Looking for stories similar to Sleethr's "She of the Jade Skirt"


I'm a long time fictionmania lurker and therefore fairly new to BigCloset. Is it possible to use an include/exclude tag search? Because so far I haven't found one...

Anyway, the main reason I'm posting is because I'm hoping for new story suggestions. Purely by chance I stumbled upon Sleethr's "She of the Jade Skirt", and I absolutely loved this story! Since this story hasn't been posted at fm, I'm wondering if there are more such stories over here which I don't know of. If yes, could you please recommend some? :)

I absolutely love long stories (novellas and novels) which incorporate a magic or sci-fi gender change (therefore no crossdressing, operation or similar) and where the transformed main character has to adapt to her new life during some sort of adventure. And if she, additionally to her new body, gains some sort of "powers", all the better.

Here are some examples of the stories over at fm which fit into this category:

- Many works of The Professor (Deity Arms Universe, Crescent City Universe, The Former Boys Club, County Fair)
- Many works of Danielle J (Her Great Shift stories, her Altered Fates stories, her MAU stories)
- Many of ElrodW's Bikini Beach stories
- KeikoJade's magnificent "Mermaid"
- O2bxx's "Throwing Like a Girl"
- TarBaby's "For a Girl"
- Many of AnonAllsop's works ("Kodiak", "The Homestead", "Yankee Belle")

Thanks for all recommendations!