Ever since I started my transition I've been very young at heart, in fact if you asked my ex wife she would say, every time, that I act like a thirteen or fourteen year old. I personally blame my second puberty. I'm afraid less, I get more out of life, I have goals, and I'm in touch with the real me. A friend of mine sent me an online test that tests your mental age so I thought I'd see if my ex was right. The test measures things like how emotional and mature you are and such, so it's a mental age test and not an intelligence test.
Apparently people are usually five years older mentally than they are physically and that was bang on when Martin tried the test. He's 36 and scored a mental age of 41 which was rated as 'very mature'. My results were a bit off the average. I'm 39 years old but the test scored my mental age at, get this... 12. So from now on when people ask me to act my age I'll just tell them that I am. I'm just that young at heart.
So what are your mental ages and how close to your physical ages are they? Take the test and share. http://www.mbti123.com/mental/en/
I just turned 25 and got 17.
I just turned 25 and got 17. So am like 8 years younger then I should be and think that is just due to me answering yes to the hard things in my life since the number stayed low for a while then shot up to 17. When I went back and changed just the one answer if i had bad things happen in my past i got a age of 10 so :P I am younger then you.
I answered neither to that one because I've had some tough times but I've had some good ones too and these days I generally try to keep a positive outlook on things. so yeah I had bad times but they could have been far worse.
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Mental age 34
Of course I naturally cheated and said I was 21. In reality I am actually 17. :)
Mental age is 10 years younger, for young at heart...test is funny though.
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Age test..
Well I will turn 59 chronologically this Thursday but according to the test I'm 25 mentally. I could only hope my body would follow that advice. lol
on the dot
Nailed it! 38-38 lol
Real age 65, mental age 25 :)
Okay, I'm not sure what I think of that.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
...and 31
Hmm, pretty close...
Actual age 29, first time through was 32, retaking with a few edits (realized I'd misread a couple questions after answering) got me a 28. Soo, it would appear that I actually do act my age. Bizarre...
Well, I turned 27 four days ago
And when I ran my test it gave me a mental age of....
Ah, well!
Melanie E.
I think that test is a load of BS
I am completely NOT the age they said I am. It is TOTALLY ridiculous. How do they come up with stupid numbers like that? That fallacious test said that I am 15 in my brain. (Whereas most people think I'm more like 3 or 4.) My birth certificate says I'm 61.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Real age 52
but the test put me at 28. If only sigh. :)
...the test says 28, but I'm more inclined to feel this way....
Love, Andrea Lena
age test
my real age is 61 my mental age is 42 but I want to be like jack benny and stay 39 LOL
Real Age: 53 | Mental Age: 16 :O
Is that a good thing or not?
I guess, I Don Wanna Grow Up!
I often have trouble with multiple choice answers. I guess that why they added the neither choice, the thing is the wording of most of the questions seemed to preclude that choice. And a few questions made me wonder a bit on how they applied. The hard times in life seems to me to be more about what life has dealt you.
Oh, Magic Pixie Age: Not Quite 200
(that's really very young for us Pixies) :))
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
PS. I am pretty sure of the answer given to one question by every one from here.
Did anyone here answer that they don't like to read? :p
I Don't think So!!!
I'm mentally 32
which is clearly wrong, since everybody knows I am mentally a teenager, at best ...
Took the test...
I too took the test, and it says that my mental age is 26! Not too bad, actual age is 58.5 !
Now if I could only still DO what I did when I was 26.
how old
74 going on 32, wish my body felt the same.
Load of rubbish
Took the test
I wasn't going to but I took the test anyway. It said I cheated and was going to be expelled from ever having fun again, damn the bad luck, Arecee, Oh yeah, 72-25
23 but 31 mentally
Hmmm not sure what to think about that
aehm ok, 37 Years and i get
aehm ok, 37 Years and i get 14 as Mental Age :blush:
41 ...
... which is over 30 years off my real age (no, not 11 :) ) Actually I think I was around 30/35 for most of my life. I hated being a teenager even though I lived and worked independently from my parent (father) most of the time from 16 but I think my natural age was early 30s. So I've only aged 10 years :)
Took 31 off me
But I think I'm regressing anyway, so not too surprised. Or convinced either...
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Actual age 63, tested at 47.
So many questions I couldn't answer a meaningful yes/no to, though. I think I answered five of those and punted three...
FWIW, Real: 36, Test: 33
Obviously all tests like this are a bit of fun only, and are completely hopeless at deriving anything meaningful. Many questions seemed to be personality / taste related, e.g. waking up, urban vs rural living, rather than anything that could potentially quantify your mental age.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Depressing.... Real Age: 23,
Real Age: 23, Mental Age: 33
Oh well, I was always the mature one.
real age 72 mental age is 37 I kept getting slow down requests from the web site oh well
No wonder we don't trust government
They say I am 70 but the test and I both know that I am 24. Going on 20.
I'm 68
However, my mental age is 30.
Growing older is mandatory, growing up is optional.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
You're as old as you feel
In your mind, not your body!
I thought it was you were only as old
as the person you're feeling up
im old
Im 20......
But I got mental age of 37
I didn't understand some of
I didn't understand some of the questions x.x
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D