The Wrong Side of the Bed 9


Episode 9

"Um Nikki, Landon just pulled into the drive." Alicia announced entering the kitchen.

"He's giving me a ride to school." Nikki beamed. She took a sip of her drink and hurried to the front door.

Nikki opened the door just as the sun soaked blonde reached the door. "Good morning."

"Wow, don't you look nice." Landon smiled.

"Thanks." Nikki was getting used to the pleasure that she felt when getting complimented on her looks. She stepped back and gave a twirl allowing the long white skirt to flare out and then swing to settle down to caress her calves.

"Could I get a ride in?" Alicia asked around bites of a bagel.

Landon Shrugged. "Sure."

"I'll be down in a minute." She ran up the stairs.

Nikki looked around her, seeing no one, she stepped forward, wrapped her arms around Landon's neck and pressed her lips to his.

"Who needs coffee?" Landon smiled as she parted.

"I'll grab my things so that we can go. I'm already in enough hot water with Mr. Hill, I don't want to piss him off anymore by being late."

Landon stepped forward and took her in his arms and held her tight as he kissed her.

"Okay, I'm ready." Alicia announced as she came down the stairs.

Nikki pulled a denim bolo over her barbie pink blouse, before grabbing her book bag and following Landon out to the drive.

"You drive a pink jeep?" Alicia sounded excited.

"It's white." Landon defended.

"With pink accents." Alicia pointed out.

"I bought it off a girl back home." Landon explained. "I needed something to get my boards to the beach."

* * *

School was strange. Landon wasn't shy about holding her hand and giving her pecks on the cheek in public. Some people snickered wondering if Landon knew that Nikki was a morpher. Others made faces. Nikki couldn't tell if they were grossed out or just super jealous that she was with the schools hottest guy.

"Freaks." a girl walking in a group of girls sneered as they walked by.

"Leave it."Landon cautioned. "It's not worth it."

"How can you be so calm?" Nikki pinned him with a hard gaze. "They are calling us both freaks."

"They are a bunch of small minded, insecure little girls."

"Are you sure it doesn't bother you?" Nikki asked. "We can just be friends. I will totally understand."

Landon kissed her on the forehead. "That right there is why it doesn't bother me, and why I'd rather be with you than those twits."

Nikki beamed at him. How could he be so wonderful?

"Come, we need to get you to your chemistry class." Landon stood up and helped her to her feet. He grabbed her pile of books before she could stoop to get them.

"You don't have to do that." She protested.

"It's what boyfriends do." Landon reminded her with a smile.

Boyfriend. it was a strange, yet exhilarating sound in her mouth.

Landon handed her books back once they were standing outside her next class. With everyone watching, he bend down and kissed her squarely on the lips. Whatever noises she heard around her, they were quickly blocked out as she was encompassed by his lips, his strong muscles, and his incredible smell.

Landon broke away and smiled at her. "Let that make them talk." he smiled before turning on his heels and walking away smiling as he passed people who stared at him and her.

"Are you two going out?" a voice brought her back to reality.

"Uh, yes." She managed to get out.

"Does he know?"

"Know about what?" Nikki was still in a daze. she could still feel his lips against hers.

"About you being a Gendermorph."

"Yep." She sighed. She turned to see one of the super smart girls asking her. "Why is everyone so interested?" She demanded, storming into the class room.

"Cuz he is so beautiful." the girl called after her.

* * *

"Landon!" Alicia yelled as she ran towards Nikki holding hands with Landon. "Landon!"

"What is it?" he asked alarmed.

"Oh, Landon, I'm so sorry." She wailed.

"What is it?" Nikki repeated.

"Your Jeep." Alicia got out and took a deep breath. Someone ruined it."

"Ruined it, How?" Landon asked.

Alicia took his hand and pulled him towards the front of the school.

Nikki followed behind, terrified at what they would find.

A large crowd of students mingled on the school lawn or around their own cars watching and waiting to see what might happen.

Alicia stopped at the edge of the lawn, her shoulders slumped.

Landon picked up his pace and then slowed down and slowly approached his jeep. Nikki stopped by her sister but then pressed forward. She was part of this, she had to see what was going on.

Landon walked slowly around his jeep then looked out at all of the looky loos. "You are a bunch of closed minded pussys!" he called out. "If you have a problem with me, then come and face me like a man. Don't cower behind your ignorant insecurities!"

Nikki looked at the jeep. all of the tires had been slashed and someone had spray painted 'Gender Queer' and 'Morph Lover' all over the vehicle.

Tears sprang to her eyes. She was the cause of this. Why would anyone do something so horribly mean to such a nice guy. two days ago, people were trying to be his best friend and now they are vandalizing his jeep. She was the cause of this.

Her eyes burned as she ran away from the whole spectacle. She threw herself through the gender neutral bathroom door and curled up in a ball on the floor. Tears ran freely from her eyes.

She knew better. She should have just stayed male and forced the warm fuzzy feelings that Landon gave her to the side. She knew how narrow minded the ass holes at this school were. Why? why couldn't people just leave her alone and let her figure out who she was without the social stigma?

"Nikki?" Alicia's voice sounded from the doorway. "Nikki?"

"What?" Nikki sobbed. "Just leave me alone."

"Everyone's gone." Alicia explained. "The cops are here, they are speaking to Landon right now. The Principle is out there too. Most everyone else took off."

"So." Nikki snuffed.

"So, I called mom. She just pulled up. She is going to drive us home once Landon is done."

"God! I can't stand all of this crying." Nikki wailed.

Alicia brought her some paper towels.

Nikki blew her nose and excepted Alicia's help to get to her feet.

The two walked back out to a nearly empty parking lot. Landon, the Principle and two cops were talking. Landon's jeep was being loaded onto a flatbed tow truck and her mother was approaching them.

"Are you alright?" her mother asked.

Nikki nodded. "Just upset."

"I'll bet you are." her mother wrapped her in a hug. "I'll bet you are."

"I knew there were ass holes at this school, but really?" Alicia stated.

"Watch your language." Her mother admonished.

"Mom, leave it." Nikki defended her little sister. "They are ass holes."

Her mother looked at one then to the other. "I know they are." she nodded. "As soon as Landon is done, I'll take you all home."

"Are you sure that he wants to be seen with me?" Nikki swallowed hard.

"I guess we will find out." her mother shrugged.

As Landon spotted the three women walking towards him, he excused himself from the officers and ran the fifteen steps to get to them. He wrapped Nikki up in a hug. "I'm so sorry." he stated. "I hope you are alright."

Nikki nodded against his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." he told her mother. "I had to take care of things here."

"It's alright, Landon." her mother smiled. "Are you about done here?"

"Just a moment more." he stated. He pulled back from Nikki. "I am so sorry." he said.

"It's my fault." her voice caught in her throat.

"Stop it." he stated. "It is not your fault. Let me finish up here and then we can talk. Okay?"

Nikki nodded. He didn't seem to be mad at her.

"Come on girls." her mother called them over to the car. Nikki and Alicia got into the back leaving the front seat open for Landon and his long legs.

"God, I hope this doesn't trigger another morph." Nikki suddenly realized.

"Calm down. Maybe it won't." Alicia tried to assure.

"Are you sure you can give me a ride home?" Landon asked as he opened the door. "I can call for a ride."

"Nonsense." her mother stated.

Landon pulled his seatbelt on and turned to Nikki. "Are you sure you are alright?" he asked.

"It is your car that was vandalized." Nikki tried to keep the heat out of her voice.

"Easily repaired." Landon shrugged. "I'm sorry I didn't come for you."

Nikki shook her head. "It's okay. I looked a mess. Damn hormones." the latter was whispered,

Alicia put her hand on her sister's leg and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Landon gave directions and tried to make polite conversation.

"Will your insurance cover the damage to the jeep?" her mother asked.

"They should. If they don't, I'll just have to take care of it." Landon sighed.

"Do you have any idea who would do such a thing?"

"Football players." Alicia and Landon stated at the same time.

"You think so?" Her mother asked.

"They were the ones snickering and looking away every time I looked their direction." Landon explained. "Turn here." he directed.

"Does the school have security cameras?"

"The security guard says he's not sure if they were covering that part of the parking lot." Landon paused, "Up this drive." he pointed.

"Up here?" her mother questioned.

"Yes." Landon assured.

Nikki looked out the windows to see where they were. A three railed white painted fence lined both sides of the road. Rich grazing lands lay on both sides. The road passed under some oak trees and turned up towards the top of a hill. A large house two story house took up most of the hillside. Large windows looked out on views that she could only imagine.

"This is your place?" Alicia looked around in wonderment.

"Yes." Landon nodded. "My dad is a shrewd business man who was able to get a lot for our house in California.

Nikki could hardly believe that only one family lived in such a large house.

"Thank you for the ride." he unbuckled and hopped out of the car. He ducked his head back in. "Nikki." he said getting her full attention. "I don't want you blaming yourself for this. You were not at fault. Okay?"

Nikki nodded, but she didn't really believe that.

"I'll pick you up for school tomorrow." Landon smiled. "I'll drive our truck. Thank you again for the ride." he closed the door and strode up three stairs to the front door of the house.

"Damn! look at this place." Alicia was flabbergasted.

"Watch your language."

Alicia ignored her mother. "Of all the girls he picked to date, it had to be you." She said wistfully. "You better hang on to this one. His family must be loaded."

"We'll see if he even wants to talk to me tomorrow." Nikki laid her head against the window and stared at nothing as they drove home.

* * *

A text came over her phone as her mom pulled into the driveway of their rather small looking home.
It was Officer Estrada

We had a meeting. Where are you?

"Shit." Nikki swore

"Language!" her mother snapped.

"I forgot about my meeting." Nikki explained. "I need to go, Mom."

"What meeting?"

Nikki's heart skipped a beat. She didn't want to bring her mother in on this. especially now. "Mandatory work meeting, Mom."

"Take your sister with you."

"MOM." she and her sister protested at the same time.

"With all that has happened lately with shootings and cars being vandalized, I would feel safer if you weren't out alone, Nikki."

"Mom, its just to the mall." Nikki lied

"I don't care."

"I have homework." Alicia continued the protest.

"Which you can do while waiting for your sister."

Nikki and her sister weren't going to win this argument. Alicia rolled her eyes and sighed heavily as she got out of the car. Nikki just sighed.

"I'm going to drop you off at the South entrance." Nikki explained to her sister.

"Just park at your work. I can walk the mall." Alicia countered.

Nikki pulled over into an empty lot. "You can't tell mom, but I'm not going to the mall. I don't have a work meeting."

"Then where are you going?" Alicia inquired. "We just left Landon's house."

"I have a different meeting."

"With who?"

"I can't tell you." Nikki growled with frustration.

"Then I'm telling mom."

"Alicia, please." she begged.

Alicia crossed her arms defiantly. "I'm going with you."

"You can't."

"Too bad."

"Alicia, please."

"No way. Are you meeting Landon at a hotel? or are you cheating on him already?"

Nikki rolled her eyes. She pulled out her phone.

"Who are you texting?"

"None of your business."

Alicia tried to grab the phone, but Nikki was to quick. Nikki pressed send and pulled back out into traffic.

"Where are we going, now?"

"To the mall." Nikki growled.

"What about your meeting?"

Nikki remained silent.

"Who is it?" Alicia badgered.

Nikki stayed quiet all the way to the mall.

Just as they were pulling into the parking lot she received an answering text message.

Alicia was faster and pulled the phone out of Nikki's reach before she could grab it.

"Give it back!" Nikki concentrated on steering the car so that she wouldn't have an accident on top of all the other shit that had happened this week. "You bitch, give it back. it's not for you." She waved her free arm trying to grab the phone while trying to steer the car into the nearest empty spot.

Alicia plastered herself against the opposite side of the car and opened the phone.

"Just Landon thanking us again for the ride home." Alicia sounded disappointed as she handed the phone back to Nikki.

Nikki checked the phone to make sure. just then another text message came in.

Officer Estrada: Have to do it at the station. See you soon.

"Crap!" Nikki cursed.

"What now?" Alicia sighed.

"I've got to drop you off here. I'll pick you up in an hour." Nikki started up the car and headed for the nearest mall entrance.

"No way!"

"Please, Alicia, you just have to trust me."

"I'm going to tell mom if you don't tell me what is going on."

"Fine!" Nikki stopped the car in front of the mall doors. "I witnessed a murder and now the cops want me to go undercover for a sting operation to catch the killer!" she knew the murder was a bit of an exaggeration.

"Fine!" Alicia screamed back. She threw open the door and jumped out. "Since you won't tell me, I'm telling mom that you are sneaking off." She slammed the door and stormed into the mall.

"Fuck!" Nikki swore. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

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