Looking for a Story, Shadowrun?

I have this vague recollection of a story I read (at least part of) years ago.

The story involved an M-to-F TS person who was living in a science fiction and/or cyberpunk world. There may also have been magic involved which is why I wonder if it's a Shadowrun story.

My key recollection is that the protagonist was running various illegal jobs to pay for her transition. The distinctive element was that she had actually had own genetic material sampled and spliced and had created an artificial XX chromosome sample. She was using this to have a clone version of a female reproductive system grown, one that would actually be hers, and that she could have implanted when she did the SRS.

I can't for the life of me recall if this was something somewhere on this site, or perhaps Fictionmania, or ... it might have even been mainstream fiction.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?