Usually, I actually am reasonably pleasant woman at peace with myself and life. Oh, I have my moments but they are few and far between. Today, every time I've encountered even mildly abusive stuff in my reading it has triggered my inner Mama Bear and trust me that is scary.
Something is going on but experience has taught me that attempting to "figure it out" is fruitless. Best I sit quietly with the feeling and allow it to become clear in its own time.
Meanwhile, I'm off to the Doc. for a carotid ultrasound. I hope no one makes nasty with me today, I just might do bad things to them. Nah, my control is better than that, besides at 160 cm and 81/4 Stone and 70 yrs I'm probably not much of a threat.
Hope All Goes Well
Blocked carotids are not good.
Attempt at humour, let me know if you get it.
I think; my carotids are ok.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Sounds like
someone's gonna get it in the neck - hope it's not you, good luck.