To Life Yet again **Sigh**

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**Sigh** It is Thanksgiving again tomarrow & yet again I am alone & now can't even leave the state of WI,because I'm on Probation because of the crime of using my Old Male info at an Airport to travel & being arrested for it.I hate this stupid Goverment.So I can't even go to any Friends I have made like I was planing to for Thanksgiving


God Help Us All

That's rough. You got probation for not having the correct documents for what I assume was an internal flight?


And I thought the UK was turning into a fascist regime. Seems you got there before us.

Illegitimi non carborundum.

Ban nothing. Question everything.


It's been pretty rough since 9/11 that's for sure.I just think it is also because of what I was wearing around my neck.I had on Witchcraft Jewelery on when they searched me.So yeah I think it is Bullshit how the Goverment's can treat people like this & get a way with it.

Little Black Triangles

Witchcraft jewellery? What did they think you were going to do, cast a spell on the crew?

The most ridiculous story I ever heard about airport security - I don't know if it was in the US or somewhere else - concerns a pilot who was prevented from taking a bottle of water on board. He looked at the officials and said, "Listen, if I want this plane to crash, it'll crash."

This might cheer you up. It's Irish comedian Dave Allen, sadly no longer with us.

Warning: anyone who intends to fly across the Indian Ocean in the near future is advised not to watch...

Ban nothing. Question everything.


I name use to be David Allen.I was named after the famous Country Singer David Allen Coe.LOL.

I miss Dave Allen

erica jane's picture

I remember when I was a child watching Dave Allen At Large. One of our local stations ran it every Sunday evening.

"Good night. And may your God go with you."

~And so it goes...