I did it! After a few bumps in the road I finally got my first novel up on Kindle. Heroes of Justice was one of the entries to Erin's 'What's So novel' contest. Do yourself a favor and look up the other entries! There's some real good stuff there!
As for my book, you'll have to input the whole name along with my author name to find it. Unfortunately I wasn't thinking about marketing this thing when I wrote it. There's only about million titles that has Heroes and Justice in them.
'Heroes of Justice' Grover Young
I had to make some changes since the editors showed up as authors. LOL I don't know how long it will take for the changes to take place or for you the reader to find it. I went back and forth on the price, but decided on $5. That give me a decent royalty without being pricey for a Kindle book.
Note! That 'Heroes of Justice' in an earlier form is and if I have my way always will be available here at BCTS. While not a lot of changes, this, do I dare call it edition?, has been gone over more times than I can count. On the other hand, I still find an error ever now and then. It was time to be daring and say 'This is the best I can do" and post.
I urge those who have read the story to post a review. Those will help my oh so buried story a little more towards the light! I know some of us are sensitive about revealing our reading habits to the world at large, but if you do feel like you are able please do!
Another last request is please use BCTS's link to Amazon when you do decide to buy! Let Erin get something material from the wonderful Contest she hosted all those years ago!
Hey here is a link!
This has the link that gives BCTS the credit for the sale.
Grover (Hey! I'm published!) (Okay, sorta, kinda, maybe!) ;)
Bought it.Here is the link
Bought it.
Here is the link for the book
Heroes of Justice
- Amazon US
Thanks you!
I didn't put up a link because I was concerned about Erin's link to Amazon working. I can't contribute to the site because I'm struggling money wise too. My works such as they are, is how I try and help out.
My next project is get 'Once the Hero' up!
Big Hugs!
The link above now includes BC Info :)
The link above now includes BC Info :)
Goodluck, and hugs,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Congrats! Hope it sells well. :)
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
Me too!
That's why I asked for anyone who've read the eariler version here at BC to post a comment at Amazon if they can. I can understand that many wants to keep their taste in reading material... private.
I still think
I still think we should add a link somewhere on the site and call it the Big Closet bookstore. All the books on kindle from writers who actually post on the site will be in there (to separate from the links that show up from non BC writers, those bastards). I think it will be cool. The list is growing longer and longer and I think it is a good thing.
I am willing to offer anyone advice with marketing, writing, keywords, formatting, etc. and I'm sure a few of the more established people out there will too. I would still like Amazon to add a transgender fiction category (I list all my books under fiction-psychological). Anyway, if you need help, just Pm. I'm here for you.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
BigCloset Bookstore
Heere it is:
Any book listed on Amazon with the tag Transgender Fiction will automatically be listed here.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Where exactly does that tag
Where exactly does that tag go, when publishing on Amazon?
Not sure what you are asking.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Problem with this store is
Problem with this store is (and i have attempted to use it before)
It points to the american amazon site, so unfortunately no-usa customers, will not be able to use it.
From there you can easily go
From there you can easily go to your country store. Just change the .com part.
eg: for the UK store you change the .com to .co.uk and it will send you to the book's page in that site.
I don't know if keeping the rest of the link with the bigcloset info will still enable the commission, but at least it doesn't hurt to try.
Now that I have a Amazon UK associate account...
...I can put a link up for UK shoppers, too.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Where is that
Transgender fiction tag? I've looked for it, but with all the caterogies it is hard for me to find. I might need to redo this again.
Amazon doesn't have it
Amazon doesn't have a genre for transgender fiction, but there is a box to enter your own keywords. Under there you would put transgender fiction, you should also put big closet, and Fictionmania, add the commas to separate. I come up on the first page of searches, as does tanya and Karen bishop.
Oh, and as for the link I want, I only want a page of BC authors who publish, not everyone else. I would support contributors to this site with a buy and a review (though I have only left a few reviews).
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Oh no...
If only I had known, I've stayed away from BCTS lately due to the fact I can't contribute to it but I do check the rss feed from time to time, and saw Peapod on there. So I did a search and came up with Grover's other book Waking the Dreamer, followed it from there to Heroes of Justice bought it in a heartbeat since Grover is in my top 3 fav authors on here. If I had known that there was a link to contribute towards BCTS I would have loved to have used that. :(