in need of prayers for my wife. we went to the doctors last week for her appointment they ran some test on her they call on Wednesday found out that she has kidney renal failure of her left kidney a though years ago she had cancer in the same kidney they took a 1/4 of her kidney nope can't do any chemo on her she has diabetes so it won't work
Sorry to hear about your wife
I'm afraid diabetes can damage the kidneys as can general age related wear and tear. I hope that they can help her and send best wishes for a positive outcome to both of you.
My thoughts go out to you
My thoughts go out to you both.
I will Pray with everything in me for her Full Recovery
sending prayers for your wife, hon
and some extra huggles for you
just want to say
want to say thank you for the kind words. I know I don't write stories here but yet I look at all of you here like family. it keeps me going. Knowing the love here.
I don't do the official pray thing, but whatever hope and good wishes I can shine your way are freely offered to your wife and yourself.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Prayers can't help but...
There are people with one kidney from birth. And I know some of those people personally. They have no problems. Some of them became aware that they have only one kidney when they were over 60 year old.
So, don't forget to ask for second opinion for the tests done.
And yes, most of the people visiting this site will pray for your wife health. Me included. But scientifically prayers don't help. Good doctors do.
Good luck! And all the best to your wife and you. Be healthy and prosper!
(I will pray, but I can't promise any positive results!)