Hi everyone, I just wanted to take a moment to say Happy holidays to all of you, whichever holidays you choose to celebrate. I'm a witch so I celebrate Yule on the winters solstice personally, though Martin is having me celebrate Christmas with his/her family this year as well. In fact we need to leave soon for a Christmas Eve gathering. I do have a little present in the works for all my wonderful readers. While work is going apace on Alex in Wonderland, Twice Removed and my other stories I am also working on another story in the same universe as Naughty or Ice, which I have dubbed the Hyperverse.
This story won't be taking place in Canada and it won't be your typical super hero story either. It's a bit of a twist that I hope you will all enjoy. It's going to be called Syryn Song and should be finished in a few days if writing keeps going as well as it has.
So from me to all of you, happy holidays and may you all enjoy your festivities, whatever they are.
*Big hugs*
Merry Christmas Everyone!
It's Christmas!!!!!
Noddy Holder says so!
Did he shout 'happy holiday'? I think not.
I'm drunk, so I'm going to bed now. I have blogging to do tomorrow, and sprouts to cook.
(Sliced, parboiled and fried in paprika. What could possibly go wrong?)
Season's greetings......
And a very Merry Christmas Amethyst dear! Loving Hugs Talia
Merry Christmas to all
and to all ... Well, use your own imagination! :)