Today I visited a saw mill in northern Arkansas. If any of you have driven the highway between Conway and Harrison, you've seen the mill. I decided to drive non-stop home and fix a late lunch. US 65 joins Interstate 40 at the north side of Conway. There is a long left turn lane to get onI-40 South. I was stopped about 8-10 feet behind the truck in fron of me when I heard a 'chirp' of tire and was clobbered by a GMC 1500 pickup truck. I was driving a 2012 Chevy Malibu. Guess who won? I was knocked into the Nissan Tundra in front, and his tow bar penetrated my radiator. The impact was so hard that the rear of the passenger cabin buckled. Basically, the trunk (boot) was shoved under the rear window. I've had the car for less than four months, and had put about 3,000 miles on it. It is probably totalled. It was a good little car. I never got less than 28 mpg on a tank of gas. I'm not hurt: just really pissed off. It took me a while to find my cell phone. I had been carrying it in my breast pocket. The phone was on the dash against the front window. Fortunately, the fellow is insured.
I called the insurance company immediately and passed along all the information. THe guy signed off with, "Have a nice day." I mean, really.
I think I'll have a drink. I still haven't had lunch.
One of those Days!!
And if you haven't had lunch Drink tea or Water no alcohol 04!!
My little sister and her husband were sideswiped in Conway
just a couple of days ago. The lady tried to do a hit-and-run, but they managed to get her license plate before she got away.
What is up with the Conway area any more?
I'm sorry about your car. Did you see a doctor to make sure you didn't have any strain injuries or anything?
Melanie E.
Ask for a rental car from the other driver's insurance company. If they refuse remind them you wouldn't need one but for their insured client's actions. If they refuse call an attorney. Tell the attorney you want X, Y, and Z, with the rental car expenses included. Shoot high and tell the attorney to be sure he includes his expenses. And don't take their first offer.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
My insurance company, USAA, takes good care of me right up front. I've been with them 41 years. They'll go after the other company as the information comes in. Still no aches or pains.
Makes a big difference
I have USAA ins. myself, along with some of their other services. And when I called them, I got to talk to a real, live person! What a clever idea!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
See a doctor
Trust me, you have whiplash. In a day or two you will get the headaches. If you are lucky, it will get better with just aspirin or tylenol but see a doctor on the other guy's insurance because it might be more serious and you really can't always know in the first 48 hours.
Glad that otherwise you are okay.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Hope you're alright, my friend,
Good advice about seeing a doctor. When I got slammed a few months ago my eyesight was blurry for weeks. Looked like everyone else was drinking! Don't worry about the car, It's replaceable: You're not!
Get the guys phone records. He must have been talking or texting because, clearly, he wasn't driving. Ask the police how to find out. That's illegal even in Kentucky!
Take care of yourself, OK?
Your friend always,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
I third the doctor recommendation. Seriously. You never think you're hurt until the adrenaline completely goes away and sometimes that can take over 48 hours. And even then... If your pain tolerance is anything like mine you still might not. Seriously. When I broke my thumb I was totally convinced there was nothing wrong. But my mom basically forced me to the bone doc and sure enough, complex fracture to basically half my hand.
I hope that you're going to go after that idiot for more than just your insurance needs on your car. He deserves some serious pain for driving so recklessly.
Abigail Drew.
Any injury will become more pronounced in 12-24 hrs
Any injury will become more pronounced in 12-24 hrs. Most swelling peaks at about 24 hours (bit different with bone breaks). So you are likely to be stiff or sore in the morning. Often any x-rays or scans are more likely to show the injury at that time (24 hrs after the injury) than immediately after the injury.
The Morning After
No problems with aches or pains in the neck and shoulder area. Lower abdomen's a little sore where the seat belt crossed. This is complicated by the fact that I had prostate surgery almost five years ago. The robotic surgery was botched and I had to have two subsequent surgeries to repair damage. That left me with two four inch incisions one above the other from below my navel to my pubic bone. I know that area is weaker. I wore an abdominal support for about two months. My memory's not good about some of what went on during the weeks after the surgeryon due to having too much anesthesia. I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday. Thanks for writing.
day after owwies!!!!
...hoping and praying for a swift recovery! Love you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Sorry to read about this
I am glad that you seem to be ok and I concur with the others about getting checked by your Doctor.
I have not been to the area but my little sister (who is a Grammy now) lives in the Conway area as well as her Son and his wife and daughter.
My Brother Says ten to fifteen grand
... to fix it. Sounds like a total to me. I had the car for only a few months, and was getting to enjoy it. Well, my car salesman will start looking for me. I work in the insurance business, so I'm not going to take any BS from the other insurance company. Not having any significant aches or pains right now. I think I'm going to grill some pork chops and have a glass of wine.