Following the German legislation about intersex babies having the option of no sex recorded on the birth certificate, this intersex woman who is also a therapist calls for more legislation in Europe.
There is also a link to transgender people seeking election in Pakistan.
Not much of a future for her
and others like her if the Taliban get much stronger. They are so fixated on male domination any person who does not fit their ideology, such as Women being educated let alone the LGBT community they retaliate with extreme violence. Remember the Pakistani Girl (Malia) who was shot in the head for blogging about Women being educated.
Sad really but a sign of our increasingly intolerant world.
Re: Not much of a future for her
Her name is actually Malala Yousafzai, not Malia.
Thank you again Angharad
These news clips are greatly informative with both good and real news. I have an ongoing line with people that this is 2013 not 1320. Catch up with the scientific and terminological times we live in. The only good things about the good old days are they are old and past. We need to drop the Dark Ages approach to living and smell the coffee of this time now.
I surrender the soap box.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book