No one ever suggested that it was easy being a writer, though I always thought on BC it was easier than most places because of the friendly atmosphere. I'm not so sure anymore. I'm seriously thinking I might stop writing Bike, perhaps it's run its course - maybe I don't have anything to say anymore without apparently upsetting people, maybe I should just bow out and let someone else entertain people for nothing.
I'm still thinking about it. I won't withdraw my stuff as others have done but I might not post here again either.
I am overwhelmed at the support and encouragement I've received from readers here, some of whom have revealed very personal issues to me and how my writing has helped them. It had me in tears a couple of times and made me feel rotten for threatening to stop. Until people tell you, you have no idea how important things are in their lives. For those who felt threatened/hurt by my suggestion of leaving the site, I apologise unreservedly.
I have made my peace with those who disagreed with my storyline and I hope things will go back to normal now, so please no more criticism of the dissenters, they have an entitlement to their opinions as well.
I shall continue writing and posting here and Bike will be back very soon, consider this a slipped chain or puncture. Thank you to all who participated in the discussion but can someone explain how I get more comments for a blog than I do for my storyline?
I wish you all peace and contentment.
Noooo! Please don't!
I'll admit, I haven't been keeping up with Bike (since somewhere in the 600's? I didn't have internet for a while, and when I came back I'd have had to restart...) but I love so much of your other stuff! I'm still waiting for more Kylie, for instance, and there really isn't anyone on the site who writes quite like you do.
If you decide to stop writing because you feel it is time based on your own feelings and nothing else, that's one thing, and I wouldn't fault you that. But please, don't let someone else's views or reactions decide for you.
*Gets ready to go chew someone out for hurting Ang's feelings*
Melanie E.
I tend to write not read
So I'm no real judge of the Bike series but I do have the same opinions as Melanie E.
When I get chance to read I'm always amazed and regret not being more considerate or making time. I like your stories and your comments and you leave me standing so I would hate to see you give up or lose your enthusiasm.
Just the fantastic enjoyment you provide. I sometimes look at the hits for my postings and think I've done OK. Then I look at yours. Wow!!!
All good things must come to an end
attr Chaucer 1374.
Bike has lasted for more episodes than most TV or Radio series so perhaps it is time to end it and think about other ideas/stories.
If writing Bike has become a chore then stop. Take a break. If you don't get the inspiration to start again then so be it.
I remember reading an interview with the writer of the BBC TV series 'Last of the summer wine'. All the episodes were written by one man. A few years he didn't feel like writing any episodes so there were no new ones produced. Perhaps you are in that position?
People saying unkind things?
Angharad, Bike is a sort of literary "Star Trek", going places where none have gone before.
I have been somewhat concerned for you because recent chapters have death in them. I hope that life has not gotten too burdensome to you. That people would say unkind things to you over Bike ... this is not acceptable. At least you write well enough to attract attention. That you can write 1500 or so words a night, without an editor, aside from your cats, is simply off the charts to me.
My writing is so poor that most just ignore me. Well, I have to be mediocre at something. :)
If I have said anything that hurt you, I did not do so with intention or malice.
Should you have the strength and desire, I would most enjoy future chapters. You have managed an astonishing achievement of high quality prose and in such quantity that it boggles my imagination!
Perhaps you'd wish to choose another subject and write on it?
What ever you do, I will support.
Your choice
But don't stop on my account. I love Bike and a few of your other offerings.
Hugs, Fran
I love Bike. It entertains,
I love Bike. It entertains, and sometimes challenges me, but never have I found it upsetting. As much as the familiar and loved characters become almost like real people, I know it's fiction. That's a good thing because who would want their real-life friends and family to go through some of the things visited on Cathy and her family?
I love your other writing, too. You're really good at it.
I hope that the (I suspect) few who feel differently will remember it's fiction, entertainment, and they don't have to read it if it somehow bothers them.
If you need to take a break, or stop, I'll understand. I just want you to know that you and your work are valued and loved.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Don't go!
As ever in life, the discontents have a habit of shouting louder than the contents (and it's easier to focus on a few negative comments and remember them than oodles of positive comments). Admittedly I haven't read any recent episodes, but that's because I'm psyching myself up to a marathon catch-up session (complete with filling in the appropriate summaries) - I don't want to have yet another large gap (there's currently one from 1284 to 1899, and 1984 to present - start filling in the backlog from 1984 then I'll only have one big gap rather than two!).
If you want to take a temporary break from Bike, feel free (hey, less episodes to catch up on :D) but as long as you can think of plot ideas for Cathy & co, resume writing!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I love BIKE!!!
I don't always agree with your political and/or religious viewpoints.
But, so what.
BIKE is amazingly well thought out and expressed.
You have made my life so very much richer through your writing.
Please please don't stop.
If you do ....
.... choose to go, then I for one will respect that decision and will remain forever grateful that I had a chance to savour your output.
I confess I was quite shocked by the two negative comments on your last bike episode, it was almost as if a 'mobbing' was being geared up for.
Selfishly, I would like you to continue, but not at the cost of your health and happiness.
Thank you for being such a good encouragement and inspiration.
That's the question I have for you. Is it because you've received negative comments? Are they the ruling factor in your writing?
Before you decide to stop let me ask you another question? Can you please everyone? If so how? I'd really like to know. If there are those that ridicule your writing then block them. If it's negative comments than report them. If people don't like what you have to say, screw them.
The point is that apparently you have people wanting to read what you have to write else you wouldn't be writing at all. Just like a few in the day that could take off a good tv show by doing a blast to the sponsors are you giving in to those that don't like you or what you're saying?
I've only read a few times Bike. In fact I remember seeing it since I've come to BC and if you check you'll see I've been here a long time.
That's my two cents worth and you can't buy anything for a penny, nickle or dime anymore. Quarters soon also.
Why The Attacks?
Why was this chapter/episode attacked so vehemently? Especially when one doesn't have the complete picture. I see those who villified this chapter as being as guilty or worse than they portray Cathy and Stephanie. They have sterotyped Danny/Danni. This is not a black or white issue. There is not one of us who feels exactly like someone else who has a similar condition. Danni has gone through some very traumatic times, as has Pia. Maybe it's time to bring in some more professional help for everyone. This is a soap opera for goodness sakes. Does soap opera life even come close to real life? No! Is bike supposed to reflect real life? Not really. This is fiction folks, and the author can write what she damn well pleases with impunity. Let's lay off on the harsh stuff. If you don't like what a character is doing - fine. Writing about a murderer does not make the author a murderer. Writing about an opinionated psychiatrist doesn't make the author an opinionated psychiatrist. Back off.
I have seen this story around since I first started lurking the site years ago. I was way too intimidated to start reading it because it was already hundreds of pages along. Finally , two weeks ago, I bit the bullet and started on it. The day before yesterday, I finally was able to catch up. Wow... what a ride. An amazing piece of writing. I don't have a clue how an author can be as prodigious as this. I am absolutely in awe of the drive, talent and pure discipline necessary for such an accomplishment.
That being said, there have been times, many recently where I had a hard time with the plot, where I thought that perhaps the train was leaving the tracks so to say. But I reminded myself that this is an artistic and creative vision and needs to be respected as such. I think that it is OK to criticize plot twists or ideas as long as a good argument is put forward. Please don't take criticism too seriously. We all have opinions, many of us should probably keep them to ourselves. And to those who just criticize just to hear their own voices and have nothing constructive to say, should be dismissed out of hand and not taken seriously. Please don't let it get to you and if you are just tired and do need to take a break to regroup, that is very understandable.
P.S. I think I figured out how it might end and I am looking forward to seeing if I guessed right or not. PLEASE don't stop!
6 Years
I had to look back to the post date of "Bikes" first appearance and I've enjoyed every chapter, although I didn't always agree with the actions some of the character performed. Has "Bike" run its course? Only you can possibly answer that question, I personally thought you should cut back to one or two post a week so you would have time for some of your other stories that are hanging around, but all things considered I believe you to be the most prolific writer on this board. I've enjoyed your tales and hope to see more.
With my fond affections
at no time was I attacking you. I was attacking Cathy and Stephanie. The characters are acting out of the perceived norm of how they were developing and it grates irritatingly with me. Does that mean I hate what you are doing? no!
I don't know the full plot of what you are doing so my view, as well as others are skewed based on what we have available to us. So based on what I am seeing from how they have acted in the past, that there is something really wrong in their minds to how they are acting and decision making now in the current chapters and am voicing my opinion of it.
Why not add a comment of your own like other authors do to our comments and voice out yourself why they might be acting this way or to what might be going on. Comment on our comments!
Communicate with us in comments :) Most authors do.
Keep writing Bike!
ps. I am at fault for my earlier comment as it could be taken for an attack on you when I did not even mean it that way. My poor choice of wording. I am terribly sorry. In the future I will keep such responses private in a pm and will double look at it to make sure I am saying what I want to say so that it doesn't repeat what I had just done.
Here goes
And with that said I have to say that it was this story that led me to be here and I have loved the whole thing on this great ride you have taken us on. So that said , if you feel you just must stop ,that is your decision ,and yours alone..Personally I would rather you didnt but if you must I for one will miss your work.
That being said, the attacks by opinionated people bring me to say what my Dad(may his soul rest)always said about opinions.. "Opinions are like buttholes,everyone has one and they all have an odor"
'nuff said
Don't stop! Please, don't stop.
Like you, I was surprised when I read the comments yesterday. Not only because I felt that they were wrong, but more so because I felt they were uncalled for and unduly harsh. Even if you don't agree with what an author has written, being rude and hurtful has no place here - especially not in a public comment.
Yes, I truly thought that this was a caring community, a place where we could express our most inner thoughts, thrust our demons into the light, and air our dirty laundry without recrimination. I believe that I was right in that impression, but evidently there are those within this community, this group of my closest friends, who don't understand that.
All of us, especially us, should understand that sometimes in life things are not as we would see them. Quite often, we may disagree with another's opinion, or we may find ourselves the brunt of anger and discrimination. This site has been my refuge from those who would act that way - but unfortunately it appears that some of us have not learned from the way we as a collective group have been treated by the outside world. Perhaps those few need to be reminded of how many in the world have treated us; perhaps they need to think before they attack another member of this community.
The fact that you may not agree with what an author has written on this site in no way gives you the right to try to tear them down. Should anyone feel qualified to write a better story, then the challenge lies for them to do so. We all have the right to not agree with what we may have read, but we do not have the right to disparage the author. Stop reading it, or write something better - those are the options.
I believe in freedom of speech, and I believe that we all need to subject ourselves to constructive criticism at times. However, when one of us hurts another, when the criticism is no longer constructive, then we have exceeded the author's rights. As thinking, caring, loving adults, our first thoughts should be to nurture talent, to help those around us, to build our fellows up - not to tear another person down.
I was appalled at the comments I read, and I owe you, Angharad, an apology for not standing up before this. I allowed my own personal need to take precedence, rather than the needs of my friend. I sincerely hope that you will not stop writing this story line, and that you will not allow the slings and arrows of ignorance to affect you.
Those of us who are your friends stand behind you, and I personally hope that you choose to continue.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Loyal Reader
Angharad, I have read every single one of your episodes, and usually within hours of each posting. I tend to hover around TopShelf every day around when you've been known to post, waiting for it.
Some thousand episodes or so ago, I thought you were running out of ideas, running in circles, and I may have even said something about that. But, at no point was it ever bad enough not to read, and you know what? It got better. And better. Your creativity has kept this character-driven story alive, and (it's about time I admitted to myself) thoroughly addictive.
You owe us nothing, of course, and I think we all understand that Bike is a daily treat we don't necessarily deserve, and are certainly not entitled to. But, you've created something truly special. It's now over twice as long as the longest novel ever printed (Proust's In Search Of Lost Time, estimated to be 1.2 million words in its English translation). Unlike a radio play or tv series, it's not a bunch of separate scripts loosely tied together by their characters -- it's an actual story, continuous. Thousands of short chapters that all flow together, nearly seamlessly, into a living novel.
It's magic, Angharad. You've created something truly marvelous. Stop whenever you want, but know that there are many who will miss it (including its own characters, who you've practically breathed real life into), even as we continue to marvel at the sheer size and breadth of your creation. And, never let the critics get you down. Would that they could write as well as you, we'd have an embarrassment of riches.
Derogatory comments were actually a complement to the author
The bad comments were directed at the characters not the author. These comments showed how much you pull us into the story and the characters. Many authors can't do that or not nearly as well you do. For a psychological diagnosis at least half the psychologists well think it's wrong. Psychology is one of the most inexact sciences being studied. The best writers bring out the strongest comments. Ang, you are one of the best. The longevity of and interest in BIKE is proof.
Stay with us, please.
Valerie R
Much Love,
Valerie R
This sounds very familiar
to what people told me after I posted a recent story that drew a great amount of negative commentary and e-mails. I was reminded that it was because people were drawn into the story and related to the characters that they become so vocal about what happened, especially when things didn't go the way they had hoped.
I'll tell you the same thing. It is true - the most negatively-commented story that got so much flak also got a very high number of kudos. If people can relate to your characters, they'll comment on the unexpected more than if the characters are 2-D cardboard cutouts. You're doing well as an author. That doesn't make negative comments sting any less, not at first. But upon reflection, I hope you'll understand that the support you've gotten greatly outweighs the negative comments.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
If you haven't anything good to say, keep quiet
My dad used to say: "If you haven't anything good to say, keep quiet."
I enjoy reading 'Bike' and always have done. The older I get, the more I seem to share Cathy's opinions. BUT if you feel that now is the time to have a break from 'Bike' then you should do so. I'll miss it, of course, but your health and welfare must come first.
Please don't be influenced by a few negative comments. Those who support you far outnumber them.
I hope not
While I enjoy many of the other writers, you are the one I check for most often. While only you can make the decision I think this site would suffer your loss. Maybe go to once a week? You're great, I hope you realize that.
I probably wanna know, what I don't know
I don't think it should be that complicated really
If you enjoy writing Bike, then keep doing it. If you no longer anjoy it, or only feel like doing it some of the time, stop. Or add to it periodically. You aren't under any obligation to do it daily. Whatever makes YOU happy is what you should do.
Are You Serious?
Yeah, we'll take you on.
Sunderland AFC, for the uninitiated.
Just don't look too closely at the league table...
Black Cats Rule
However, I'm interested in the AFC North and the Pittsburgh Steelers. I'm also interested in cats, especially mine :) who are also Steelers fans!
How good is Bike? I predict
How good is Bike?
I predict that in some future an English Literature professor will be teaching a class on it!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
My first reaction was: Oh Noooess...
Who? I'll go and hang her/him for you.. But then again, no. That's not a solution. Truth is, after reading you chapter yesterday, and the ensuing comments, I thought: Wow, someone really has her goat tickled. I wonder how Ang will take this.
Apparently not too well. Which is a dreadful shame, but you can't rule these out. Fact is that your writing incites reflection and provocation from time to time, which I think is a good thing. Not all in GID land is cut and dry, and sometimes stories do really provoke someone, someone who at the time might be in an insecure state, and lashes out. In retaliation. Pain. Self-doubt.
We've all been there, and I venture most of us still visit this state from time to time.
I wish you will keep posting and writing EAFOAB e.a. for as long as I'll be able to read, but if you've had enough, be assured that what you've shared with us will be treasured. And we'd terribly miss you. But I don't want to guilt you into anything. *Well, not that you'd be able to hold me accountable anyway :)*
Thanks for all the fish.
Sigh, it happens, but...
I don't come around much these days for a whole bunch a reasons, but I saw this and felt I needed to. Ang and maybe a few others might go..oh yeah I remember that name ..vaguely.
Nuthin new really, someone writes something that a few dislike for whatever reasons and lob off comments that hurt beyond any logical expectation.
So it goes, this place is perhaps kinder than many but it aint no sunny picnic ground with romping golden retrievers and little boys in cute dresses all the time either.
I read those comments yesterday and thought oh oh, but I wasn't that surprised. I nearly left an opposite view, in that while I had followed this right through and a few things bothered me here n there along the way I did not go with the Danny swapsies. Okay, a bit of explore and see and question fitted, but this last week it seemed the swap him over cheer squad had gotten the inside running and Danny was doomed for I thought wrong reasons. I almost gave up on the story a few eps back because of this. But... I did wonder if Ang would pull it back. I had no problem with the way things fell yesterday. It wasn't PC psych speech or whatever, it was blunt and straight, an assessment of where things lay. Just my opinion.
I recall a little thing I wrote some time back, a standalone. Ang objected to the way I resolved it. I wrote a second piece in part to answer that criticism. Still didn't help. Sigh, probably my inability to put the idea across, or maybe... Anyway I was hurt slightly by that. No biggee, it happens. Not the first time or the toughest. Shrug.
So ramble ramble. Ang I still love reading bike..mostly.. hah, even where I may not always agree I try to see where you're going. If I look in and the daily ep aint there I feel like something is missing. Sure if you can't do it anymore for whatever reason that's your call. Hell you've done way more than I think any other writer on here, so understandable.
Respect is there don't doubt that, so if ya's fishin' for lurve, ya got it. Write on please, but only if you want to. Of course I'm nuts so take all this with a sniff of pepper, or was that salt or sumfin...
ps … as the other Kris says above wouldn't surprise me if some batty English Prof in an Educational type place sometime did a bloody course on it. Bigness in English semi lit or something. Smile Ang. ...Wasn't that the house where that mad writer with with the bike riding cats used to live.... ah fame.
Please don't
ang please please please don't stop with the bike. I <3 the bike series it's my fav series on here.
Please No
I Might not comment on you work often, maybe not ever(but i am sure i have)
More than 1/2 the reason i stop by this site is to see whats new in BIKE ..
I almost never log in .. More due to the fact i run multiple operating systems(windows, linux, etc. ) and its a pain to sign into every website especially when you know you will erase everything in a week, or less (or as i have been working 60hrs a week lately, OS's Have been staying for longer(although this OS is less than 2hrs old))
But Please Continue your Writing here,
its been a pleasure ether way,
Thank you, and please continue writing!
Dear Angharad, whilst I have been reading tg fiction, lurking and learning from others online now for nearly 25 years, I didn't know about this site until I read a work of yours on another site about two years ago. In looking for more from this wonderful author, I stumbled here. What an amazing place - only found through your writing! After a while here, having read your other works, along with those of many other authors, I finally tackled Bike. That led, of course, to many sleepless nights (I have a hard time putting down good writing) until I caught up. Your writing makes me think, and I enjoy that tremendously. I may not have commented on your work before, but it is truly a joy to read. I can only wish you the best, and hope you keep sharing your skill with us.
Thank you!
Aurora Lynne
I guess I missed all the drama.
For what it's worth, my opinion of the last Bike episode is that it was a every honest look at the struggles that _everyone_, including those of us who are "gender enriched", have dealing with these issues. One can be as supportive as possible, yet still struggle with facing it, dealing with it, living with it.
I'm guessing that most of the problematic comments were removed, I didn't see them.
I can't tell you what to do irt continuing with Bike or writing here on BC. I can tell you that your stories have enriched my life, and it would sadden me to see you stop.
Bike is a lesson in life
and while I don't always agree with what's happening in the tale nor do I always feel comfortable with what Cathy and her crew does, I learn from reading the story. And let's face it, LIFE is not always comfortable. Sometimes thing happen that amaze, surprise, disappoint and dismay. We are able to learn, internalize, and move on.
I'm sorry that you've been attacked. This seems to happen too often here, but please remember that you have many fans who welcome the chance to read a bit of your thoughts daily.
I'm overwhelmed
at the support and encouragement I've received from readers here, some of whom have revealed very personal issues to me and how my writing has helped them. It had me in tears a couple of times and made me feel rotten for threatening to stop. Until people tell you, you have no idea how important things are in their lives. For those who felt threatened/hurt by my suggestion of leaving the site, I apologise unreservedly.
I have made my peace with those who disagreed with my storyline and I hope things will go back to normal now, so please no more criticism of the dissenters, they have an entitlement to their opinions as well.
I shall continue writing and posting here and Bike will be back very soon, consider this a slipped chain or puncture. Thank you to all who participated in the discussion but can someone explain how I get more comments for a blog than I do for my storyline?
I wish you all peace and contentment.
And there was much rejoicing
Back on the bike
Good - glad to hear it. I've decided to go back to the beginning and read at least two a day until I'm well caught up.
So don't be surprised at comments on the old bits.
PS - And why "more comments on a blog"?
It's hard sometimes to go beyond "I like this episode".
Not all of us can unfailing pop out a comment.
Stanman could, but he was Stanman.
Well, I suppose if you do stop it will save me staying up until stupid O'clock pressing F5 for the next Bikeisode.
As someone who's writing block has exceeded her productive period by several years, I am in awe of you regular, prodigious and high quality output.
I would prefer you to continue writing for our little community, but only you can decide if the reward justifies the effort and dedication you make daily.
I'm sorry to hear it
I certainly understand your feeling, Angharad, and I'm sorry that things have gotten this way for you.
I do hope you can continue to post here. Once you stop, it's hard to start again.
Your choice, of course ...
... I've really enjoyed your writing and it's often been detrimental to my key board should I happen to be either eating or drinking as I read it :) However, whatever you decide, it's a fantastic achievement. I seem to recall that you started it as an exercise in creative writing to see if you could write something 'on the fly' with little or no forward planning. I think you passed the exam with an A+.
I'm currently co-operating on a story (as editor/proofer/beta reader) which has just passed 500 pages in the initial draft (I guess it may be cut down to size later) with about another 100 to come. Like Bike, it's been added to almost daily since Spring and may be ready for posting by Christmas. That's been a lot of work for both of us but pales into insignificance to Bikes almost daily update for several years. You should be proud that your readers are so wrapped up in the characters you've created that they feel free to criticise their behaviour. Like some 'Archers' (BBC long-running radio soap opera) fans who think Ambridge is a real place, they've probably convinced themselves you're writing about real people rather than figments of your fertile imagination.
Whatever you do please accept my heartfelt thanks for the entertainment you've so generously provided to lighten my late evening's browsing.
I must have nodded off for a second.....
My dear, those of us who are gender diverse, challenged, or whatever, understand exactly where you are coming from. Those of us who have lived the nightmare and somehow survived know of what you speak. Sometimes I feel like you have been following me around taking videos. I am so sorry that you were offended by some flippant comment thrown out at you and most likely meant to hurt. There is always one creep or in America, asshole. Please know that all of your dearly devoted readers across the pond love you and BIKE. Evening cocktails without BIKE would not be the same, also it's a way for those that love you to keep track of you. Remember, we want you healthy and happy regardless of where the spoked wheels go in the future. Thanks for a great ride, looking forward to the future whatever it brings for us.
Carol Anne
I held off yesterday as I missed much oif the *fun*
I agree you are tackling a difficult subject with her son/daughter, psychiatry with its insights and weaknesses, and most importantly who is the child?
Not sure about Pia. I fear snap judgments by anyone, lay person or pro.
But the councilor is and has been a good friend to the family so she means well.
Only time will tell if her diagnosis is right.
This is a wonderful if emotion packed area to cover, Ang, the coming of age of a person.
How does a teen discover who they are?
Is her last boy a young man trying to resolve a crisis, IE the rape of he and his friend and now that fronds self mutilation? Is she a girl at heart or somewhere in-between.
IMHO Cathy's medical friend is close to the truth about Cathy's son and Pia too. Disagree a bit with her wanting to separate them but I understand why if her reasoning is sound about the boy's intense completive nature.
Who is the child at his or her core?
The answers are important as some actions taken would be irreversible.
Then we have Cathy and her other kids bending the doo-doo out of the law to hack the nasty kids's Facebook pages. But then it is to protect her child.
NEVER threaten one of Cathy's.
Sorry you got any heat on this Ang.
Keep in mind often times when you get strong complaints it means you wrote something that seriously touched other's lives and beliefs. That so many others supported you seems proof that do wrote something special.
To any who had problems with the chapter, explain, privately if you can, WHY it upset you or what confused you. Sometimes in offering criticism you may well have hit on an weakness in a tale that can and shoud be remedied thhus improving it. IE be constructive in your complaints.
Hell, such comments have been very helpful to me even if they upset me at first.
Happy you will continue, Ang.
This story proves how dedicated, hard working and plain out pig heed... Um, motivated by the work ethic you are.
-- GRIN --
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Let Me Add To This
I dip into EAFOAB only occasionally, mainly because I came in too late. The chapters that I do read are always satisfying and it is truly a heroi(ni)c effort to continue a story as long as you have and to have a loyal following after 2136 episodes, so you are certainly doing something right.
As you know I do love your other stories and it would truly be a sad day if you were to leave BCTS. Nobody can please everybody all the time but IMHO you please most of the people most of the time, so for what it's worth I'll ask you to stay and to keep on writing whatever you feel like that gives YOU satisfaction,
Thank you so much for all your stories. I know that Bike has lasted a long time but I for one have been so very entertained, amused and tearful over this saga. I'm so glad you have decided to continue. Thanks for this story as well as all the others that you provide. I have read all of the Bike series and am now starting to read them again from the beginning to my girlfriend. She is a very slow reader and so has asked me to read to her. She is totally absorbed and entertained as well as I read the story.
Thank you! Thank you! and Thank you!