Not bad for two days. Don't expect it next week, I'm back in work and have to do my accounts for the taxman.
Anyway, I'm pleased to report that my muse or whatever one calls the creative imagination appears to be alive and scribbling.

TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Not bad for two days. Don't expect it next week, I'm back in work and have to do my accounts for the taxman.
Anyway, I'm pleased to report that my muse or whatever one calls the creative imagination appears to be alive and scribbling.
Checks can be made out & sent to:
Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
Note: $6000 is the operating, maintenance and upgrade budget. Amounts received in excess of the $6000 will be applied to long term debt accrued over the last 19 years.
If you prefer, you can donate through Patreon:
Become a Patron!
Thank you!
You're cutting it fine!
Jan 31st if done on line. You are really cutting it fine darling!!
April 15th on the other side of the pond.
Don't ask me why, but we get a few more months over here. Of course, being the proactive person that I am, I will have mine filed by the end of January. Of course, since I pay too much up front, I am filing for a return - something I am always in a hurry to get! Hence my haste in getting the odious task completed, lol.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Employers are allowed till Feb 15th to send w-2 (earnings report) to employees (they must RECEIVE no latter than). Banks have at least that long to report taxable interest. With other reports that have to go through a second person you might not get them till march 15th. Add another month for prep and you have April 15th.
Does that include ...
... this mini blog? You are being very precise. Thank you for each and every one whatever it includes. I seem to remember you started 'Bike' as an exercise to see if you could add to it every day and you've pretty well kept to that ever since. Has it got easier as you've progressed and become accustomed to get something on paper (screen) each day?
PS Rather you than me for the tax returns. I hate paperwork and somehow because all my salary and income was PAYE and my savings are taxed at source I seem to have escaped the taxman. These days the interest is risible, anyway.
We are of course happy with
We are of course happy with any number of words you deem to share with us in any story, but in a tiny teeny retro way it's a bit of a shame you couldn't stretch it with just 18 words more.
Heh.. :)
Regards, Jo-Anne
Does this number remind anyone else of an old microprocessor (chip)? How about 8086? Intel? Motorola had the 6400 and 64000 series. Or something....
Oh! Does it remind Jo-Anne?
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
The old IBM
The old IBM computers started with the Intel 8080, then went to the 8086. The Apple kit had a Motorola 6500, the Apple ][ had the 6502 (you could later upgrade to a 65C02).
Actually, IBM skipped the (better) 8086 and went with the 8088 since it was more compatible with the 8080 at a hardware level... (Pin-out/etc.) All were Intel chips (IBM also skipped the 80188, went to the 80286 (brain damaged IMO) for the PC/AT; then the 80386, etc...
The 6502 (65c02/6510/etc.) were from MOS technologies... The 6510 was in the Comodore C-64... And there was a further generation in the C-128.
Apple used the Motorola 65000 series in the early Mac's...
And - TI used yet another processor as did Radio Shack... The old days. LOL
(Yes, I did my share of assembler on the intel chip set back in the early '80s... And some on the MOS 6502 on my C-64 before that.)
Motorola chips ...
... were 6800, 6809 (8 bit) and then the 68xxx series (16 bit). Wrote lots of assembler for the first two and a just a little for the last. Much, much better and easier to use than Intel 8080 (2 chips) and 8085 etc.
The wonderful BBC 'B' used a 6502 8 bit processor which did very clever things with minimal memory and resources. It was similar to a Zilog (?) Z80 and also 8 bit.
Oh yes indeed it does :)
Oh yes indeed it does :) It's one of those number combinations like 80286, 80386 etc., and indeed the Motorola 68xxx series which were the talk of the town in PC-magazines and the like back then. Gah, I remember the awe of 5MB harddisks.
Wow I'm beginning to feel old. Grin..
Happy 2014 everyone.
I Remain In Awe
Your little experiment, to see if you could write a little every day, and thereby become a better writer, has been an overwhelming success. Not that you were ever a bad writer, but you've gone from very good to even better, plus awesomely productive.
Damn, I'd be jealous, but I clearly have no talent or motivation, so I should stop dreaming.
No, not bad...
It's AWFUL! I could quite easily have read twice as many words. :-) LOL... I understand how much harder it is to put words together in a manner that makes even a few want to read them! That two day effort nearly matches your normal five day output on "bike"...
Thank you muchly, and good luck with the "tax man".