Sunday Afternoon Chat on BCTS/SD

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Hi All, here is the raw log from the Feburary 10th BCTS/SD chat. Remember this is unedited and that the timestamps are Pacific Standard Time. Hugs and love, Cindy

[09:54] * kiai has joined #Main_Room
[09:54] Cindy> very strange
[09:55] kiai> hello again
[09:55] Cindy> usually there are alot more people in at this time
[09:55] Cindy> welcome
[09:55] ScottRamsey> Hello kiai
[09:55] kiai> have you all been here since I left?
[09:55] ScottRamsey> I was just thinking that too Cindy
[09:55] kiai> hi scott
[09:55] Cindy> I've been here since 6:30 AM PST
[09:56] ScottRamsey> No we haven't kiai
[09:57] kiai> you know... i don't recall seeing any followup blog-post or announcement past Erin's original mention
[09:57] kiai> perhaps people have forgotten about it, or are waiting for the promised update
[09:58] ScottRamsey> that's possible
[09:59] tin> hi kiai
[10:00] kiai> hi there tin. how're the ribs? i would be gulping down extra calcium/magnesium/zinc to dull the pain and help the healing, were it me
[10:00] Cindy> yes
[10:01] tin> they've got me on something that i had to take six of yesterday and it seems to help
[10:02] kiai> cindy: if you've been here steadily since last night, when did you lose your ops?
[10:03] kiai> ah - n/m i misread your earlier line
[10:04] tin> she keeps getting pinged out
[10:04] Cindy> my ISP drops the line from time to time
[10:04] kiai> ouch
[10:05] kiai> i get lagged by i seldom get dropped
[10:05] kiai> but*
[10:05] Cindy> limited bandwidth at the node
[10:06] Cindy> too many people online at the same time
[10:06] Cindy> and the node drops some
[10:06] kiai> 33kbps dialup here... tell me about it
[10:07] kiai> and two webcomic-reader users using the same connection
[10:07] tin> dsl/cable connection so i just worry about wireless going down
[10:08] Cindy> I have cable connection myself
[10:08] Cindy> the problem is the node
[10:08] Cindy> in large urban areas
[10:08] kiai> wireless is radio... once you've got a clean connection it should stay clean until you move around
[10:09] tin> then i think they need to update the node
[10:09] Cindy> if you can convince them to do that
[10:09] tin> yeah except i am in the basement and the routers on the second floor
[10:09] kiai> unless the WAP is on the other side of a road from you... then you've got the potential for large vehicles occluding your signal
[10:10] tin> yeah they want your money but wont fix anything
[10:11] tin> well kiai the routers a real cheap one and dont have the money for the one i want
[10:11] kiai> is charter that bad? i know comcast is useless
[10:14] Cindy> they are all that bad
[10:14] * kiai sticks with cat5... the spectrum's crowded enough here just from the radio noise the monitors emit
[10:15] * Karen has joined #Main_Room
[10:15] kiai> hi karen
[10:15] tin> hi karen
[10:16] ScottRamsey> Hi Karen
[10:16] Karen> hi
[10:16] tin> how are you karen?
[10:16] Cindy> welcome Karen
[10:16] kiai> now we're transatlantic as well as transcontinental
[10:16] * Looking up Karen user info...
[10:17] Cindy> always transatlantic in GabyZone
[10:17] tin> i know i keep jumping from one to the other
[10:17] * theignorantidiot has joined #Main_Room
[10:17] theignorantidiot> [Joins the Chat Room]
[10:17] Karen> It's only Cindy mentioning this earlier that I'm here. I must have missed it being mentioned
[10:18] Cindy> I think the lack of followup notice is the problem
[10:18] kiai> hello tii
[10:18] ScottRamsey> Yeah, even Erin seems to have forgotten
[10:18] Cindy> if someone had posted a followup notice last night
[10:19] ScottRamsey> hello tii
[10:19] tin> hello tii
[10:20] theignorantidiot> Are any chickens still here?
[10:21] kiai> nope. scott bit all their heads off.
[10:21] Cindy> giggles
[10:21] ScottRamsey> LOL
[10:21] theignorantidiot> WHY?
[10:21] tin> no scott got them all
[10:21] Cindy> because they were there
[10:21] ScottRamsey> It's a hobby
[10:21] theignorantidiot> AAAHHHHHH!!!!!
[10:21] kiai> actually, new moon was wednesday. scott should have gotten some new stock in by now
[10:22] * Laika has joined #Main_Room
[10:22] Laika> [Joins the Chat Room]
[10:22] kiai> hi laika
[10:22] Cindy> welcome back Laika
[10:22] ScottRamsey> Hi Laika
[10:22] tin> hi laika
[10:22] Laika> hey hey! Hi everybody!
[10:22] * Karen waves
[10:23] tin> how are you laika?
[10:23] theignorantidiot> Any one have any idea as to what's comeing up next in Crystal Hall and Whately?
[10:23] Laika> I'm good.
[10:24] tin> no what and where is that?
[10:24] theignorantidiot> Try and welcome to the genere!
[10:25] ScottRamsey> Hmmm Erin's not gonna be here it seems
[10:25] Cindy> not interested in Whately
[10:25] ScottRamsey>
[10:25] Laika> Erin had some announcement to make?
[10:25] theignorantidiot> Laika; Don't let scott know this, or he will consume you!!
[10:27] ScottRamsey> She said she might have when the chat was announced Laika
[10:27] theignorantidiot> Does Erin REALLY NEED to be here for this to be aGREAT chatroom?
[10:28] tin> no\r
[10:28] Laika> course not, but it doesn't hurt
[10:30] theignorantidiot> Erin's presance is ALLWAYS GREATLY desired, but necessary. She is probably delayed for other PRESSING BUssiness.
[10:30] tin> o
[10:30] Cindy> yes
[10:30] Laika> I've been busting my stories up into segments to post them, and now am wondering if this is wise. I always see something I should have said earlier.
[10:30] kiai> we'll have to make her change her nick to Godot
[10:30] Laika> love beckett!
[10:31] theignorantidiot> Who or WHAT is GODOT?
[10:31] kiai> google it
[10:31] ScottRamsey> I don't think she's delayed - she's not coming aT ALL
[10:31] kiai> "waiting for godot"
[10:31] Laika> play by samuel beckett.
[10:31] Cindy> Laika I'm sure many authors "reget" later improvements to their stories
[10:31] Cindy> after posting
[10:32] kiai> best way i ever found of discovering the stuff mistakes i make in my writing is to post it
[10:32] Laika> it's like im impatient to get it read. used to take months & months to finish somehting
[10:32] kiai> stupid*
[10:32] Cindy> do you have a beta reader for your stories Kiai
[10:33] kiai> nope. i cheat: i convert it to HTML (i write using a text editor) and put it on a LAN-local server, then browse it
[10:33] kiai> that finds a lot of em but not all
[10:33] tin> hey kiai what storie do you write?
[10:34] theignorantidiot> Kiai, just publish and let Mother Nature do the rest. If it's good it will be so. If not you will find out the HARD way!
[10:34] kiai> my stories are on Stardust, BCTS and Fictionmania,all under the byline Kiai
[10:35] kiai> it's all transformation of some kind; i'm not into CD personally
[10:35] kiai> tii: experience is the worst teacher. she give the test first, THEN the lesson (i think i read that as a sig on slashdot)
[10:35] tin> that all right i don't know what i am. im just me i quess
[10:37] Karen> With the amount of red in the proofings I get back, I dread to post without someone having a look
[10:37] kiai> IMO everybody has the right to be what they are. i'm not TG, i just resent being only half-human
[10:38] tin> and why do you think you are just half human if you don't mind me asking?
[10:38] kiai> betas are great, i know from earlier activities; i've gotten used to doing without
[10:38] theignorantidiot> Kiai: if you are not totally human, WHAT ARE YOU? ( If it might be asked?)
[10:39] kiai> tin: born male. no real recollections of female pasts. I only know half of the human experience, and that's not enough.
[10:39] Cindy> pretty normal to only know half of the human experience
[10:40] theignorantidiot> Kiai; do not worry. You might find out the HARD way.
[10:41] kiai> i'm sure, by the time humanity figures out the full ruleset for this reality, we'll know how to fix the problem. i'm just impatient.
[10:41] Laika> everybody's fully human (for better or worse), sometimes I wonder if all this Venus & Mars stuff isn't blown out of proportion
[10:42] tin> i know what it feels like to be treated like a girl my cousins did this till i was about six including dressing me up as i was the youngest.
[10:42] theignorantidiot> Humanity will NOT figure out the problem. When it does the problem will have modified to another form!
[10:42] Cindy> it isn't Laika
[10:42] Cindy> not totally
[10:42] tin> and they where a lot stronger
[10:42] * ScottRamsey is grabbed from behind and dragged away by a tall, buxom blonde....
[10:43] Laika> no, not totally.
[10:43] * ScottRamsey is now known as Brandi
[10:43] kiai> lol
[10:43] Brandi> Okay he was, like, sooo boring .... what's hapenning guys?
[10:43] theignorantidiot> Is Brandi a tall great looking BLOND?
[10:44] kiai> tii: with an 'e'.
[10:44] Brandi> No I'm a tall, fantasticlly incredible looking blonde
[10:44] theignorantidiot> Blond-Blonde; what's the differance?
[10:45] Laika> difference
[10:45] Laika> sorry
[10:45] * Karen gets dragged away by her partner so not to get distracted by the tall blonde
[10:45] Brandi> Blond is a hair color - blonde is a female with blond hair
[10:45] Cindy> spelling
[10:45] theignorantidiot> I Brandi like unto other BLONDE's?
[10:45] Laika> The name is blonde. Dumb blonde.
[10:46] theignorantidiot> Sorry; This chat Room is NOT SPELL CHECKER equipped!
[10:46] Cindy> is Samantha draging you away Karen ?
[10:47] theignorantidiot> Why does Samantha want to DRAG Karen away?
[10:47] * angela has joined #Main_Room
[10:47] angela> [Joins the Chat Room]
[10:47] Laika> hi angela
[10:47] Brandi> Hi Angela!
[10:47] kiai> hi angela
[10:48] angela> Hi Laika, you olde dog
[10:48] Cindy> welcome Angela
[10:48] tin> hi angela
[10:48] theignorantidiot> WELCOME ANGELA!!!!!!
[10:48] angela> Hello to all, what's the topic?
[10:49] Laika> random & sundry
[10:49] tin> just talking
[10:49] Laika> topics
[10:49] angela> I am an expert in both random and sundry
[10:49] kiai> blond vs blonde, the absence of erin, scott's chicken habit...
[10:49] theignorantidiot> Why Samantha wants to drag Karen away from a BLONDE BIMBO? ( no insult intended! )
[10:50] Cindy> and Karen being dragged away aby Samantha
[10:50] * jennibrock has joined #Main_Room
[10:50] jennibrock> [Joins the Chat Room]
[10:50] angela> I've never been introduced to the ignorant idiot. New in town?
[10:50] Brandi> Whach it tii, I a a highly trained and well armed bimbo!
[10:50] Laika> chicken habit?
[10:50] Cindy> welcome Jenni
[10:50] Laika> hi jenn
[10:51] Laika> i
[10:51] jennibrock> Is this the right place?
[10:51] Cindy> yes
[10:51] tin> yes
[10:51] theignorantidiot> Not really. Just don't get into chat room.
[10:51] tin> hi jenn
[10:51] Brandi> That depends, are you looking for ice cream or chat?
[10:51] Karen> hi Jenni and Angela
[10:51] jennibrock> Hi Cindy, Laika, tin, Karen
[10:51] Cindy> ah, Karen got free of Samantha
[10:52] angela> Are any of you writers besides Laika?
[10:52] Karen> I didn't want to, but here I am
[10:52] theignorantidiot> HALILLUUUUYA!!!!!!!
[10:52] kiai> i'm learning to write
[10:52] jennibrock> I am.
[10:52] Karen> I try
[10:52] Brandi> Uh oh he's comin back!
[10:52] theignorantidiot> I would if I had the time11
[10:52] * Brandi is now known as ScottRamsey
[10:52] Cindy> I recognize Karen, Kiai, Laika and Jenni as authors
[10:52] angela> Kiai, how are you learning to write?
[10:52] jennibrock> I also make barely recognizable crayon drawings
[10:53] Laika> call them expressionist, jenni
[10:53] * Karen is now known as Karen_Page
[10:53] Karen_Page> don't want people to get confused between me and Karen J like last time
[10:53] Cindy> I was until I did a lookup on your logon
[10:54] kiai> at this point, mainly by trying to learn how to plot by doing it badly, and finding out what others have to say about the process.
[10:54] jennibrock> I did a pastel illustration for my story and wanted it to look like a fashion sketch, but it came out looking like a kid's crayon
[10:54] kiai> most of the stuff i write never gets off my D.
[10:54] kiai> HD
[10:54] angela> Why not post it?
[10:54] jennibrock> Get to know your characters and the plot will usually take care of itself.
[10:55] angela> Characters are wonderful drivers.
[10:55] Laika> i draw with ink pen, marker, whiteout, everything I can find
[10:55] tin> yeah you sould post it cause people are usually harder on them selves then others
[10:55] Karen_Page> Someone pursuaded me to post my training story - Concrete Cows. It was just going to sit on my hard disk
[10:56] kiai> hm. good point; that kinda goes along with something scott said last night about his writing process
[10:56] angela> What's the worst thing that can happen?
[10:56] Laika> concrete cows was well recieved, I seem to recall
[10:56] * Brandi has joined #Main_Room
[10:56] jennibrock> Concows was awesome
[10:56] Karen_Page> it was - but it was scary.
[10:56] ScottRamsey> Wait a minute....
[10:56] * Brandi giggles
[10:57] * Looking up Brandi user info...
[10:57] angela> Most who comment here seem to understand the writers aren't professionals.
[10:57] Laika> stop morphing scott!
[10:57] tin> if people have a proplem with something they sould remember the old saying "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all"
[10:57] Karen_Page> I'm glad I'm not a fulltime writer - I'd miss my read job
[10:57] ScottRamsey> I didn't morph, she seems to have sprung forth from my brain!
[10:58] kiai> you must have a zeus-sized headache
[10:58] Brandi> It was crowded in there
[10:58] angela> Kiai, are you reading any writing books?
[10:58] tin> so karen do you preread stories?
[10:58] Cindy> this is going to make a great log
[10:58] jennibrock> I've got a story on my slush pile about Zeus' headache.
[10:58] Brandi> or writing any reading books?
[10:59] kiai> i have a few old ones i picked up when money was plentiful... mostly tho it's stuff i find on the net
[10:59] * ScottRamsey glares at Brandi and searches for a large net
[10:59] angela> There's good advice on the net.
[10:59] Laika> zeus's headache has potential
[11:00] angela> No s on Zeus'
[11:00] Karen_Page> Tin, I have been known to help two people, but don't really have time to do too much. One of the ones I pre-read is a backup to Samantha [partner] who is helping an author
[11:00] tin> sound like fun
[11:00] kiai> i scooped a bunch of stuff off the SFWA site... now it's waiting til i have distraction-free time to go through it and study it
[11:00] angela> What kind of story Tin?
[11:01] tin> i don't write cause i cant get think down on paper.
[11:01] angela> Good start Kiai.
[11:01] kiai> :)
[11:02] angela> I would look at it if the theme interests me.
[11:03] * ScottRamsey sighs and wonders where his editor has gone :(
[11:03] jennibrock> I worked with a kitchen timer for a while. I forced myself to sit at my word processor for a half hour to force discipline into my writing.
[11:03] angela> Who was editing for you, Scott?
[11:03] ScottRamsey> Amelia
[11:03] angela> GWTW
[11:04] tin> i like to read so i just check them all out
[11:04] Cindy> Amelia has been absent for sometime now
[11:04] angela> Four or five years by my count.
[11:05] ScottRamsey> Last I heard from her was at the end of October
[11:05] Laika> as scott was saying to me at some ungodly hour, its one of the problems w/ internet
[11:05] theignorantidiot> October what year?
[11:05] angela> She has a mind of her own.
[11:05] ScottRamsey> last year
[11:05] Laika> that you cant wander over to someone;s house & check
[11:06] angela> JulieO hasn't heard from her in quite some time either.
[11:06] ScottRamsey> Yeah I know, neither has Itinerant
[11:06] angela> Amelia lives halfway across the country from me, that would be a big wander.
[11:07] jennibrock> Sometimes the closeness of the community masks the distance.
[11:07] kiai> snicker> I thought, "too bad you can't apparate to her bedroom" ...then i thought, so could telemarketers
[11:08] tin> yeah i wish travel was cheaper and faster
[11:08] theignorantidiot> Internet makes distance a hellish liar; to paraphrase a quote!
[11:09] jennibrock> It looks like TopShelf just went down.
[11:09] Cindy> yes, we have participants from two continents here
[11:09] theignorantidiot> OH FRAKK!!!!!!!
[11:09] tin> yes topshelf just kicked me out
[11:10] theignorantidiot> Which continents?
[11:10] kiai> the db is offline, looks like
[11:10] angela> Amelia is a wonderful grammarian. Grammarian the librarian.
[11:10] Cindy> North America and Europe
[11:10] Cindy> I just did a lookup on your page Jenni
[11:10] * Piper-Nokia has joined #Main_Room
[11:11] theignorantidiot> SURPRISE! SUPRISE!!
[11:11] Cindy> I can bring up the page but the illustrations are offline
[11:11] jennibrock> weird
[11:11] Karen_Page> isn't it backup time?
[11:11] theignorantidiot> Server problem for TSBC or other?
[11:11] Cindy> welcome Piper
[11:12] angela> Scott, what are you currently writing that needs editing?
[11:12] Laika> Hi Piper, or is it Nokia?
[11:12] theignorantidiot> Make that BCTS.
[11:12] tin> this stinks i was in the middle of a story
[11:12] jennibrock> Which story? We can tell you how it ends.
[11:12] angela> If its on BCTS you can't because they're all serials.
[11:12] Piper-Nokia> piper chatting via her nokia
[11:13] Laika> I only get to maybe one or two stories a day, so many good ones slip away
[11:13] ScottRamsey> I don't actually have anything that needs editing right now Angela
[11:13] ScottRamsey> I just miss Amelia :(
[11:13] angela> Why?
[11:13] tin> no thank you i like to find out my self
[11:14] jennibrock> "...And they all lived happily ever after. The End"
[11:14] Cindy> giggles
[11:14] Cindy> my type of ending
[11:14] theignorantidiot> Piper; ARE YOU ON A CELL PHONE? GET a GRIP GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!
[11:14] angela> Really Laika, Zeus's shouldn't have the last s.
[11:15] Laika> but that's how its pronounced, so I cheated
[11:15] jennibrock> You only drop the s if it's a plural s
[11:15] tin> i read about 15 different stories a day mostly
[11:15] angela> No one should take the last s. Bad manners.
[11:15] Laika> Were it a story, I would observe convention's
[11:15] angela> Proper names don't take the last s.
[11:15] * Brandi slips around and gathers up all the s'
[11:16] tin> your right that i the best ending but real life never ends that way.
[11:16] angela> All those who have had their lives ended aren't around to tell us if it was happy at the end.
[11:16] Brandi> It does for me ... but I have access to automatic weapons
[11:16] jennibrock> I think I've only used that ending (although not literally) in half my stories or so.
[11:17] Cindy> not all endings are happy
[11:17] tin> i feel sorry for people who think death is the only escape from their life.
[11:18] Laika> I used to love ironic endings
[11:18] angela> You could write about kids dying and monsters and then use the tag line "They lived happily ever after" That seemed to work for the Brothers Grimm.
[11:18] Laika> still do on occasion
[11:18] theignorantidiot> HOW does being able to use MG's bring about happiness to any one that would use them on OTHERS!
[11:18] angela> Have you written a 2nd chapter to your clown story?
[11:19] Brandi> well they were all BAD!
[11:19] Laika> yeah, it's posted. but needs a bit of an overhaul
[11:19] angela> I have a spare overall in my closet.
[11:19] Laika> Chapter 2 is about as interesting as you can make an information dump, but that's still what it is. Needs more casual dialogue
[11:20] angela> Where is it posted?
[11:20] Laika> Topshelf and Fictionmania
[11:20] Piper-Nokia> am using my cell as i'm at work and didnt want to boot my laptop
[11:20] Laika> Stardust will wait for the revisions
[11:20] angela> Do you want me to give it a look?
[11:20] theignorantidiot> PIPER-MORE POWER TO YOU!!!!!
[11:21] Laika> maybe angela
[11:21] Piper-Nokia> could u please stop shouting (caps)
[11:21] angela> Maybe?
[11:21] Laika> is this jill/angela?
[11:21] angela> Angela/Jill
[11:21] theignorantidiot> not shouting, just emphasicseing!!!!
[11:21] Laika> cool
[11:22] Cindy> another author heard from
[11:22] angela> You didn't have any apparent info dumps in the first part, what happened?
[11:22] Piper-Nokia> when u emphasize entire statments/sentences it comes off as shouting
[11:22] jennibrock> I liked chapter 2, I just couldn't think of a good comment.
[11:23] Laika> it just seems too dense with little asides and side fantasies
[11:23] Laika> so just a wee bit more talk seems appropriate
[11:23] jennibrock> I think it helped the reader get into the confusion in Billy's state of mind.
[11:24] angela> Little asides are hard to do. Soemtimes side fantasies are better done in dialogue, if you can make it realistic.
[11:24] Laika> hhhmmmmmm! u may have a point
[11:24] tin> any idea how long the website will be down?
[11:24] Piper-Nokia> need to gabck to working for a few. Ttyl every1
[11:24] Cindy> Bob would be the one to ask that question
[11:24] Laika> may have a point jenni
[11:24] theignorantidiot> My appologies; I do not shout, just emphasicse!
[11:24] * Piper-Nokia has quit IRC (Leaving: mIRGGI meni puis )
[11:24] ScottRamsey> Since Erin is away it could be a while
[11:25] kiai> bob has root there IIRC
[11:25] angela> Billy = horny sailor with too much time on his hands and limited life experience
[11:25] Laika> lol
[11:26] tin> guess i will just have to find another story site for awhile.
[11:26] angela> You do notive it's too much time on his hands, which is diffrent than too much of that other stuff, which is common in many TG stories.
[11:26] theignorantidiot> Is this the story about a guy likeing a girl clown; Humor Me by title?
[11:27] Laika> Yeah. I made billy and tricia both deeply flawed, to get away from the original forced fem emphasis
[11:27] Laika> which caused it to sit unfinished
[11:27] ScottRamsey> Bob can't do anything if it's related to the server host though
[11:27] Laika> for a long time
[11:27] angela> Forced Fem has been given a bad rap lately on BC. Nothing inherently wrong with FF.
[11:27] Cindy> not in my opinion
[11:28] Laika> I know, I've nothing against it, but it's not ME
[11:28] angela> Fiction is about change, whether forced or not.
[11:28] jennibrock> I'm working on one that isn't so much femdom as it is mascsub
[11:28] kiai> scott: when i first checked, i got a Drupal error page, so the front end was up, the MySQL db server was misbehaving
[11:28] theignorantidiot> Depending how forced-how femm, howresistant the protsgianist!
[11:29] ScottRamsey> It's back now
[11:29] angela> If you believe the protagonist must be likeable he can't be a wimp.
[11:29] kiai> kewl
[11:29] theignorantidiot> Sorry about spelling.
[11:29] angela> Readers don't like wimps.
[11:30] Laika> well I guess i'm shit outta luck, the die has been cast on this one
[11:30] angela> I didn't see Billy as a wimp.
[11:30] Laika> aldous huxley's "heroes" were all wimps
[11:31] Laika> he has a need to be needed. desperate
[11:31] angela> The theory is the reader wants to identify with the protagonist. They probably don't want to think of themselves as wimps.
[11:31] kiai> cindy: might want to edit that posting to say WHERE the chat is: the URL of the chatpage on stardust, and the IRC address for those who know how to use it
[11:31] angela> Billy can be desparate, but still likable.
[11:31] Laika> so he'll put up with a lot when he realises how insane/needy Tricia is
[11:32] Laika> heavy handed allusions to his insane mother
[11:32] jennibrock> Cool.
[11:32] Laika> wanting to save someone
[11:32] * Bob_A has joined #Main_Room
[11:32] kiai> hi bob
[11:32] theignorantidiot> Perhaps they want to see themselves stuck in a situation they like, but can't let themselve into on their own?
[11:32] Laika> Hi bob
[11:32] ScottRamsey> Hi BOb
[11:32] tin> hi bob
[11:32] angela> "Laika" was an answer on Jeopardy the other day -- thought of you.
[11:32] Bob_A> Hi everyone. Sorry about being late. BCTS had a problam that I had to fix.
[11:33] jennibrock> Hi Bob.
[11:33] Cindy> hi Bob
[11:33] kiai> we saw
[11:33] Laika> glad it's in yer capapble hands bob
[11:33] Laika> capable
[11:33] tin> yeah we now
[11:33] theignorantidiot> Bob as in stardust Bob?
[11:33] * Brandi was not responsible
[11:33] kiai> did you have to restart the cb?
[11:33] kiai> db
[11:33] Laika> thanks for all the feedback on my story, everyone. It's helping...
[11:34] Bob_A> I did have to reboot the server. It seems to be stable now But I'm still keeping an eye on it.
[11:34] theignorantidiot> BLESSINGS UPON YOU!!!!
[11:35] Bob_A> Yup, that Bob...
[11:35] jennibrock> The essence of true clowining is to scare you with implied danger, but then turn it around, like the bucket of water that's full of confetti.
[11:35] kiai> bob, did you have a problem with people sequestering themselves in secret channels, is that why /SETTINGS CHANNELS is so tight?
[11:35] tin> thanks bob now i can finish the story i was reading.
[11:35] angela> You're right ignorid, a lot of the "rules' applied to mainstream writing go out the window with TG fiction because we want to experience the forbidden.
[11:35] Laika> story ends with clown SRS
[11:35] Bob_A> I didn't want someone to come in and abuse the chat server to be able to run a spambot network thru it.
[11:35] Laika> a comically huge saw
[11:36] kiai> gotcha
[11:36] Laika> and then the mallet/anasthetic, lights out
[11:36] angela> Myra Breckenridge with a rubber nose.
[11:36] theignorantidiot> Myra with a RUBER NOSE? AAAAAGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[11:36] Laika> a rubber something
[11:37] angela> Up your hose with a rubber nose.
[11:37] kiai> you might want to define a few more channels, then, so, when things are busy in here, folks can QSY to a quiet slot
[11:37] Cindy> I think this is about as busy as it is going to get today
[11:38] Bob_A> Kiai, the chat server is seldom that busy. There are days that there are no users around in the rooms.
[11:38] Laika> sometimes on BCTS, when I see there are 33 users, I log off. Will this blow a fuse Bob?
[11:38] * Edeyn has joined #Main_Room
[11:38] Edeyn> [Joins the Chat Room]
[11:38] Edeyn> Lo!
[11:38] ScottRamsey> Hi Edeyn
[11:38] jennibrock> Hi
[11:38] Cindy> welcome Edeyn
[11:38] Edeyn> I'd forgotten about this
[11:38] Laika> howdy howdy edeyn
[11:38] Bob_A> No, you're okay, Laika .
[11:39] Bob_A> Hi Edeyn
[11:39] theignorantidiot> Welcome Eyden!
[11:39] tin> yeah i know how empty it can be
[11:39] kiai> i've seen that. i'm thinking of peak times. the way you have it now, any side-qso's have to work in /msg, which is 2-only.
[11:39] Edeyn> I spent my morning at work doing stuff for TopShelf :P
[11:39] tin> hi eyden
[11:39] ScottRamsey> Sometimes I come in here and chat with myself
[11:39] Edeyn> no customers means lots of editing got done
[11:39] angela> That's good for the soul.
[11:39] theignorantidiot> BLESSINGS ON YOU Edeyn!!!!!
[11:39] Laika> and getting paid for it!
[11:39] Karen_Page> hi Edeyn
[11:39] Brandi> That's really weird Scott
[11:39] Cindy> I'm usually here between 7PM-9PM PST
[11:39] Edeyn> What, Brandi, you don't ever talk to yourself?
[11:40] Laika> I have flame wars with myself
[11:40] angela> She is right now.
[11:40] ScottRamsey> She does but only when I let her Edeyn
[11:40] Bob_A> I know Erin wanted to be here but from a post on BCTS I guess she had to go take care of something else on a short nitoce basis. She didn't even have a chance to tell me she wasn't going to be here.
[11:40] Edeyn> I fixed the chronology of Easy Bike -- the numbering now matches the chapters and I was able to alter the titles in a subtle way so as to cut the scroll down by 23%
[11:40] * Brandi sticks her tongue out at Scott
[11:41] angela> I want to go through life left of Laika and East of Edeyn.
[11:41] Edeyn> LOL
[11:41] theignorantidiot> OHHHH the Punnnnisssshmentttt!!!!!
[11:41] Laika> if you were left of me youd be a maoist
[11:41] Edeyn> well, if Laika is facing east... that's UP
[11:41] Edeyn> (east cross north = up)
[11:41] kiai> Let the Punnic Wars begin!
[11:41] Edeyn> okay, have a customer, idle for a bit!
[11:42] Laika> godbless edeyn
[11:42] jennibrock> bye
[11:42] theignorantidiot> AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
[11:42] angela> No Mao, No Les.
[11:42] theignorantidiot> A PUN TAX should be invoked!!!
[11:43] Cindy> then be glad Prue isn't here
[11:43] angela> I'm glad Prue isn't here.
[11:43] kiai> hm, we've got a Puntax and a Laika. It sounds Nikonic... but that wouldn't be Canon.
[11:43] ScottRamsey> Mao mama mao da dinga dong dange Blue Moon.....
[11:43] jennibrock> puns can be fun in small doses
[11:44] Laika> any more can be punishment
[11:44] theignorantidiot> But!! How are PUNS kept in small doses?
[11:44] Edeyn> okay, they're filling out a data sheet
[11:45] ScottRamsey> With a hammer tii
[11:45] kiai> tii: with a puncil eraser
[11:45] Laika> groan
[11:45] ScottRamsey> LOL
[11:45] theignorantidiot> kiai-That's good!
[11:45] Edeyn> I thought I did well with my pun at Erin yesterday
[11:46] Laika> refresh my memory
[11:46] Laika> pleez
[11:46] Edeyn> in the YA thread, she said I didn't have to re-add Sk8r Grrls after the edit unless it created a fork where everything after that point was different
[11:46] Edeyn> so I said...
[11:46] Edeyn> The Fork is Strong With This One...
[11:46] kiai> ("Refresh my memory, drammit!")
[11:47] jennibrock> ow
[11:47] Laika> cant go wrong with a starwars pun
[11:47] Laika> dark helmet
[11:47] angela> To the surgeon after her insert sprung a leak, "Refresn my mammary."
[11:48] Cindy> eeewwww
[11:48] Laika> speaking of springing a leak brb
[11:48] theignorantidiot> AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
[11:48] kiai> should that be 'reflesh'?
[11:48] jennibrock> That would be the salient point
[11:48] angela> Only if you're impartial to "n".
[11:48] Edeyn> I'm scraping for every writing moment I can...
[11:48] Edeyn> but I took the time to fix all 202 chapters of Easy
[11:49] Edeyn> bleah
[11:49] angela> Bowing and scraping . . . the story of my life.
[11:49] Cindy> "fix" Easy ?
[11:49] Edeyn> okay, customers ready for me
[11:49] theignorantidiot> As I have been downloading for future reading; Do I have to go back and re-download anything?
[11:50] tin> thanks edeyn. i'm sorry i told you causing you so much work
[11:50] jennibrock> I always wanted an Easy Bike Oven
[11:51] angela> If your story wasn't a serial you wouldn't have had that problem.
[11:51] Laika> now that dont make no sense jenni
[11:52] angela> Laika, I'm thinking about writing a serial. Is there anything I can take for that?
[11:52] Laika> but no worse than my puns
[11:52] ScottRamsey> It's like an Easy Bake Oven but it has a tiny bicycle powered generator
[11:52] jennibrock> Earlier she called EAFOAB "Easy Bike"
[11:52] kiai> not that tiny. a hundred what?
[11:52] Laika> I'd like to see what you could do with the format, Angela
[11:53] Laika> My serials are more like 3-5 installment stories
[11:53] angela> I would put the format at the front door. If it was at the back door it would be the rearmat.
[11:54] jennibrock> You looking for a serial killer, Angela?
[11:54] angela> I loooovvve serials.
[11:54] Laika> My mind wanders too much for a real serial. my billy sue tribute is in limbo
[11:54] angela> I looovvve W.
[11:55] Laika> no cereal puns today?
[11:55] angela> I looovvve Hillary.
[11:55] ScottRamsey> nope just cinnamon puns Laika
[11:55] kiai> couldn't think of any to Post.
[11:56] Laika> Admiral Krunch has the corner on those
[11:56] angela> Been watching the Sunday morning talk shows. I especially looovve Fox news and their new analyst, Karl Rove.
[11:57] tin> serials are cool because i like continuation of characters.
[11:57] Laika> youre sh***ing me! Rove!
[11:57] Cindy> serials have the advantage of character development
[11:57] angela> Serials are cool bacause they push my stories off the front page of BC all that much quicker so I get less reads and fewer comments.
[11:58] angela> Not sh***ting you.
[11:58] Laika> sic transit gloria mundi, angela.
[11:58] ScottRamsey> So Bob, do you have any word on the 'something very new' Erin mentioned?
[11:58] jennibrock> I'm currently working on both a serial and a novel published in pieces, just so I can convince myself there's a difference.
[11:58] angela> Est eustest Iumentum.
[11:59] Cindy> quite a difference Jenni
[11:59] Laika> I'm getting used to the short shelf-life at topshelf
[11:59] Cindy> I once serialized a long story for an author
[11:59] Cindy> wasn't easy
[11:59] tin> angela what storie have you written.
[11:59] Bob_A> Scott, I know what she's up to but I'm not certain how far along she is with it to be able to announce it or not.
[12:00] angela> I have about three dozen stories posted
[12:00] theignorantidiot> Short shelf life not necessarilly so. If I want toread you I will track down all your serries!
[12:00] ScottRamsey> Okay Bob
[12:00] Laika> angela's characterizations are superb, tin
[12:00] tin> i'll have to see if i've read any
[12:01] angela> Sky is the latest.
[12:01] theignorantidiot> Angela; Did you do PEACHES?
[12:01] angela> The number of hits I get after a story leaves the front page is way down from what it once was.
[12:02] angela> Yes I wrote Peaches with Amelia.
[12:02] kiai> tii:
[12:02] theignorantidiot> Great story. Not finished wit iot yet, but great anyway!!!!!
[12:03] angela> I'm never happy with a story. I rewrote Peaches again a few months ago.
[12:03] kiai> i'm pleased if my stories get any hits once they're off the front page
[12:04] theignorantidiot> Got to go. Might be back later. ( If possible!! ) ( Where is last incarnation of newest PEACHES ? )
[12:04] Laika> see ya ignatz
[12:04] jennibrock> Bye ig
[12:04] angela> Stories posted on Storyiste continue to attract readers in big numbers long after they're off that sites front page.
[12:05] Laika> everyone's trying to keep up w/ influx of new stuff at BCTS
[12:05] angela> Latest incarnation of Peaches is for sale through Erin, but I give it out for free to people.
[12:05] jennibrock> I managed to get hits for my old stories by writing sequels and spinoffs with links in the summary.
[12:05] Laika> I feel like chaplin on the assembly line as stories whiz past
[12:05] tin> why are u not happy with your stories angela?
[12:05] kiai> lol
[12:06] * theignorantidiot has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[12:06] angela> I read a lot of books on writing. I find out new things and try to apply them to old stories to make them easier to read.
[12:06] jennibrock> It's more fun to play Lucy on the assembly line
[12:07] angela> I also read writing magazines and constantly find new ideas to apply to writing.
[12:07] tin> i felt peaches and sky where fine stories.
[12:07] Laika> me some too
[12:07] jennibrock> The shifting narrator was a useful device
[12:08] angela> It also is very restrictive.
[12:08] angela> You lose the reader's desire to guess what the various characters are thinking.
[12:09] Laika> My mult-pov story idea is a downer. An unstable ts steals a baby to raise, gets in all kinds of trouble
[12:09] Laika> just wanted to be a mom
[12:09] angela> The best stories allow the reader to write most of the story in their brains.
[12:09] Laika> I overkill on the explanations & details
[12:09] Laika> would love to leave those spaces
[12:10] Laika> but like my drawings
[12:10] Cindy> I could never read a story like that Laika
[12:10] Laika> cant leave well enough alone
[12:10] angela> I haven't noticed your details to be distracting.
[12:10] kiai> i try to be poetic in descriptive narrative ...cuts down on specifics and lets the reader build the scene
[12:10] angela> I loved the discription of the clown outift Billy has to wear.
[12:11] angela> outfit
[12:11] Laika> I dont know that I'll ever write that cindy. too grim even for me
[12:11] jennibrock> It could be interesting. I was drawn to writing unstable characters for a while.
[12:11] angela> Laika, did you ever read my "Residue." Very grim, but I think my best story.
[12:11] angela> Filled with unstable characters.
[12:12] Laika> I probably did, but don't recall. usually stop to read yr new ones, but haven't read shannon's course.
[12:12] angela> Even the horse's ass was unstable.
[12:12] Cindy> childstealing is a subject I just can't deal with
[12:13] Karen_Page> children should learn early on in life not to steal
[12:13] angela> Child stealing is a taboo that most readers don't want to take on. Like killing a pet in a story. Not good.
[12:14] jennibrock> Stolen kisses can be good
[12:14] Cindy> I can understand the desire to have child when you can't, but stealing someone else's child is too much
[12:15] angela> I think you could write about a TS stealing a child, Laika. Did you ever see Stealing Arizona?
[12:15] Laika> it is! It's sick, wrong
[12:15] Laika> raising arizona, but this wouldn't be a farce
[12:15] jennibrock> i think that as long as the story doesn't take a position that the child is better off for having been abducted, then it could be a worthwhile story.
[12:15] angela> Yep Raising. heheheheh
[12:16] angela> What if you stole Chaney's daughter?
[12:16] Laika> OH NO, she gets caught. Wouldn't have been a good mom anyway with judgement like that
[12:16] Laika> just a sad sad case...
[12:16] Laika> no winners. Like i say its not on my immediate to write list
[12:17] jennibrock> Somewhere on my list is a child abduction story that I may never get to, too.
[12:17] Cindy> well, good luck with it
[12:18] angela> Hmmmm. How about child abandonment?
[12:18] angela> Or child sacrificing?
[12:18] kiai> gods
[12:18] angela> Or children wandering.
[12:19] angela> In the desert for forty years.
[12:19] Laika> children of israel
[12:19] angela> Sounds like a good book.
[12:19] jennibrock> Might make a good movie
[12:19] angela> Or several movies.
[12:20] Cindy> I read part of a story containing child sacrifice
[12:20] Cindy> that's when I stopped and wrote a strong comment to the story
[12:20] angela> in support?
[12:20] Cindy> against
[12:20] Laika> sick
[12:20] angela> Against what?
[12:21] Cindy> not warning of the content
[12:21] jennibrock> That
[12:21] angela> If you warn aren't you giving away the end?
[12:21] Cindy> I would never have read the story in the first place if I had known
[12:21] tin> i agree with you cindy i do not like stories like that either
[12:21] jennibrock> sounds like a fair complaint
[12:21] Laika> I issue a warning over clown/3 stooges style violence, dont want anyone to get bummed out
[12:21] Cindy> the sacrifice isn't in the ending
[12:22] angela> Your warning was quite explicit. Next time I think you should warn about the warning.
[12:22] Laika> it would turn into a feedback loop.
[12:22] angela> The real sacrifice is always in the end.
[12:22] Laika> warningaboutwarning
[12:23] angela> Yellow alert on warning.
[12:23] jennibrock> I stuck a big disclaimer on Snowy White because it was kind of brutal. I didn't get any complaints
[12:23] Laika> I would rather err on the side of warnings
[12:23] Laika> suicide stories can send me into a nosedive
[12:24] angela> To err on warnings is humane.
[12:24] Laika> to war on earnings is bolshevik
[12:24] tin> i dont think i like suicide stories
[12:24] jennibrock> Writing about suicides can be dangerous in our subculture
[12:24] angela> I'm going to start putting waning warnings on my stories.
[12:25] angela> JenniBrock -- did you ever read my "It Brings On Many Changes"?
[12:26] Laika> sounds familiar. damn this senile dementia
[12:26] angela> It is written from mulitple viewpoints surrounding a suicide.
[12:27] jennibrock> I think so, but then I know the MASH song so the title was warning enough
[12:27] angela> The wife, the best friend, the psychiatrist, the daughter, the mother-in-law.
[12:27] * Samantha has joined #Main_Room
[12:27] Samantha> [Joins the Chat Room]
[12:27] Laika> hi samantha
[12:27] Samantha> Hi laika
[12:28] tin> hi samantha
[12:28] angela> Hi Sam --- JenniBrock and Tin were just telling me they don't like my stories.
[12:28] Samantha> hi tin
[12:28] Samantha> hi angela
[12:28] Cindy> welcome Samanatha
[12:29] Samantha> hi cindy
[12:29] angela> Laika said they're okay but cause nosebleeds.
[12:29] Laika> lofty subject matter
[12:29] tin> they are okay storie angela i just don't know why you write some of the stuff in to them
[12:29] angela> Sudden stops after quick descents.
[12:30] Edeyn> Back!
[12:30] Edeyn> This end up, even!
[12:30] Laika> ta-da!
[12:30] Cindy> giggles
[12:30] angela> I write that "stuff" because it's there.
[12:31] jennibrock> I like your stories. I find your characters very real
[12:31] jennibrock> I just noted that some stories can be dangerous
[12:31] Laika> hence the need for warnings
[12:32] angela> I'm just kidding you Jenni -- I agree that stories that glorify suicide are dangerous.
[12:32] tin> sorry if you took what i said wrong i did not mean it
[12:32] Laika> but child sacrifice is a million laughs
[12:32] jennibrock> A lot of our audience is kind of depressed. It's rough going through life stuck in the wrong body.
[12:32] Laika> i kinda noticed that
[12:33] angela> Going through life in the wrong body is a million laughs.
[12:33] angela> Therefore. . . .
[12:34] Laika> we await this great pronouncement
[12:34] Laika> and await
[12:34] ScottRamsey> I was gone for a bit but I'm back now
[12:34] angela> With my lisp I can't pronounce SRS.
[12:35] jennibrock> So a lot of them have probably considered taking the easy way out at one time or another
[12:36] angela> If you have experienced suicde you know it isn't easy for those left to deal with it.
[12:36] Karen_Page> Angela, do as some others do - called it GRS instead - easier to pronounce
[12:36] jennibrock> Which is why stories like yours are helpful.
[12:36] angela> Which is why I write them.
[12:37] Edeyn> I had a customer yesterday with a lisp
[12:37] Edeyn> her last name was "Goss"
[12:37] angela> And why I give them titles that warn the reader.
[12:37] Laika> and you thought she was a goth
[12:37] Edeyn> I swear, until I looked at the data sheet, I thought, "Wow. I get to do taxes for an actual Goth!"
[12:37] jennibrock> I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face
[12:37] ScottRamsey> LOL
[12:38] angela> Remember the girl on American Idol who told Simon she was "Feeling her thong."
[12:38] Edeyn> oh, I'm writing my tax tales...
[12:38] Laika> simon is a ass
[12:38] angela> Simon is a rich ass.
[12:39] Laika> simon can kiss mine
[12:39] angela> Simon would kiss yours and mine if it kept the $50 mil a year coming.
[12:39] Laika> bob dylan or tom waits would get gonged on his show
[12:39] Laika> i prefer the old gong show
[12:39] Laika> that was fun
[12:39] angela> I live five miles from Bob Dylan.
[12:40] jennibrock> cool
[12:40] Edeyn> I live five miles from a porn shop
[12:40] angela> He doesn't drop by.
[12:40] Laika> doesnt everyone
[12:40] angela> yep
[12:40] Edeyn> not everyone... they're "banned" in Omaha
[12:40] Laika> that would be a job for stories
[12:41] angela> Everyone doesn't drop by. BUT, everyone must get stoned.
[12:41] ScottRamsey> There's not any kind of store within 12 miles of me
[12:41] Edeyn> So, I have a question with regards to Laika's proposal for sanitizing Sk8r Grrls
[12:41] Laika> ???
[12:41] Cindy> I live in LA and there are all kinds of stores very close
[12:42] Edeyn> do you all think it would be better to use a different "heinous act" that's more PG, or to just "scene deleted" in a few choice places?
[12:42] angela> The only thing that should get santized is shoes.
[12:42] Laika> did you read my follow up comment?
[12:42] Laika> It advocated scene deleted
[12:42] Laika> and gave reasons
[12:43] ScottRamsey> why do you even want to sanitize it Edeyn?
[12:43] Edeyn> I'm talking about making things Youth Appropriate, Angela, not editing the original, but providing a Youth Appropriate version of it.... "This story has been edited for graphic content"
[12:43] Edeyn> chapters 15-17 specifically
[12:44] tin> any more chapters coming?
[12:44] Edeyn> yes
[12:44] tin> cool
[12:44] angela> I think the whole idea of "Youth Appropriate" is a little scary.
[12:44] tin> why angela?
[12:44] angela> Isn't BC an adult site?
[12:44] Edeyn> no
[12:44] angela> No?
[12:44] Edeyn> not specifically adult, no
[12:45] Edeyn> there's not a "verify you're over 18" screen, is there?
[12:45] angela> I don't want children reading my stories.
[12:45] Karen_Page> I was at a hotel in Ireland where BC was blocked as Adult/Porn
[12:45] jennibrock> Story sanitizers are on the B ark
[12:45] Edeyn> which is why the Youth Appropriate tag is being instituted, Angela
[12:45] Laika> Erin is adding a catagory for discreet parents/guardians to channel certain stories to kids
[12:45] Laika> Bravo
[12:46] angela> I just noted it today. My understanding was it was so that you would know the story could be printed and given to a child.
[12:46] Edeyn> so parents can then know which stories are OK for their trans-kids, or for trans-parents to have their kids read, or any combination of the two
[12:46] Edeyn> right
[12:46] angela> Start a new site.
[12:46] Edeyn> easier said than done
[12:46] Edeyn> money, server space, etc
[12:46] angela> Aren't there sites already for trans-kids.
[12:46] Edeyn> not that I'm aware of
[12:47] Edeyn> and I was editor for the MAGIC Newsletter for awhile (Mid-America Gender Identity Center)
[12:47] Karen_Page> I found nothing when I wanted to tell my eldest daughter (aged 9 at the time)
[12:47] angela> If you want the feds to have an excuse to shut BC down, you've just given it to them.
[12:47] Edeyn> what?
[12:47] Karen_Page> the only things was at Gires and it wasn't really appopriate
[12:47] Edeyn> how do you figure?
[12:48] jennibrock> There are probably more sites dedicated to "curing" them
[12:48] angela> You're actively soliciting children to read stories on this site.
[12:48] Edeyn> no
[12:48] Edeyn> that would be going to children and pointing out the site
[12:48] Edeyn> which is what soliciting means
[12:48] angela> It could be interpreted that way.
[12:48] Edeyn> no, it couldn't
[12:48] angela> soliciting is anything involved in the sales process.
[12:49] Edeyn> no, it's not
[12:49] angela> That is the legal definition.
[12:49] Edeyn> no, it's not
[12:49] angela> I know because it is germaine to my business.
[12:49] Karen_Page> Interesting, so a library shouldn't exist because it has children books and adult books under the same roof?
[12:50] Laika> they're next on the list
[12:50] Karen_Page> or a book shop shouldn't be allowed to sell childrens books as well as adult books?
[12:50] jennibrock> When I was little I had a special library card that let me read grownup books
[12:50] Laika> but do we cower in fear or support trans-kids?
[12:51] Edeyn> solicitation is ACTIVELY attempting to encourage sales for monetary gain
[12:51] angela> Exactly.
[12:51] Edeyn> so, how do you figure this fits?
[12:51] Edeyn> do you not understand the difference between active and passive?
[12:52] Laika> so about them clowns...
[12:52] Edeyn> and how exactly is this gaining monetarily?
[12:52] angela> By encoraging chgildren top frequent this site you are actively attempting to increase trafiic which makes Erin more money.
[12:52] Edeyn> how is it encouraging children to frequent the site?
[12:53] Edeyn> doh... client walked in... pause on conversation
[12:53] angela> If it isn't encouraging them to frequent this site --- why do it?
[12:54] Edeyn> for the reasons I stated above -- I can continue for the next moment or so while she's filling out a data sheet
[12:54] Laika> I thought the catagory was for parents/guardians to download stuff, not have kids wandering the pages of the site at will
[12:54] Edeyn> the intent is for parents to know which ones are "safe" yes.
[12:54] angela> Edyen -- my guess is I'm one of the most liberal people in this conversation. Don't mistake my fear for any wish to stop first amendment rights.
[12:55] Edeyn> however, there's nothing stopping children from coming onto the site as it stands now
[12:55] angela> There's a huge gap between nothing stops them and openly encouraging them.
[12:55] Edeyn> and again, how is this openly encouraging?
[12:56] jennibrock> When Ron Paul is president, we won't have to worry about those draconian laws anymore.
[12:56] Edeyn> we're not going to other places and saying, "Heeeeeeey, KIIIIIDS! Come on over to BigCloset TopShelf, we have stories for you!"
[12:56] angela> Story descriptions are used to "sell" the story. That is encouraging.
[12:56] kiai> angela, how would you suggest solving this: protecting the site while accomplishing what they want?
[12:57] Edeyn> it's a TAG, not part of the description, and that use of the word "sell" is loaded and used as hyperbole
[12:57] Edeyn> client's done... back soon, I hope
[12:57] angela> !.) I have a Ron Paul sign on my lawn. 2.) I already said, such a service should be done thorugh a separate site.
[12:57] * stanman63 has joined #Main_Room
[12:57] stanman63> [Joins the Chat Room]
[12:57] * Laika has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[12:57] stanman63> hi
[12:57] kiai> hi stan
[12:58] Cindy> welcome Stan
[12:58] stanman63> ty
[12:58] jennibrock> Hey stan
[12:58] angela> Put it this way. Kiddy porn is a huge negative. If you continue with that descriptor I will pull all my stories and have nothing to do with this site.
[12:58] stanman63> angela, are you the author of those gaby dre fancics
[12:59] stanman63> hi jenn
[12:59] angela> Nooooo
[12:59] stanman63> ok
[12:59] kiai> bob, are you still here?
[12:59] Bob_A> yes
[13:00] kiai> is it possible to implement a rating-filter within a drupal site?
[13:00] stanman63> i abhor kidd porn
[13:00] angela> I applaude recognizing the need, but think the people who own the site are being quite cavalier.
[13:00] jennibrock> How do you get from that "safe for kids" descriptor to "kiddy porn"?
[13:00] Bob_A> Maybe but that's a question that Erin should answer since BCTS is her site.
[13:00] angela> Bob -- you're careful about the content of your stories. What do you think.
[13:01] angela> Jenni --- I wouldn;t make that jump but the world is filled with prosecutors who would.
[13:02] Bob_A> I think that this is a question that Erin should address. On my own site I don't allow incest or under-age sex in stories posted there. That's just a persona preference though.
[13:02] Bob_A> personal...
[13:02] stanman63> well, if this is the topic, i will go
[13:03] kiai> i know that rating-filters are implemented at the major fanfic sites. eFic allows for a limit for anonymous browsers; to get the full ratings panoply, you must register, and age information can be taken there
[13:03] * stanman63 has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[13:03] angela> That sounds like a very good idea.
[13:04] angela> Is there anyone in this discussion who is under 21?
[13:04] kiai>, which is a HP-specific R/NC17 site, doesn't allow any anonymous access to stories.
[13:04] jennibrock> If a prosecutor wanted to shut us down, all they'd have to do is a search for stories flagged "Adult content" and "character age: child"
[13:05] angela> Really Jenni - is it illegal to write about a child involved in TG stories?
[13:06] kiai>, another HP site, pops up a javascript dialog the first time you try to access an R story, asking you to declare that you're of legal age. it then session-cookies the answer
[13:06] jennibrock> It depends on the judge
[13:06] Edeyn> Back
[13:06] angela> Damn those activist judges.
[13:07] Edeyn> I don't understand how "Youth Appropriate" gets translated as underage porn
[13:08] angela> By labeling a story "Youth Appropriate" you have invited youth onto this site. This site contains stories that could be identified as pornographic.
[13:08] kiai> i didn't protest after the Sixties because i left my minority there.
[13:09] angela> It has been so long I can't remember where I left my minority.
[13:09] Edeyn> Okay, just having the label available doesn't do anything to invite anyone anywhere.
[13:10] angela> If it doesn't do anything -- why do it at all?
[13:10] Edeyn> I didn't say it did nothing, now did I?
[13:10] Edeyn> I would appreciate you not trying to say I've said something I've not
[13:11] angela> If you want to get contentious, this conversation will go nowhere.
[13:11] Edeyn> so, unless I let you interpret what I say how you want, the conversation will just end
[13:12] Bob_A> Let's move on to other things. Until you can get Erin involved there's not much more to say is there?
[13:12] kiai> takes your declaration of age at the door, and lets you into one of two mainpages, one of which is filtered. whether and how much the two fronts share the database, i don't know; the code is homegrown.
[13:12] Edeyn> the topic was discussed on the BB yesterday. Go look it over, Angela
[13:12] angela> No --- you will sya, what I meant was . . . . and it will go from there. Give me the respect I deserve, which means try to understand that we are on the same side.
[13:13] angela> Edeyn -- because I wasn't here yesterady doesn't make me any less a member of this community.
[13:13] Edeyn> I didn't say that it did!
[13:14] Edeyn> I was pointing out where it was at so you could "catch up"
[13:14] Edeyn> you ask for respect from me and then give me none in return?
[13:14] * Edeyn has quit IRC (Leaving: )
[13:15] angela> I guess when you have a 189 IQ you understand these issues better than I do.
[13:15] jennibrock> you could almost hear the virtual door slamming
[13:16] ScottRamsey> My computer shook
[13:16] Cindy> I feel sorry for Edeyn
[13:17] jennibrock> I think the only real way of knowing if that flag would be harmful would be to ask a lawyer, but none of us are.
[13:17] tin> very true.
[13:18] kiai> it's a real issue, but letting our tempers get the better of us and cause us to sharpen our words benefits nobody but the Cave-Baptists.
[13:19] angela> Hmmmm -- has anyone noticed how many votes Hukkebee is getting?
[13:19] jennibrock> It's Colbert's fault
[13:19] ScottRamsey> Cave Baptists? Are they like Primitive Baptists?
[13:20] angela> I think they settled that and it's Conan's fault.
[13:20] * Bob_A has quit IRC (Leaving: Bob_A )
[13:21] kiai> yeah. without getting into specifics, i know people in the American and Southern Baptist Coventions (of churches); they aghast at how their denomination has been taken over by Neanderthals.
[13:21] jennibrock> My mother had to switch churches because some evangelicals took control and kicked a gay man off the board of deacons.
[13:22] * Karen_Page has quit IRC (Leaving: A quit're having a laugh )
[13:22] * Samantha has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[13:22] Cindy> oh my
[13:22] angela> I hate to be put in the position of defending acting prudently. If a label can be construed to be a solicitation someone will make that case.
[13:22] Cindy> true Angela
[13:22] jennibrock> Her new church is still an American Baptist, but the pastor is a lesbian
[13:24] angela> Someone asked if we should be content to live in fear -- or something like that. My answer is, "Do we have a choice?"
[13:24] angela> I didn;t mean to misquote or mischaracterize Edeyn. But my computer only keeps about forty lines of what is actually said.
[13:25] Cindy> don't live in fear, but don't live in ignorance either
[13:26] angela> My experience with courts and the law has been extensive and bleak. Nothing criminal, but I've lost millions in court. Judges are whimsical and highly political.
[13:26] kiai> a: it's exactly for backscroll and logging that I just about never go into a chatroom that isn't on IRC. I use Xchat on Linux; mIRC on Windows also does full logging. being able to reread what's said is dritical to me.
[13:26] kiai> critical
[13:26] jennibrock> The law is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands, and it frequently seems to be.
[13:27] angela> My eyes are getting blurry and I've done enough damage here so good luck to you.
[13:28] tin> true judges use it on how they interrupert the laws
[13:28] tin> bye angela
[13:28] Cindy> the law is a weapon in the hands of anyone who chooses to use or abuse it
[13:28] angela> Bye
[13:28] * angela has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[13:28] kiai> i don't think we'll ever be free until citizenship for corporations is rescinded. until then, it's government by pressure group.
[13:30] jennibrock> I've got to go. Too many chores to do today.
[13:30] tin> be right back have to go get milk.
[13:30] * jennibrock has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[13:30] Cindy> thank you for being here Jenni
[13:30] Cindy> oops missed her
[13:31] ScottRamsey> she was gone pretty quick
[13:31] * petruschka has joined #Main_Room
[13:31] petruschka> [Joins the Chat Room]
[13:31] kiai> you wer faster'n me... i put hands to keybd and she sent her quit
[13:31] kiai> hi petruschka
[13:31] ScottRamsey> hello petruschka
[13:32] * petruschka has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[13:32] * laika has joined #Main_Room
[13:32] laika> [Joins the Chat Room]
[13:32] Cindy> wb Kaika
[13:32] ScottRamsey> wb laika
[13:32] kiai> just a driveby... at least s/he didn't dump an ad on the way through (seen enough of those on IRC)
[13:32] kiai> re laika
[13:33] laika> hi, my cat got caught in the curtains, pulled the whole thing down...
[13:33] Cindy> oh my
[13:33] ScottRamsey> poor little kitty
[13:33] Cindy> it has been a pretty good chat today
[13:34] Cindy> particularily considering the lack of attendance
[13:34] laika> that is weird, should have reposted the announcement
[13:34] laika> it left the front page long ago
[13:35] kiai> i suggest, whenever the chat is mentioned, that the URIs be mentioned as well
[13:35] laika> did angela & edeyn settle their dispute?
[13:35] Cindy> no they didn't
[13:36] Cindy> Edeyn left in a hurry
[13:36] Cindy> probably upset
[13:36] laika> about the same time I did?
[13:36] ScottRamsey> no it was well after that
[13:36] kiai> not really. words got heated. angela later said that part of the problem is having only abt 40 lines of backscroll, so she was going on memory for some of what was said
[13:36] laika> ah...
[13:36] laika> I really like them both
[13:37] Cindy> I'm logging this chat
[13:37] kiai> you quit at 15:57 my logtime. edeyn quit at 16:14.
[13:37] Cindy> I have it all
[13:37] kiai> same here
[13:39] ScottRamsey> I knew as soon as the discussion started they wouldn't settle anything
[13:40] Cindy> I agree
[13:40] kiai> how could they, when erin, the site owner and the de facto setter of policy, isn't included
[13:41] kiai> i do understand angela's concern, hence my comments
[13:42] kiai> pity that tempers frayed
[13:42] Cindy> yes
[13:42] laika> two VERY opinionated gals
[13:42] laika> gotta love that
[13:43] * Brandi clamps her hand over her mouth
[13:43] tin> yes they both have strong opinions and are both right in a way
[13:43] laika> yeah
[13:43] Cindy> Edeyn has always seems strong willed
[13:44] kiai> scott, brandi's prolly gonna need help keeping her hair outa the toilet
[13:44] laika> too much tequila?
[13:44] ScottRamsey> Nah she was just keeping herself from saying something
[13:45] kiai> that sudden, it more reminded me of something that wears off in about 40 weeks
[13:46] laika> nice sunny day here in northern nevada- ALMOST shirtsleeve weather
[13:47] kiai> 31.5F in eastern Mass.
[13:47] Cindy> Northern Nevada? ? ?
[13:47] * Audball has joined #Main_Room
[13:47] Audball> [Joins the Chat Room]
[13:47] tin> wish i could say the same i think its around zero before the wind chill
[13:47] laika> outskirts of reno
[13:47] Audball> Guess I'm too late?
[13:47] kiai> hi Audball
[13:47] Cindy> pretty much Audball
[13:47] laika> hi audball
[13:47] tin> hi audball
[13:47] Audball> I miss anything exciting?
[13:47] laika> Ive resorted to talking about the weather. never a good sign
[13:48] Audball> that boring a day?
[13:48] Cindy> I was raise for about 4 years in Northern Nevada
[13:48] kiai> yeah, the virtual beer's all gone, the volleyball team got their bikinis back on...
[13:48] Cindy> Reno and Elko
[13:49] kiai> we can go back to scott and his chicken rituals
[13:49] laika> I never did catch the significance of that reference
[13:49] kiai> lol
[13:49] Audball> I'd prefer chicken victuals
[13:49] kiai> something he said last night in answer to "what do you all do for fun"
[13:49] ScottRamsey> It's not so much a ritual
[13:50] laika> as...
[13:50] laika> a fetish?
[13:50] laika> sorry
[13:51] ScottRamsey> no, mainly just something to frighten the neighbors
[13:51] laika> running amok in a chicken outfit?
[13:51] kiai> Feb 09 22:48:49 ScottRamsey> I only have fun once a month when I bite the heads off live chickens under the
[13:51] kiai> full moon
[13:52] kiai> Feb 09 22:49:16 ScottRamsey> everyone needs a hobby you know
[13:52] kiai> :)
[13:52] Audball> I should go
[13:52] Audball> have a nice night!
[13:52] * Audball has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[13:52] laika> alrightee, take care
[13:52] laika> too late
[13:52] kiai> lol
[13:53] ScottRamsey> Man everyone leaves before I can say bye
[13:53] kiai> you don't suppose we scared them off
[13:53] Cindy> they are quick to leave
[13:53] * theignorantidiot has joined #Main_Room
[13:53] theignorantidiot> [Joins the Chat Room]
[13:53] kiai> wb iggie
[13:53] Cindy> which is understandable
[13:53] laika> greetings, igz
[13:53] Cindy> considering this is not a regular chat group
[13:53] kiai> nor a regular IRC network
[13:54] Cindy> and they would not feel the need to linger on goodbyes
[13:54] theignorantidiot> the ignorant idiot returns but will be interrupted to attend to hamber helper that is being made
[13:55] ScottRamsey> Wow, I just let the little glove guy take care of that
[13:55] kiai> hint with Hamburger Helper: sprinkle some No-Salt into it while fixing. notice that the ingredients list contains MSG... balance that sodium with potassium while you can.
[13:55] laika> i had to fire my little glove guy
[13:56] laika> caught him in a compromising position w/ the pillsbury doughboy
[13:56] laika> nevermind
[13:57] laika> not that theres anything wrong, but not around the food
[13:57] kiai> lol
[13:57] tin> lol
[13:58] ScottRamsey> yeah that does have an ick factor when its near the food laika
[13:58] kiai> ...for some strange reason...
[14:00] kiai> well, i got stuff i gotta do, responsibilities i've gotta fulfill. when's the next chat, cindy?
[14:01] laika> do take care, kiai...
[14:01] Cindy> whenever we decide to make one
[14:01] ScottRamsey> bye kiai
[14:01] laika> I could go for once a month with these
[14:01] kiai> cindy, next time see if you can keep your ops. things might've stayed a little cooler with someone with kick-power in theroom.
[14:01] Cindy> bye Kiai
[14:01] kiai> good idea laika
[14:01] kiai> gnight all
[14:01] * kiai has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving )
[14:02] ScottRamsey> Bob was here
[14:03] laika> yeah. he tends to stay kinda quiet
[14:03] laika> did last time
[14:03] tin> i noticed that
[14:04] laika> maybe feels in the semi-official capacity it's not apropos
[14:04] theignorantidiot> what or who is a little glove guy?
[14:04] Cindy> yes this chat is located on his server
[14:04] laika> from television commercials
[14:05] laika> the mascot of hamburger helper
[14:05] ScottRamsey> the Hamburger Helper guy
[14:05] theignorantidiot> OOOHHHHH!!!!!
[14:05] laika> idiotic drivel
[14:05] laika> no, not you ignorantidiot
[14:06] theignorantidiot> No offense taken from anything said in this chat.
[14:07] ScottRamsey> Bob tried to get them to move on, they just ignored him
[14:08] laika> erin's fun when she joins in. a brilliant wit about her
[14:08] theignorantidiot> I thought a little glove guy might be some one dressed up as a victorian bordello page or wearing a body glove and opera gloves.
[14:09] laika> i think i caught sight of him in the background in kubricks The Shining
[14:09] laika> i'm babbling
[14:10] laika> this made me sleepy, dont know that i could write now
[14:10] * stanman63 has joined #Main_Room
[14:11] stanman63> [Joins the Chat Room]
[14:11] * laika has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[14:11] ScottRamsey> babbling can be amusing
[14:11] theignorantidiot> Welcome stanman63.
[14:11] stanman63> ty
[14:11] stanman63> where bob?
[14:12] theignorantidiot> For now history here.
[14:13] stanman63> I wanted to ask him abvout posting at stardust as i have stories at bc
[14:13] ScottRamsey> He left a while back stan
[14:14] stanman63> he left a blog saying the chat was closed at end of feb
[14:15] stanman63> because a couple of people got mad here
[14:15] ScottRamsey> Oh that is just plain over reacting
[14:16] stanman63> well if they cause a closing they need 2b spanked
[14:17] stanman63> cindy r u from gabyzone?/
[14:18] Cindy> closing this chatroom won't stop the disagreements
[14:18] Cindy> yes Stan
[14:18] ScottRamsey> Must control Rant Reflex....
[14:18] stanman63> brandi, hi
[14:18] stanman63> cool
[14:18] * amym has joined #Main_Room
[14:18] amym> [Joins the Chat Room]
[14:18] Cindy> disagreements have taken place in GabyZone and TGSA both
[14:19] Cindy> so closing this room
[14:19] Cindy> will simply move elsewhere
[14:19] stanman63> hi amy
[14:19] Cindy> welcome Amy
[14:19] stanman63> true
[14:19] ScottRamsey> Hi Amym
[14:19] * amym has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving the chat room. )
[14:19] ScottRamsey> Brandi is sleeping write now Stan
[14:19] Cindy> I guess we weren't interesting enough for Amy
[14:19] * amym has joined #Main_Room
[14:19] amym> Joins the Chat Room]
[14:20] Cindy> wb Amy
[14:20] theignorantidiot> welcome amym!
[14:20] Cindy> very glad to meet you
[14:20] amym> Hello I'm new to chat
[14:21] amym> So if I screw up a little forgive me
[14:21] Cindy> welcome my dear
[14:21] stanman63> me too
[14:21] Cindy> you are forgiven in advance of all screwups
[14:21] Cindy> is that ok ?
[14:21] ScottRamsey> the solution I would think is to get some people willing to moderate in case tempers flare
[14:21] theignorantidiot> Every body started some time. Feel free to screw up!
[14:21] tin> how are you amym am also new to chat this is only my third time
[14:21] amym> I've come here a couple times but usually no ones here
[14:22] tin> i know how that feels
[14:22] theignorantidiot> Before today, it had a lot of months sence I was here!
[14:22] Cindy> I usually try to be on after I get home from work about 7PM PST
[14:22] amym> So if everyone else here because of the impending close
[14:23] ScottRamsey> no we were here long before that
[14:23] Cindy> no, the scheduled chat set by Erin
[14:23] theignorantidiot> Just heard of it. Over all I think it a very bad thing!
[14:23] tin> so where are you from amym?
[14:23] amym> I remember something mentioned but isn't Erin off today?
[14:24] amym> Arizona
[14:24] tin> yeah it'll stink if they do close it because of just two people.
[14:24] Cindy> Erin had personal business to take care of
[14:24] tin> im from wisconsin
[14:24] amym> I hope everything is well for her

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