I guess I didn't visit the site as much as I would have liked recently since life has bee getting in the way. I had to face up to new challenges but as tough as they are they are nothing compared to some I read recently here.
I should count my blessings. So I picked up on the Christmas story I started and hope to get back into the swing of things. So many people here support and encouragement and even a nice thought or a wish or just a touch of kindness.
Timothy Cratchett said it best....
God bless us...everyone!
Love, Andrea Lena
Life have this feature turned on by default
Like missing "n"'s in your posts, putting sticks into your wheels, and making you feel that you don't contribute enough.
Don't worry, we are doing our best to support you! And life is just a stupid thing that happens while you figure what the life is ;-)
We're Counting Them All Right
I'm sure that more than a few of us are doing this. I recall several messages this year from people who were experiencing pain on behalf of their loved ones. I hope they realise that they're not forgotten.