In my haste to finish Roar of Love, I neglected some things that I hope I've addressed sufficiently for the reader; not least of which is what happened to Jerry and to Tim. Please feel free to drop by and say something? I must confess that I've been in a bit of a depression the past few months; mostly due to my gender issues but also chronic health issues as well.
I haven't felt at all secure as an author. I have wavered between marginally stalwart and entirely inauthentic in my heart of hearts over just who Andrea is. Other issues have come into play as well, but no worse than any other dear soul here. Just a bit of the blues, I suppose.
I'm glad to see that there was a reconciliation.
And that Jerry was serious about it! But how sad that they didn't have time to enjoy life together as a father and daughter should. You hinted in chapter 9 that Jerry was ill though I don't think you said specifically with what. I think he finally understood intellectually, but he still seemed to have trouble calling Susan by her name. I hope he found redemption!
This answers a lot of questions, and now I can look forward to a continuation of the story.
Bless you, Dear: Well done!
huggles, Drea
wish I could do more for you, hon.
Yes, this helped!
Things seemed a bit rushed at first - sort of glossed over - so easy for an author to do. As the author you know the characters and the details of their lives intimately and it's easy to forget that the reader doesn't have your background knowledge. This rewrite filled in some important details; Thank you!
Never doubt yourself, Drea. You are a beautiful woman inside and out, just ask any of your readers!
Even Cowgirls get the blues: