Cat scan found no cats, colonoscopy found no punctuation marks, blood test shows lower sugar, eye test shows beginning cataracts but again, sadly no other cats than the two who already own our home. Back brace helps but my day was sponsored by the letter L and the number 7. But.... I know who I am and how much of Andrea remains a vital part of me.... so......

Happy you are in pretty good shape.
I'm happy that your in pretty decent shape, considering that you could get early Social Security, if the government was not shut down. Since they did not find any cats inside the body, perhaps there were some dogs.
All kidding aside, the news seems good. Glad to hear that. Take Mrs. D and the son for dinner to celebrate.
Back pain?
I was just reading some information on the spine, L-4, L-5, because that is what I injured. Well the latest on back pain is that very often what Doctors see as L4 L5 pain is actually coming from the Sacral area, S1-5. It may be worth talking to your doc about.
Bobbie glad for good news, dances happy dance
Need I say more?
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I'd heard... were a bit of alright! Glad you agree :)
As far as I know there is no L/7 I have a L/6 as what would be my S/1 is what they call a transitional vertebra - yeah, I know, some of us just have to be different. L/4-5 are usually the ones damaged and in that regard I'm no different to others except I popped both at one go catching a patient who fell. It seems ironic that I'm paying for an act of kindness, when people who do unkindnesses don't.
well obviously Andrea if.....
They couldn't find the cats, they didn't scan the right part. Should of scanned your heart! All in all, report sounds positive except for that L-7 business. I myself have metal where L-2 use to be, if you need an excellent doctor at Columbia/Presbyterian in nyc PM me and I'll give you his name.
Big Hugs, Taarpa
Ps. I find it hard to believe you have low sugar, always thought you were pretty sweet myself! (LOL).
There is a possibility of dogs,
you must wait for the Lab report. = )
the cat is in the machine
that's why it purrs !
hugs, Drea.
Your sweetness knows no bounds
You are a very sweet and generous woman. We would like to see you around for a long time to come.
Here is a clinically proven (8+ years) health help for everyone. The link to the full article is:
This plan uses Cottage Cheese (or Yogurt) and flax oil. Here is an excerpt from the article. This plan gives your body a super boost to help it repair itself on a cellular level.
The Budwig Protocol
Only use Flax Oil from the refrigerated section of your health food store. Never use capsules, flakes or flax oil from the shelves. It must be refrigerated and check the expiration date to make sure it has not expired. I would not use High Lignan Flax Oil because the taste is not clean and you can not tell if it is rancid. They have left the husk from the processing of the seeds in the bottom of the bottle, leaving less product. You want good clean tasting oil and no flavoring added as some oils are doing.
The mixing ratio is two tablespoons of cottage cheese to one tablespoon of oil. Mix only the amount you are consuming at one time so it is mixed fresh each and every time. One example would be to mix (4) tablespoons of cottage cheese to (2) tablespoons of flax oil, consumed twice daily or more depending on the severity of the health condition, one is attempting to address. One should probably start slowly with the oil, maybe just once a day and work their way up letting the body adjust to the protocol. The oil and the cottage cheese must be thoroughly mixed at a low speed, using an Immersion Blender, blending until a creamy texture with no standing oil is achieved.
The mixture should then be immediately consumed!!
Do not add anything to the mixture until AFTER it is mixed!!
We have always recommended using the immersion [stick or wand like] mixer for the Flax Seed Oil and Cottage Cheese. Here is a link to photos of an immersion mixer:
Immersion Mixer Vendor
One may want to consider sprinkling a tablespoon or two of freshly ground flax seed over top of the freshly mixed flax oil and cottage cheese mixture. Mix this in by hand. This super charges the protocol. Do not buy pre-ground flax seed as the flax seed goes rancid 15 minutes after grinding. Brown or Golden whole flaxseed is available at the health food stores and either will work. You may grind up the fresh flax seed with a small coffee grinder. Store the seeds in the refrigerator and grind fresh each time.
You may also stir in with a spoon 2-3 tablespoons of organic lowfat milk for a creamer mixture. This can be mixed in by hand after the initial blending. The mixture can be flavored differently every day by adding nuts, preferably organic such as pecans, almonds or walnuts (not peanuts), banana, organic cocoa, organic shredded coconut, pineapple (fresh), blueberries, raspberries, cinnamon, or (freshly) squeezed fruit juice. It’s usually best to place the fresh fruit on top of the completed mixture and enjoy as its own meal. Try your best to obtain organic fruit when possible. Many times this can be found frozen when not in season.
Dr Budwig pointed out that people who are suffering from Chronic or Terminal disease should work themselves up to consuming 4 - 8 Tbs of the oil daily. Usually the higher limits 6 - 8 Tbs were for people with cancer. She stated, people with Liver or Pancreatic Cancer etc, may have to work up very slowly with the oil and possibly only start with 1 teaspoon at a time giving their body time to adjust. Dr Budwig pointed out that cancer patients once starting the protocol and getting it under control must continue with a maintenance dose to prevent reoccurrence. A maintenance dose is considered (1) Tbs of the oil per one hundred pounds of body weight. The Budwig Diet takes time to work and in the event of cancer, tumors, etc may take 3-6 months to see results. Many other health issues may respond much faster.
Also here is a very good YouTube Video which actually shows how to make the Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese mixture correctly. When starting the protocol you would not want to make such a large amount at first, as shown in the video.
Here's the link to the YouTube page:
YouTube Video
If you are Lactose Intolerant you may want to try the following. Since commercial milk is pasteurized, beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the milk and dairy products are destroyed. This has led to a number of people having difficulty in tolerating quark or cottage cheese.
Dairy is an important component in Dr. Budwig's Oil-Protein Diet. Because good substitutes are hard to find, it is worthwhile for those who are lactose intolerant to try different ways of tolerating dairy.
Some possibilities (in no particular order):
Use raw milk and raw milk products if you can get them.
Use goat's milk instead of cow's milk products.
Take the enzyme Lactase with quark or cottage cheese.
Try Nancy's Cottage Cheese which is made with lactic cultures.
For more details, including a store locator, go to this website:
Store Locator
Make yogurt quark (recipe under "Foods" in the files)
Make kefir quark (straining kefir to get a cream cheese consistency)
Get kefir grains, make kefir, remove grains, and strain through fine muslin cloth.
To learn more, do a Google search for "kefir" it will get you many hits.
FSO2 member Cheryl du Toit says this about kefir in message #29710:
"Kefir cottage cheese (or quark) is most certainly our solution for lactose intolerant people. It works like a charm."
If one does not wish to make kefir, it can be purchased from the health food store in the refrigerated section. Organic Kefir comes in a liquid and the oil may be stirred into the kefir and consumed. It tastes very good. Make sure the oil is totally dissolved into the kefir before consuming. You may want to check with the health food store and see if they have a kefir cheese similar to cottage cheese which should work, as long as the flax oil blends in and does not float back to the top.
In the case of a person with a feeding tube one could mix flax oil into the organic kefir by hand as mentioned above. Then pour into the feeding tube. Again, this can be done using ¼ cup kefir to 1 tablespoon of the flax oil and given through out the day at different times. You may be able to use even a little more oil with the ¼ cup kefir. One may have to play with the mixture to get the desired results. Make sure there is no oil floating on top of the kefir before pouring into the feeding tube.
Dr Budwig noted prior to administering her protocol she had observed blood analysis of seriously ill cancer patients which showed a strange greenish-yellow substance in the place of the healthy red oxygen carrying hemoglobin. She found that their blood, without exception, was deficient in substances called phosphatides and lipoproteins. It has also been found that most people have blood that is 80% deficient in Omega 3. Dr Budwig found that cancer patient’s blood, after three months of using her protocol, returned to bright red and the tumors began disappearing. Weakness and anemia disappeared and the life energy was restored. Symptoms of cancer, liver dysfunction, and diabetes were completely alleviated.
It has been mentioned in several articles that once a chronic or terminal disease has been brought under control or into remission the amount of flax oil may be reduced to (1) tablespoon per hundred lbs. of body weight for maintenance. To prevent reoccurrence of the cancer one should stay on the maintenance dose.
If yogurt is used in place of the cottage cheese it will require 3 times more yogurt to be consumed than cottage cheese as it lacks the protein density of cottage cheese. Even then, this may not be as effective. There is some question, as Dr Budwig never addressed this issue. The yogurt will have to be (live cultures, not the kind in the supermarket). An example of using the yogurt would be ¾ cup of yogurt to 1 tablespoon of flax oil.
The following items listed below should be avoided on this diet.
(The reason one needs to exclude these items from his / her diet is that they interfere with the diet by lowering the voltage field in the cells.)
All animal fats
All meats
Salad dressing oils- exception extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar or lemon
Foods high in Preservatives
Glad Andrea remains a part of our lives
Glad you're doing OK. Your stories are a blessing to us!