel or another book in this universe.
Thanks Revolution!
This was my first completed book and as the writer I'm aware of flaws. I don't know anyone who can look back on their early work and say,'It was good!' However, I'm not unhappy with it either. Like others have side it's a first effort and in that light, it works.
There are a loose end or two, but I did try to tie them all up. I'm told that is one of my strenghts. :)
Thanks again
Hope it does not take long
I read through the copy on BC and it is miles better than HoJ editorially speaking (seems like a totally different editor doing it) though I did see a few hangnails here and there.