Just a bit of a heads up if you prefer reading stuff on little screens, more of my stuff has made its way to the Kindle platform!
Not only that but if you search for 'Madeline Bell' on Amazon from December 2nd, the first Nena book and Kaleidoscope collection of short stories will be available too!
Your iBooks listings are confusing
For quite some time, you have had a number of your books listed in the iBook store. Some books are listed under "Maddy Bell" and some others under "Madeline Bell". To further the confusion, some books are listed twice at 2 different prices with no way to tell the difference between them if any. An example is Unexpectedly Mary which is listed twice, once for $8.99 and once for $6.99. I am sure you would sell more books through iBooks if things were better organized. Did someone bootleg your books there?
I do really enjoy your writings.
Diffrent formats?
I haven't looked there.
used to be more organised but they took away control of the author pages so its impossible to keep track! There should only be 1 ibook edition of anything but there could be a pdf/ebook too.
This post is for Kindle so I'm not gonna talk more Lulu here.
Madeline Anafrid Bell