Just an update note on how my health problems are progressing.
We spent today going to the renal clinic (30 miles). Because of possible traffic problems and the fact I had a 14:15 urgent appointment we went early and ate at the hospital. ~ Food no problem, they have several decent restaurants and cafes and even shops where you can buy takeaway snacks.
I was therefore there early and because I was I got seen by the houseman as soon as he returned from his own lunch. Just as well, since due to the Fibromyalgia and everything else it was a long consultation. Then off to have more blood drawn and so back home.
It doesn't look as if I'll die anytime soon. The markers are all over the place and don't (yet) indicate any obvious diagnosis. I have to go for a (booked) ultrasound scan of kidneys, etc once they figure out a date and then later again for a (booked) renal biopsy. Not looking forward to that one.
In the meantime just continue as I am. Nobody had anything bad to say about my diet. I've put on 4-5 pounds due to lack of activity/exercise but at the moment the Fibro just means I want to sleep all the time. Even so I'm managing to put down a few words of SEE now and then.
It's typical. There's just so much needs doing in the house just at the moment and I'm not sure I'll be able to do any of it. Still, that's an important life lesson and I'll just have to put up with the consequences.
Further updates as and when I have more information.
Good to hear it
Glad you're doing all right, or at least better. Keep at it, and our prayers are with you,
Lord, what fools these mortals be!
Keep well!
Thanks of rhe update, and I sincerely hope you keep well.
My ex-wife has fibromyalgia as well - not fun to say the least! Celebrex seemed to help her with hers.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Good to know
... that you are still connected. I dropped you an eMail or two but you hadn't answered so I assumed I should do some 'padding'. I hope that you approve. I am really relieved to know that you are not totally incommunicado.
As we have all said, we are rooting for you health-wise, and that must be your priority.
Hugs 'n' all.
What are you suggesting? I need padding? Aren't these big enough?
I'll try and get back to you about your emails over the week-end.
Thanks, and my health is my priority, but if I'm here doing nothing and the computer is fired up I might as well make use of it. The big problem is my concentration has been shot the last week or so. It is better today but I'm taking it as it comes.
Thanks for your concern.
That Lung...
I'm surprised they haven't spent a little more worry over that collapsed lung of yours. You might have fluid in the cavity that needs draining. That can also be putting pressure on the kidney. You may even have an infection in that space.
Pester the doctors to take a closer look at that.
My doctor made the connection with the lung and possible kidney interactions and I went over all that at my kidney consultation yesterday, thanks.
While the current crew are concentrating on the kidney thing I'm going to see a different set of specialists in ten days or so to find out what is going on in my chest.
...Probably 40 years too late, like many other things.
I'd like to say ...
I'd like to say 'Take it easy' but the fibromyalgia will make certain you do that. Go easy on yourself though.
Get well soon,
SEE can wait.
You have my compasion.
I have Fibro also, but so far I've been mostly a-symptomatic, though the flares are not fun.
Hopefully, the Docs can get you sorted.
Much peace
Fibro is not fun
...and we all get it different. At the moment I just want to fall asleep all the time. Occasionally my skin goes super-sensitive but I have some nice long-sleeved elastane T-shirts which provide great comfort there.
I am thankful that I don't suffer many of the other potential symptoms I know some of you do.
- I don't think the docs are going to be a problem, it will be the administration I'll have to fight my way through. Our National Health Service is a really peculiar beast.
An aptly named story...
...of which I can appreciate for a variety of reasons; it would seem that while things are improving, the fibro has both of us feeling like we were Somewhere Else Entirely? My prayers to you!
Love, Andrea Lena
...you wish you were Somewhere Else Entirely, but Real LifeTM has its own ideas...
Yes, the fibro is particularly bad at the moment, which is complicating the symptoms of whatever. And of course, with everything else going on this is beginning to look like the perfect storm...
I need my wits about me and just lately my wits have been somewhere else indeed! Concentrate, girl!
Thank you, dear, for your message.
I'm praying for the best
*Sigh* it just seems there are so many members (including yours truly) and authors here who are of the older persuasion.
Older? Hah.
I'll have you know, young Kimmie me gal, that I was born in the latter half of last century. (Which was also of course last millenium.)
I was born in April.
I can also remember when the 34th president of the United States handed over to the 35th, not bad for a Brit.
And I remember when the Beatles first single was released.
I resemble that remark!
It's true, there's been a few million gallons of water under the bridge since I arrived, but I don't consider myself old at all. And I haven't even had any cosmetic surgery! (The hair dye doesn't count!)
Unfortunately my medical card was marked early. Some people get all the luck; I ended up with what was left over, though I have to admit I'm doing well compared to some of our members here.
I'm hoping this is just a here-today-gone-tomorrow kind of thing but I'm not holding my breath (and that's another thing: I'm going to see the lung guys later this month).
Thank you for you commiserations.
your health
Glad you're doing ok....sending you positive vibes for the best results possible in all your tests. Just remember that 90% of it is all about your state of mind and thinking good things. Stay close to all those who give you good feelings and know that the best in your life is yet to come !